Chapter 27

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While eating her cereal, someone tapped on her shoulder and she turned back to see Alec coming next to her and sitting down beside her.

"Where were you last night?" Alec asked in a cold voice.

"On the terrace." She replied slowly in return.

"With?" Alec asked in a quiet voice.

"What do you mean with who? I was hanging out with Simon and Maia and Clary. Why do you have a problem with that, as well?"

"Izzy, I am your brother, you can tell me anything and everything." He opened his eyes more and looked at Izzy as if he knew something that she didn't.

"Yes, I know and I do." Now, Isabelle was getting worried about what she had and why was Alec pushing her to say something. "Alec, what's the matter?"

"I was looking through the surveillance cameras for yesterday to see if there were any suspicious actives and I saw....."Alec paused and seemed unsure whether to continue his sentence.

"Saw what, Alec?"

"Saw you and that vampire together." He said quickly and didn't meet Izzy's eyes. Izzy couldn't understand what he was saying.

"What do you mean I was with a vampire. The only vampire I was hanging out was Simon and no one has a problem with him, he's like family. What's wrong with you."

"Not him. The other one." Izzy thought either her or her brother has gone crazy because she couldn't understand which vampire he was talking about.

"Izzy, don't play dumb with me. You remember the leader of the vampire clan? Your "friend"." Then it hit her that Raphael was the vampire leader that her brother was talking about, but what she still couldn't understand why Alec brought him up and claiming that she was with him at night.

"Ya, I remember him, but what does he have to do with all of this. And I have no idea what you are talking about Alec. Are you feeling alright?" Izzy put her hand on Alec's shoulder and tried to make sense of what this is all about.

"Yea, whatever his name was, why were you with him last night? Do you know how much of trouble you could have gotten in if Mother saw it or if anyone told her?" His voice became a bit stern and serious. Isabelle couldn't seem to remember anything from the night before from the time that Simon and Maia left.

"Alec is this a joke or something. Why would I be with Raphael on the terrace? Has something gotten into you?" Izzy could not remember what happened to her last night or who was she with. And Alec's facial expressions showed that he didn't believe anything his sister was saying and getting slightly mad about it.

"Since you aren't going to admit it, I will have to tell Mother and you will face the conseque-"

"Show me the surveillance tape," Izzy demanded.

Both brother and sister walked down the hall and took a right, which held a door with a sign Surveillance Room Only Personnel Allowed. Alec stood in front of a machine which was on a stand, which stood out from the wall. He looked straight into it and the machine spoke, Access granted. With that, the door opened revealing several people with mics attached to their ears and computers in front of them.

"Good Morning, Alec." One of the many people greeted and in return, Alec just nodded and looked for something and Izzy just followed her big brother, trying to think and figure out why she couldn't remember anything.

Alec walked over to one of the computers that had a label on it, Alec Lightwood. He turned it on and typed in the password and Izzy saw a family picture of the Lightwoods, where everyone was smiling, even Alec. Isabelle couldn't remember the last time that they were so happy and that picture went away when the surveillance tape replaced it.

"Here's the truth that you were hiding." 

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