Chapter 31

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Her voice...she couldn't use it. Her eyes, she couldn't open them.  Her body, she couldn't move it. She couldn't understand what was happening to her. The space around her was cold but she was lying on something warm. She could hear something...someone walking towards her. And slowly, the cold air began to disappear. 

"Remember that I will always love you." Isabelle what was going to come next, she struggled to open her eyes, use her voice, move her body, to do anything to stop from leaving. To stop anything that was going to happen next.

Her heart was racing, her mind was a blur, and her body was good as dead. She could feel a hand on her cheek, a strong, yet a soft hand. As if nothing has changed, she still couldn't force herself to keep ahold of the hand. To never let it go. 

Her cheek felt empty, cold again without it, the hand. She wanted it. She needed it. The warmth was going away, he was going away. She had to stop him, she needed to stop him. Her eyes were slowly beginning to listen to her and it opened but as usual, everything around her vapourised. 

"I have to." Those were the last words that Isabelle heard before falling into the blackness that opened up beneath her.  

Isabelle jolted awake with sweat forming in her forehead and her heart speeding. She felt hot in her cold room. It was starting to become difficult for her to breathe in her room with her neck becoming dry with the lack of water she has consumed. She searched for a glass of water near her bed and managed to find an empty glass. Great. She jumped off her bed quietly to make sure not to wake up Prince, who was snoring on the little pillow that he had found in Isabelle's room.

She made her way to the hallway and tried to calm down to be able to catch a breath. Her footsteps were quiet and subtle for anyone to hear with the silent buzz noise of the machines in the Institute. Suddenly, it felt as if Isabelle was hit with a gush of wind which couldn't have been possible due to the fact no doors are open during the nighttime. There's probably something wrong with the AC. She thought to herself, trying to convince herself because she felt the same coldness that she had felt in her dream. 

By now, her body had goosebumps all over but she didn't have the energy to care. After what felt like forever, she found a jug of water and poured herself a glass of water and another and another and another one. Drinking a couple of glasses made her mind clear and her body systems back to normal. 

Her cheek started to warm up, warmer than the rest of her body. Felt like someone had cupped her face. Quickly, she brushed her cheeks in hope of getting off the warmth. Again, she felt a sweep of cold air fly past her. 

"I have to." These words were whispered into Izzy's ears clear for her to understand and Isabelle hurriedly looked around her. The voice of the words made her heart pound and her mind to become fuzzy. Her body was feeling cold even with the warm clothes that she had worn.

"Is anyone there?" Isabelle asked, waiting for a reply who was supposedly messing with her. But no one replied. "This is not funny. Anyone who's out there, you better come out before I find you myself." She cautioned anyone who was standing there, while she got up and walked to the kitchen door. She waited for any sort of noise of footsteps or any sight of someone. But she saw no one. She couldn't help herself but question herself. Was she going out of her mind? Did she really hear what she heard? Isabelle, what has happened to you? You need to focus. What will Mother say if she saw you like this? With those thoughts, Isabelle walked back to her room with her hand on her cheek absentmindedly. 

Lying on her bed, she struggled to figure what was the reality and what was a dream with everything that happened to her. Eventually, her body gave up on her thoughts, and her eyes gave way to sleep, sending her into a deep, much-needed sleep. 

(HOLLAAAA, guess whose back with a new chapter!! All I want to say is that you guys are amazing and the best. Thank you so much for your appreciation and love to me and my story <3 Hope you guys like the new chapters. Lots of love, Saarah Khan )

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