Chapter 7

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    Izzy stayed in those arms for as long as she could remember, and those arms didn't seem like they were in a hurry to go. "Thank you." Isabelle thanked the person who was holding her.

     "Your welcome, mi amor," the stranger replied with care in his voice. And Isabelle finally opened her eyes that felt dry and swollen, from all the crying she had done. She was welcomed by a pale face, which had a loving smile, and eyes that were warm and brown, which reminded her of hot chocolate during winter. His face seemed like it was brought out of some painting, it was just perfect.

    " Are you feeling better now?" He asked her with concern while helping Isabelle stand up. "Let me guess, love problem?" Isabelle could see that he was a couple of inches taller than her and no more than her age, 18. He was wearing a black t-shirt that was tight around his arms, which showed his muscles. He was also wearing black jeans with Nike shoes.

       "Is it that obvious?" Isabelle asked back while trying to wipe out her tears. She wasn't the type of person who cries in front of people, that would mean she was weak, but for some reason, she didn't mind crying in front of him.

     " Not really, just a wild guess," He replied. "So, do you want to talk about it or do you want to left alone?" He added.

     "I don't even want to think about it and.." She paused hesitating whether she should say it or not.

     "And?" He asked noticing her hesitation.

     "And, would you stay a bit longer?" Isabelle couldn't believe she said that and instantly regretted it.

 " Cierto, I can walk to your home, if you would like to." He replied. Isabelle could see honesty in his eyes and she felt that she could trust him.

    "I would love that, thank you." She thanked him and they both started walking.

   Isabelle and the stranger bonded almost immediately that she forgot what happened with Meliorn. And she felt inside her that this person would be special to her in some kind of way. She talked about her family, and how much she loved her brothers Alec, and Max. And she obviously skipped the part about her being a shadowhunter. Likewise, he also said how much his family meant to him, but his parents died in a car crash leaving him and his sister alone in this world. They talked about what they do in their free time and Isabelle asked him about how he manages with his life. He answered by saying that he has a community of people helping him. 

      They found themselves near McDonald's."Would you like to eat something with me, cause I am really hungry? And I get grumpy when I don't eat, and I wouldn't be that good of a company." He asked Isabelle with a smile.

     "To be honest, me too," Isabelle replied and went into McDonald's and found two seats near the window.

    "So señora, what would you like to have?" He asked Isabelle imitating a waiter.

" I would like to have chicken nuggets with barbecue sauce, thank you very much. " Izzy replied with politeness. They ate their food and before he had the chance, Izzy paid the bill and dragged him out of the restaurant.

    Before she knew it, they were just a few blocks from the Institute. "I can take it from it, thank you so much again, for everything." Isabelle thanked him by kissing him on the cheek. "Oh, I almost forgot, my name is Isabelle Lightwood. What's your's?" Isabelle asked him

      "It's my pleasure, Isabelle." He took her hand and kissed it. "And my name is Raphael Santiago."

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