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WTTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!! Wow, it's so amazing to see people's passion to read stories and support new authors. I can't believe that the book hit 5K reads!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! EFFFFFFFF!!!! Thank you guys soooo much for all your support and love towards my book. I know I always update at the last minute, and the chapters aren't always the longest. But, in the end, you guys supported me and always delighted me with your comments. Thank you so much again and without you guys, my story would have just remained a story, and you guys gave it a value. Ok I am ranting so much, sorry. 

I still can't believe we hit 5K reads!! AHHHHHH!!!

Thank you soooooooooooo much for EVERYTHING! Love you guys <3

Lots of Love, Saarah Khan 


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