Chapter 5

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"Isabelle Sophia Lightwood." Oh no Isabelle thought what she had done this time because her mom and head of the New York Institute, Maryse Lightwood is the only one who ever calls her by her full name when she is in trouble. Isabelle turned around to her mother standing with a skin tight dress and her hair flat on her head in a low ponytail. Her leader look.

" Good morning, mother." Isabelle quietly greeted her. But, her mother went towards Alec ignoring Isabelle and hugged him. Then she went towards Jace who was now standing up next to Clary and hugged him. She did this every time, she would always make Isabelle feel like she's not good enough.

" Well kids, its great to see you after a long time." Maryse smiled at Alec and Jace. "But I have some bad news for you," now she looked towards Isabelle. "The Clave have found out that the Seelies have information that only Shadowhunters know. And they are suspecting that one of our people have been telling them."

"And you think that Izzy has been telling them?" Alec asked with disbelief that his mom could even think about it.

"Alec, everyone knows about Isabelle's intimate interactions with the Seelies." Maryse replied.

"Yes Alec, everyone knows, it should be no surprise that even our mom thinks the same. I mean it's always me who does everything wrong." Isabelle said, trying her best to hold back tears.

"Isabelle would never tell information if she knew it would hurt any of us." Jace defended.

" This not about hurting, this is about our family's reputation, the Lightwood name. If the Clave finds that Isabelle could have been the one who told the Seelies, then she could put up for high treason, and so would be our position to lead the Institute." Maryse explained. "The only way to make it right would be to break all your relationships connected with the Seelies." Maryse added.

"WHAT?! How could you ask me to do that? I love Meliorn! How could you even?" Isabelle yelled at her mother and her tears couldn't be stopped.

"Isabelle think of what would happen to your family, to our name in the Shadow World, think of your brothers! Would you just let it all go just because of some guy." Maryse barked. Clary soon went to Isabelle's side and held her.

"Mother, stop! Just stop. Please." Isabelle begged.

" Isabelle, remember that you are a shadowhunter, emotions CANNOT cloud your judgment. Think about the bigger picture." Maryse said. Isabelle just started to cry harder, she shook Clary's hands off her and ran to her room. She saw Prince sleeping on her bed and tried not to disturb him. 

How can she do this to me? I love Meliorn, how can she tell me to not to love him? She thought to herself, while she sat with her legs crossed and her hands on her head. But, what is if she's right, what if the Clave accuses me of leaking information? What if? She shook those thoughts away.

I will just meet Meliorn and tell him everything and it will be alright. Everything will be alright. Just alright. Isabelle decided as she stood and got ready to go to Meliorn's. 

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