Chapter 6

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      Isabelle quietly left the Institute and set out to Meliorn's house in the mundane world. And just to be on the safe side, she hovered her stele on top of her arm where the blocking rune was drawn, which was now activated.

     She stepped out of the Institute and breathed in the warm air and felt the light breeze pass her by. And jogged towards Meliorn's house which was a few blocks away from the Institute and she was one of the very few people who knew about his house. This house was like hers and Meliorn's "special place"because they always had the place to themselves and since almost no one knew about it, no one could disturb them. Isabelle used to feel safe in that house in Meliorn's arms.

   And before she knew it, she was at his house. Everything is going to be just fine, Isabelle thought and took a deep breath. She knocked on the door and expected Meliorn with his warm smile, but no one answered the door. She tried turning the door knob and opening it, but it was locked. Disappointment hit her and she began to go back to the Institute when she suddenly remembered that Meliorn always kept a key inside one of the door lamps for Isabelle if he wasn't at home.

   She turned around and opened the door lamp on the right side of the brown door, and she found the key. She felt very happy and opened the door, Meliorn must be with the Seelies, till then let me just stay here, she thought while she sat on the long couch. She closed her eyes and thought back to all the things that happened today. While she did, she heard noises in one of the rooms. Her eyes quickly opened and got her snake like bracelet ready for transformation.

   Isabelle opened the door of the first room and found nothing, and the noise got louder. She opened the second bedroom door and couldn't believe what she saw.

    "You son of a bitch!" Isabelle raged at Meliorn, who was on top of a girl who hurriedly pulled the blankets to cover her body. Meliorn's eyes looked scared and confused. Isabelle couldn't stand to be in that room or to even stand in the house as Meliorn. She bolted out of the house with her blood boiling and tried not to look back. She could hear Meliorn screaming her name to stop, but she was in no mood to listen to a cheater. A hand touched on her shoulder, she turned around to see Meliorn.

"Isabelle, just listen to me," Isabelle slapped him hard before letting him say anything.

" Don't you dare say my name ever again from your mouth!" She spat out at him. " And if you EVER come close to me, I swear I will kill you myself, downworlder." She threatened him and walked away with her blood still boiling and her eyes tearing up.

      She soon found herself in a space between two buildings and not being able to hold her tear back anymore, she dropped down to her knees and put her face in her hands allowing the tears to flow. She felt disappointment, anger, disgust, and exhaustion all at the same time. She couldn't believe that she loved such a person, and her tears started to flow more.

    She felt two cold, but comforting arms wrap around her, and she didn't want to look up, in fear of it disappearing like it did in her dreams. "Shhh, shhh, it's going to be alright, mi amor." 

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