Chapter 12

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"Raphael?" Isabelle couldn't believe her eyes. Her perfect stranger was standing in front of her with his arms wide open who's face changed after he saw Isabelle

"Isabelle?" Isabelle could almost hear Raphael's voice crack as he said her name and his eyes showed confusion and surprise, just like hers. While being confused as to why Raphael was standing, she forgot about her friends who were looking at her with their eyes that were almost going to pop out of their sockets.

"Um, can anyone tell me what's going on?" Jace broke the silence.

"How do you know him?" Alec asked with a hint of anger. "And how does he know who you are?" Whispers started around the room and so did the questions to Isabelle. But, Isabelle's voice couldn't come out of her throat.

"Cállate! Just shut up!" Raphael shouted while turning around to make sure the vampires become quiet. "Can we get back to the matter as to why you all barged into our lair." Isabelle was thankful that Raphael changed the matter.

"We are here on Clave business." Alec straightened up while answering.

"Clave business? What could the Clave possibly want with us?" Raphael asked and he sank into though for a minute, and got his answer. "Camille."

"Would you mind if we sat down and talked. It's going to be a long talk." Jace offered by looking at the couches around.

"Why not," Raphael gestured towards the couches and everyone took their place. "Uh no, that's my seat." Raphael pointed out to Jace, as he was about to sit on leather couch which had some golden designs on the arms of it. Quickly giving a stare to Raphael, Jace sat on another seat and Raphael sat on his.

"As I was saying, the Clave wants guarantee from you, that what your previous leader did, would not be repeated again from either you or your clan." The vampires hissed at Alec when he finished. But Alec didn't even flinch.

"And I am suppose to sign this stupid agreement?" Raphael mockingly asked.

"It's for the safety of all," Clary added.

"This is kind of offensive, that you think that all of us will go crazy like Camille and break the Accords." Raphael said.

"Correction, the Clave thinks, not us." Jace pointed out.

"What's the difference, you all are the same." Raphael stated. For a minute everyone gave him a short glare and returned back to normal.

"Come on Raphael. Just sign this small agreement and we can all be in our ways." Magnus suggested and looked around for approval.

"You either sign it or we will have to tell the Clave about your little vampire hangout area." Jace threatened and Raphael seemed like he was.

"This isn't like your Clave, where only a group of people decide. Here, all of us decide." With that being said, Raphael got up and walked towards the vampires that were standing behind him and they all discussed very quietly. After a couple of nodding heads, Raphael came back to his seat. "We have decided that we will sign this agreement in under one condition."

"And what is that," Alec asked.

"In no condition, will the Vamps Hangouts be exposed to the Clave or anyone. Agreed?" Raphael told.

"Fine. Agreed." Alec said and asked Magnus to give the agreement to Raphael. He signed the papers. This whole time, Isabelle was just lost in her own world trying to figure out how did she not know who Raphael was, until Clary nudged her to get up. But, just before leaving, Raphael stopped them.

" Before you guys leave, I would like to talk to Isabelle. Alone."

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