Chapter 19

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"Mhmm that cake was good. Black forest?"

"Um, yeah. Wait what are you doing here Raphael?" Isabelle asked while Raphael was lost in the taste.

"Um, bite everyone and suck their blood out. Duh." Raphael sarcastically answered.

"No, like seriously. What are you doing here?" Isabelle dragged Raphael away from everyone to a corner, before anyone saw him.

"You guys forgot something at my place and like a gentleman, I came back to return it." He pulled out a witchlight from his black suit and held it so carefully with his two hands. "I believe this is yours." As Raphael looked at the witch light, Isabelle looked at his eyes. It looked so warm and innocent that you would think it would have never hurt a fly and she thought how his life would have been before he became a vampire, when Raphael handed over the witchlight to Isabelle.

"Oh right, um thank you." Isabelle diverted her attention from Raphael and looked down at her witch light. "And I am sorry for you know, dragging you here. If anyone, especially Alec saw you here, he would... not be happy." Isabelle apologized and when she looked up, Raphael wasn't there.

"Isabelle what are you doing here?" Isabelle turned around and saw her mom.

"Oh, um nothing I will be right back. Enjoy the party." Isabelle sent off her mom and when she turned back around, Raphael was back.

"Where did you go?"

"I heard someone coming so I hid and when they went, I came back. I listened to what you said." Raphael replied with a small smile. And Isabelle's heart beat grew faster as she saw Raphael's smile. Oh my god no, stupid heart. Stop beating so hard. Isabelle thought to herself. And stop staring him. There was awkward silence between them for a few seconds.

"Well I should get going, you should go back to your party. Oh yeah, happy birthday again. Sorry I didn't get a gift."

"No, its okay. I didn't even remember my own birthday and thank you." Isabelle replied while joining her two hands together.

"Your welcome, okay then I will see you. Adiós!" With that Raphael sped out and left Isabelle standing alone. She straightened her dress with her hands and walked towards the party. She couldn't remember the last time the Institute held a party. Maybe it was when Max was born, which was like 6-7 years ago.

"Where were you Izzy?" Clary asked with a slice of cake in her hand.

"Ah, nowhere. And Clary thank you so much for the party and the cake and everything. I can't tell you how much this all means to me. Thank you." Isabelle sincerely thanked. She was never the one people would throw parties for because she was the one throwing parties for everyone else.

"Izzy... You are like my big sister. I can do anything for you." Clary replied and Isabelle hugged her tightly. "Well, now stop being so emotional and enjoy the party. I mean the party is YOURS! Go on." With that Clary pushed Isabelle towards the party and went to Jace.

The party was at least for 5 hours. There were songs, people danced, they sang, joked around, and had fun. The Institute that was designed to stop demons had become a club for people to have fun or dance around. People were smiling and forgetting about their worries and dancing their hearts out. And Isabelle, the most was very happy and surprised as to how her mom was so strong and didn't let her broken family break her down. And when the party was about to come to an end, everyone were drunk and happy.

"That party was lit." Jace exclaimed as Clary, Izzy, and Alec were walking towards their rooms.

"Agreed, everyone were so happy." Clary added.

"I just wished everyday was like this." Isabelle sighed.

"But, then who will save the day?" Alec nudged Isabelle.

"Yea, but still."

"No, buts. Get a good night's sleep, we have to get back to work tomorrow." Alec said and went to his room and so did everyone else. 

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