Chapter 16

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 Isabelle thought her mom was going to taunt her on some stupid action she must have done and compare it to the heroic actions of Jace and Alec. Isabelle entered her mom's office and saw Alec sitting on one of the couches that were in her mom's office. Alec's face didn't give out much about what or why their mom had called them. His face also had curiosity and confusion like Isabelle. Isabelle joined him on the couch and waited for their mother to say something.

"What is this about?" Isabelle whispered to Alec.

"I have no clue. Maybe a new mission?" Alec replied.

"A mission without Jace. Impossible." Isabelle said and Alec answered by shrugging his shoulders.

"You two must be wondering why I have called you both." Isabelle could almost hear her mother's voice crack when she spoke. "I wanted to tell you two something." Maryse paused for a while and turned her back so that she wasn't facing her children when tears starting to roll down her cheeks.

"Mother, are you alright?" Alec stood up and put his hand on his mother's shoulder.

"Yea, I am absolutely fine," Maryse replied and tried her best to wipe her tears from her face and turned around to see her son's affectionate face and her daughter's worried face.

"Mom! What happened? Why are you crying?" Isabelle went towards Maryse and her hands began to shake as she saw her mother cry in front of her. She had never seen her mom so weak and fragile. She had always been the strong leader of the Institute. Maryse dropped to the ground with her two children by her side.

"Mother, what is it?" Alec worriedly asked.

"Your dad...... he chea-" Maryse couldn't even make the word come out of her mouth. Isabelle froze the moment she understood what her mother said. She couldn't believe that her dad, Robert Lightwood cheated on her mother. Isabelle didn't know what to think whether to believe that her father who brought her gifts, every time he would come to the Institute cheated on her mother. Her father was always the person she could trust and look upon to. "Isabelle I know this is a lot for you to take in. That's why I pushed it to the last minute to tell you. I know you loved him very much. I am really sorry, Isabelle." Maryse lightly put her hand on Isabelle's cheek.

As much as Isabelle wanted to go to her room and curl up and cry her eyes out, she had to be there for her mom. Especially in a time like this, she had to support her mom. Not only her but also her brother had to be with their mother. The leader of the Institute.

This whole time, Alec was handling their mom with absolute care and affection. Isabelle could see how hard Alec was trying not to cry and focus all his energy on supporting his mom.

"Mother it's going to be alright. We are here. We will always be here." Alec assured their weeping mother. Both Isabelle and Alec were holding their mom in their arms and hugging her.

"Everything will be alright. We are right here." Isabelle repeated after her brother and their mother sobbed quietly and all three of them stayed together for a while, just holding each other.

"I love you. More than you two can imagine. Thank you." Maryse told her two children and stood up with them. Now was the time Isabelle saw her real mom. Her loving mom, not the strong head of the Institute who always knows what to do. Maryse put each hand on one cheek of Alec and one cheek of Isabelle and looked at them lovingly and with a feeling pride.

"We love you too, mother. More than anything and we will always be here." Alec said and looked at Isabelle for confirmation.

"Yes, we will always be there," Isabelle added while wiping a tear from her mother's face. Maryse pulled Alec and Isabelle into a hug and heard a knock at the door. They broke from the hug and Maryse answered the door to see the last person she wanted to meet at the time.



(Hello everyone, thank you so much for reading my story. I can't thank you guys enough, and I am really sorry for updating my story very late. Sorry and thank you guys very much <3. Keep reading!) 

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