Chapter 14

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Everyone's mouths were hanging open and eyes which seemed like they would come out their socket some time soon, when they saw Isabelle and Raphael come in hand in hand. And there was even a bit of anger in Alec's eyes seeing his little sister coming with her arm around a blood drinking monster.

"You can take her now." Raphael said and Isabelle took out her arm and walked towards Clary.

" Be careful, your eyes might come out." Isabelle whispered with a smirk and everyone returned back to normal posture.

My people will be more than glad to show you the way out." With that being said, Raphael eyed one of his vampires and he nodded in return. A vampire dressed in a red suit with a black shirt under, walked towards the 5 of them and lead the way out. The walk was rather quiet and the vampire stopped just before the door, they had come in from. Vampires can't stand sunlight and it was morning. Duh.

"Well thank you." Magnus thanked to the vampire just before he left to hide from the sunlight. And they got out of the door to be welcomed by warmth.

"Are you going to tell us WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! Did he hurt you?" Clary started shouting at Isabelle while checking through Isabelle's arms for any vampire bite.

"Stop it, Clary." Isabelle said while brushing off Clary's hands. "He didn't do anything to me. We just talked." Isabelle said while turning her back so that no one could see the color that was rising on her cheek.

"Talked?! What do you mean talked?" Jace asked in confusion.

"It means exactly what it means. We. Just. Talked." Isabelle replied while turning back to face everyone.

"Isa-" Alec was about to going to say something to Isabelle but Magnus interrupted him.

"Leave it." Magnus said while keeping his hand on Alec's shoulder. These were times that Isabelle loved Magnus more than just her brother's boyfriend. She loved him more like a brother because he would always come to her rescue.

"Fine." Alec replied and everyday went silent for a couple of seconds.

"So are we planning to just stand here all day?" Jace sarcastically asked, breaking the ice.

"Yea, we should get going and submit this to the Clave as soon as possible." Alec said and started walking towards no actual destination.

"Alexander, um I think it would be faster if we went by a car." Magnus said as he swirled his hands again in the air and made the limousine appear again. "Abracadabra people. Make yourselves comfortable."

All of them sat in the limo and again, the journey was very quiet. In what seemed like a 1000 years, they finally reached the Institute and everyone got off, except for Magnus.

"I have to get going, have some warlock business to take care of. Take care." Magnus said and kissed lightly on Alec's lips, before leaving them in the front of the Institute.

All of them went inside and looked for Maryse to give the agreement. "Oh there she is." Clary pointed out to the middle of the Institute and Maryse was talking to someone. Alec walked first towards Maryse and everyone else followed him.

"Hello mother." Alec greeted Maryse and she turned around to see Alec and hugged him. "Um, we have the agreement signed." Alec said while giving the agreement to Maryse.

"Good job. I am proud of you all." Maryse complimented them by nodding at everyone, except for Isabelle.

"Yea, um I have to go." Alec said and walked away to his room and Isabelle went behind him.

"Alec, stop. Stop!" Isabelle shouted and Alec stopped.

"What is it?" Alec annoyingly asked her.

"What is your problem?" 

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