Chapter 18

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The sirens in the Institute began to ring, the moment Clary ended. Isabelle and Maryse raced out the door and Isabelle unwrapped her bracelet, so that now it's a whip. Clary lead Isabelle and Maryse to main part of the Institute.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." Isabelle called out to the demons as she ran with Clary and her mom. When they reached, everywhere they turned, they were faced by darkness.

"Why is it so dark in here? It's never dark in here?" Maryse puzzled.

"Maybe it's some sort of electricity eating demon." Isabelle suggested. "We should check the rest of the Institute and see where everyone else is." Isabelle added. And as they were about to leave to check the rest of the Institute, the power came back to life, joined with popping noise.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone cheered, when Isabelle turned around to see what the popping noise was and was surprised by what her eyes saw. There were balloons of different colors stuck to the walls, confetti on the floor, and a huge banner in the middle of the room which said, Happy Birthday Izzy! There was also a 5 layer chocolate cake, where everyone were standing behind. Isabelle's jaw was till the ground and her eyes could have popped out any second.

"Happy Birthday Izzy!" Clary joyfully wished with love as she went over to Isabelle and hugged her tightly. "I hope you have an AMAZING life!"

"Thanks Clary. But how did you know?" Isabelle asked in surprise.

"We have our ways." Clary responded with a wink. Isabelle was really surprised that everyone remembered her birthday, even though, she forgot about it herself. And she felt guilty because she was really happy, when her family broke apart.

"I am terribly sorry honey. With everything that has been going on, I completely forgot. I am very sorry. Anyways, happy birthday Isabelle. Hope you become big one day, I love you." Maryse said and hugged her daughter.

"It's okay mom. I forgot too and I love you too." Isabelle replied while hugging her mom back.

"Happy Birthday Isabelle. Hope you have a good one." Magnus came over and hugged Isabelle.

"Thanks Magnus. That means a lot." Isabelle replied with a smile.

"Happy Birthday, Izzy. You are all grown up now." Jace walked over to Isabelle from the crowd and hugged her.

"Thanks Jace. Yea, don't remind me." Isabelle rolled her eyes and let out a laugh.

"So? What do you think?" Jace asked implying the party.

"It's AMAZING! I LOVE IT! It's more than I could ask for. Thank you so much, guys." Isabelle exclaimed and everyone clapped.

"What is happening over here?" Alec confusingly asked when he entered the room.

"Um, my birthday." Isabelle said.

"Oh crap, I am very sorry Izzy. I forgot, truly very sorry." Alec rushed over to Izzy and gave her a big hug. "Happy birthday, little sister."

"Thank you, big brother."

"You are very late, Alexander. Drink?" Magnus asked.

"Oh, I had some... business to clear up. I would like that." With that Magnus and Alec were off to the drinks.

"Time for the birthday girl to cut the cake." Clary told and pushed Isabelle towards the cake. There was Happy Birthday Izzy written on it and candles with flowers made of frosting all around.

"This cake looks amazing!" Isabelle exclaimed.

"It tastes much better." Jace commented.

"How do you know?" Isabelle asked curiously.

"I may have eaten a teeny tiny bit of it." Jace looked down on the floor while answering and everyone laughed.

"Oh Jace." Isabelle smiled.

"Izzy, please cut the cake now." Clary begged.

"Okay okay." Isabelle started to blow the candles and took the knife and cut the cake while everyone were singing the birthday song. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Isabelle. Happy Birthday to you. And the song ended by everyone clapping.

Isabelle cut a slice and fed it to her mom first, next Alec, Jace, then to Clary, and then she fed to the person, she didn't expect to see or feed her birthday cake to.

"Mhmm that cake was good. Black forest?" 

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