Chapter 20

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 Prince was eating a bone piece placed near Izzy's bed with a bowl of water. Isabelle fell on her bad flat on her tummy and let out a sigh of relaxation. "Ahhh....." All of a sudden, events of today hit her like like some hammer on the head. Her family falling apart, the tears of her mom, the anger of seeing her dad behind the door, the surprise of her party, the guilt of being happy when her family has broken apart, and the feeling of panic when Raphael........ Isabelle's visions stopped and new thought occupied her mind; Why did I panic? The thought just stayed in her mind, as her eyes slowed closed and her mind slowly drifting away.......

The space around Isabelle felt chilly, but for some reason she felt very warm and protective. Someone was holding her with such affection, she could hear whispers all around her, but she couldn't figure out what they are saying. The only thing that she could focus and understand was that a person was carrying her to some destination.

"Remember that I love you. I WILL always be with you." This time the voice emphasized on his second statement. The voice was raspy but very soothing at the same time. Something was telling her that she wasn't going to be in those arms for long. So, she cuddled into the arms as long as she could and trying her best to figure out who those arms belonged to. Isabelle was trying her best to open her eyes, but her eyes wouldn't budge as if it were under a spell. She could feel herself being descended and her back touched a smooth surface this time but she longed to be in those arms. As she lay on the surface, she could feel a feeling of warmth coming in her way, the figure's finger softly moved a strand of hair from Isabelle's face. Isabelle could still feel the sense of warmth that the figure left, but her hands couldn't move. It was as if her whole body was paralyzed. Now, she couldn't bear it anymore, she had to see who it was and her eyes listened to her this time. In a second, everything vanished into thin air with the figure who disappeared into black individual pixel blocks. And the last step, the surface beneath her opened leading her again into darkness.

"Ahhhhh!" Isabelle screamed both in fear and in pain as she fell down on the ground sideways from her bed. "Ouch, by the angel."Isabelle held her head and groaned in pain. She slowly got up from the floor and rubbed the spot on her head where she got hurt. She walked over to the clock on her dressing table and the time was 5:30 am. She looked around her room and saw that Prince was sleeping on the floor with his bone beside him. She went towards him and stroked his fur, while he moved in his sleep. Isabelle couldn't bring herself to sleep anymore after that dream. Izzy walked to the door, only to be banged again on the head by the door. "OW, holy fingerchips!" Isabelle exclaimed in pain and stepped backwards while holding her head. Wincing in pain, Isabelle unlocked her door and stepped outside rubbing her forehead. The floor felt chilly under her feet and the only noise that Isabelle could hear was the AC duct noise. Isabelle made her way to the kitchen with the dim lights that were lighting the Institute, while rubbing the spot in her head where she got hit the first and second time.

The fridge was one of the things in the Institute that looked like it was from the "mundane world". It had drawings stuck on it that Izzy, Alec, and Jace had made when they were young. Most of the drawings showed Alec and Jace fighting with the swords and Izzy holding hands with her dad. There was this one drawing that Izzy loved the best; the drawing with Alec, Jace, Izzy in the middle holding hands with Maryse and Robert at either sides, smiling.

Isabelle opened the fridge to get some ice for her head. She searched through many trays and finally found one block of ice sitting between two carrots. Izzy took the ice as if it were some precious diamond and placed it on her head.

"You know, we have a rune for that, right?" 

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