Chapter 10

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Isabelle made her way to Alec's room, and saw Magnus and Alec sitting casually on the couch. "What's going on? Aren't we supposed to go to the vampires?" Isabelle asked.

"Oh we are just waiting for Jace and Clary," Magnus replied. With that, Jace and Clary entered in the room together and Alec and Magnus got up. "Shall we, lovebirds?" Magnus asked them, and both of their cheeks blushed.

All of them walked out of the Institute, to be invited by the cold wind. "It's freezing out here," Isabelle said while wrapping her hands around herself to keep herself warm. "How far is the vampire's lair?I sure don't want to die out here."

"I agree, can't we just portal there?" Clary added.

"You know I can't, I can only portal to places where I have been. And the vampires always keep changing their lair." Magnus replied and Isabelle and Clary let out a sigh.

"But, how far is this lair, Magnus?" Alec asked.

"Probably an hour walk," Magnus replied.

"An hour!!" Isabelle and Clary both screamed at the same time.

"Girls! Calm down, like seriously," Jace requested them.

"How are we supposed to walk for like an hour?!" Clary asked in disbelief while ignoring Jace.

"Oh come on, it's not even that far." Alec defended.

"Couldn't we just rent a car or something?" Isabelle suggested.

"Yeah, can't you like use your magic to make a car appear?" Clary asked Magnus.

"You know what, sure. What kinda car would you like?" Magnus asked while swirling his hands in the air, revealing pink swirls in the air.

"A limousine. Always arrive in style." Isabelle answered.

"Limousine it is," With that, Magnus swirled his hands in big circles and a black limousine appeared before them. "Ah, beautiful isn't it."

"Beautiful indeed," Alec complimented with surprise in his eyes.

"I am not driving!" Jace hurriedly told and dragged Clary to the back seat with him.

"Not me," Isabelle also declared and went to the back seat with them. And that Magnus and Alec, who were smiling at each other.

"Alec and I would love to take the driver's seat," Magnus smirked, while Alec lightly blushed.

Before they knew it, they had made it to the vampire's lair. "Get off everyone, we are here," Alec told.

"Already! Why?" Jace whined as he got off from the limousine.

"Focus Jace," Alec ordered Jace while Jace helped Clary out by catching her hand as she got off the limousine. And Isabelle gracefully jumped out of the limousine after Clary.

"Hotel Dumort, hmm interesting name," Isabelle said while she looked at the bright red board on a hotel, which didn't have any paint covering the bricks but looked strangely interesting to Isabelle.

"Remember to activate your block runes, so that vampires can't sense us coming, at least for a while." Alec reminded and everyone took out their stele and hovered it over their blocking runes. "Okay then, Magnus how do we enter?" Alec asked in his leader's voice.

"There's a door near those bushes," Magnus pointed out to the bushes to the right of the hotel and they walked towards it. They moved the bushes as they walked into it, when they finally found a steel door on the ground. "There it is. Would you like to do the honors?" Magnus asked Alec. Alec nodded lightly at Magnus and drew a rune on the lock on the door, and it opened.

"Gear up people, we are going in," Alec called out with excitement in his voice.  

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