Chapter 33

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Everyone took a chance to go to Alec and congratulate him with the Inquisitor and Mother beside him. Isabelle was standing in the middle of the room with Clary and Jace, enjoying the moment.

"Can't believe it, the time has finally come. He was born to be a leader." Jace gushed about his parabati.

"That's true, he always had the potential to be a leader. " Clary agreed. After a while, only the 3, Alec, Inquisitor, and Maryse were left in the room. The three walked over to where Alec stood.

"I have high hopes for you, Mr. Lightwood. Don't give me a chance to regret my choice." Inquisitor warned Alec and he nodded in assurance.

"Madam Inquisitor, you will not get a chance to doubt your choice, there is no one better than Alec to lead this Institute." Isabelle strongly defended her brother in front of the Inquisitor. Her brother could not stop smiling.

"I hope so. Well, I should I get going now, Idris is awaiting my return." The Inquisitor excused herself out of the room. And Mother spoke for the first time with tears in her eyes.

"Alec, my son. I am so proud of you." Mother cupped her son's face and looked at him with pride. "You were always a leader." And her tears finally gave up and rolled down her cheeks. On seeing her tears, Alec hugged his Mother, for a long time. While the three of us were looking at a mother and a son having a moment.

"This institute always needed a leader than Alec." Jace boosted about his parabati, and Alec and Mother broke off the hug, with Mother's hand on Alec's shoulder.

"Thank you, Jace." Alec thanked his brother and nodded to the remaining two.

"I still remember when you were small, you used to sit on my desk and write short memos on the sticky notes and sit on the chair with the bossy look on your face." Along with Mother, the rest of us also chuckled on the trip down memory lane.

It's been an hour since the declaration of Alec's leadership and the Institute have been having a mini party, ordered by Mother. There were tables of food from the local restaurants nearby and bottles of fancy sodas. Still can't get drunk while on duty.  The Institute's close friends were called in the name of celebration like Luke, Simon, and of course Magnus. Everyone was in their little groups having a chuckle here and there and just enjoying till the moment till it lasts. 

Clank, Clank, Clank. Everyone's attention was diverted to the sound of glass in the front of the room. "Hi everyone." Alec was standing on top of the stairs, being able to see everyone's attention to him. Most people were smiling at him or focusing on their food. "I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge you all for being here. I have always dreamed about taking this Institute to a higher level and I hope that you all will support me." He spoke to the crowd and there was a moment of silence. 

"Cheers to that." Magnus resounded, breaking the silence while showing his glass forward to the crowd and everyone chorused "Cheers."

Isabelle was standing towards the back, watching her brother as he spoke like a true leader. She couldn't help herself to tear up.  As she looked around, she saw a never-seen-before eagerness in everyone's eyes. Everyone paid close attention to every word spoken by Alec. Just then, the doors behind Isabelle opened up, with a gush of wind sweeping through everyone. Within seconds, the sound of the wind was replaced by a few figures in its place. 

"Congratulations Alec Lightwood." Everyone turned around to see who the voice belonged to and Isabelle knew almost a little too quick. Raphael.

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