Chapter 22

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A breeze of wind touched Isabelle's forehead and made her hair fly with the rhythm. Somehow Isabelle felt she has seen this breeze before, as if this breeze has touched her before in the same place. As she sat in the training room after a hour of practice, Jace and Clary were sitting at one corner of the room chatting with each other while Alec was practicing his targets and missing the red circles by a few inches. "Come on Alec, for how long will you keep shooting the same target." Isabelle called out while Alec released another arrow.

"Until I hit the bullseye a million times in a row." Alec bluntly replied.

"You are already one of the best."

"That's very sweet of you, little sister. But I need to be THE best." Alec replied while taking another arrow from his

"Alright, big bro. Whatever you say. Alright love birds, back to work." Izzy shouted out to Jace and Clary and they both returned back. Isabelle felt a soft touch of a finger outline her face and vanished. She felt butterflies in her stomach and froze where she stood for about a minute.
"Izzy, you okay?" Alec asked while staring at her little sister who was looking nowhere in particular.

"Oh, right um, yea, back to training." Izzy shook herself back to normal and tried to feel normal. "Let's continue."

"Come on, Izzy, this is way too much training. I bet it's even lunch time." Jace whined in behalf of the other three who were panting and trying to catch their breath.

"Stop whining Jace. You are wasting everyone's time here. And its not lunch time yet." Izzy replied.

"Guys! Its lunch time!" Evie, who works at the Institute entered the training room and announced it to the four shadowhunters.

"Ha, told you." Jace whispered to Isabelle. "Thanks Evie. We will be right there." Jace happily thanked her and ran out the door followed by Alec and Clary, in respond Izzy just rolled her eyes. As she took a step, she could feel a warmth breath on her neck, which gave her butterflies in her stomach but also chills down her spine at the same time. Unlike before she didn't let herself to freeze, rather she shook herself out of it. "Focus."

"Jace, can I talk to you for a minute." Izzy called to Jace who was sitting in the other side of the table with Clary, eating pasta.

"Sure. Madame Izzy." Jace got up and and sat next to Izzy. "What's up?" Isabelle was thankful that the room was crowded with people, which made sure that Clary could have no idea what she was going to say."

"Did you go?" Izzy excitedly asked.

"Go where?" There was a confused expression in Jace's face.

"You know, in your first date?"

"Holy guacamole! I FORGOT! How could I forgot? Oh my god! I even forgot her birthday! Shoot...." By now, Jace had gotten up from his seat and rubbing his temple and furiously cursing himself and it had brought many eyes to look at him. But, not Clary, cause she was listening to her iPod.

"You know, it's never too late for a date. Or a birthday gift, well maybe a bit late for the gift. But, it's the intention that counts." Isabelle said in trying to console her brother.

"Ya, ya. You are right, never too late for a date. Right, never too late. I will give her best time and, and, she will LOVE it. I am going to go right now and make reservations. Yes, that's going to be perfect! When I am ready, I will come down to the Institute, but till then can you keep Clary busy? Please?" Jace was now talking in bullet train speed and didn't stop to take a breath when he looked to Isabelle with begging eyes. Lovingly, Isabelle put her hand on Jace's shoulder in a assurance.

"Calm down, Jace. Its okay, I will do it." With that Jace left out a sigh of relief and before he turned to leave, "you better make the surprise good, Jace Way- I mean Herondale."

"Oh come on Izzy, not again." Jace rolled his eyes and ran out the kitchen while Isabelle left a chuckle. "Never gets old." She whispered to herself with a smile and when she turned to the side, she was surprised to see Alec staring at her with the "what is going on" eyes.

"Is there something I should know about?" Alec curiously asked.

"Nothing much, big brother. Nothing important for you to worry your busy mind to think about it." Isabelle replied with a smile.

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