Chapter 26

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Isabelle's eyes woke up to the blazing hot sun shooting at her face. Isabelle used her hand as a shield to protect her eyes from burning out and brought her head from the ground, and her mind went blank and she felt dizzy.

"Ughhh, hangover, kill me." Izzy pleaded with herself, she slowly tried to get up off the ground and it began to move under her. With a hand on her head, she tried to balance herself with 7-inch heels and turn towards the city. After 2 seconds, her head cleared up and she took a deep breath while holding onto the railing of the terrace and seeing the city that lies in front of her. She saw a couple holding hands and the girl had just laughed at something her boyfriend had said and a smile came on her face when she saw the way the girl's boyfriend looked at her with so much love and happiness when the girl laughed. Behind them, in a distance, Izzy saw two brown-haired boys biking and laughing to their heart's extent.

With a smile on her face, she turned back, with the morning sun still burning in her face, before walking inside the Institute, she bent down and took off her heels, which she was wearing for more than 10 hours. Isabelle left a sigh of relief when she removed them, something she thought she would never do. Heels were a part of her, she is one of the few who can kill a million demons with 7-inch heels.

She entered her room, thankfully not encountering her parents or Alec and collapsed on her bed on her back and let a deep sigh. She looked to the side of her bed and saw the time.

"Wow, it's only 6:40. Perfect." As she sat up, dizziness hit her again and she shut her eyes to make it disappear, and when she did she saw Raphael's face, and she quickly opened her eyes. She blinked eyes quickly and rubbed her eyes. "God, whats happening," Isabelle asked to herself. She got up slowly and went to take a shower.

Isabelle wore a white bandage dress and put her black, shiny hair in soft waves, and applied bright red lipstick. She reached for her vanilla perfume but stopped halfway remembering Meliorn's betrayal and tried searching for some other perfume in her drawers. Isabelle scavenged through her drawers, trying to find ANY perfume she could, besides vanilla. Her drawers were filled with vanilla scented deodorants, lotion, perfumes, and creams. Ughhhh, why isn't there anything else besides VANILLA! After minutes of searching through her drawers and almost in the point of giving up, a small red bottle attracted Isabelle's eye. It was sitting close to the end of the tray of the drawer and Isabelle brought it out and was filled with excitement when she saw the label saying 4EVER YOUNG Enriched with the scent of Roses. Without wasting another second, she sprayed the perfume of herself and cleaned the space around her.

She walked into the kitchen and saw Jace and Clary sitting next to each other with bright smiles on their face. She walked towards them and sat in front of them.

"So, was the date?" She whispered to both in excitement to hear the story. Isabelle could see Clary's cheeks changing color matching the color of her hair.

"Oh, oh, Clary berry, don't get shy now." Isabelle let out a chuckle and looked at Jace for the story and he looked back with a childish wink.

"You wanna say it, Clary?" Jace asked Clary and Isabelle looked back at Clary.

"No, no, you say it," Clary said back to Jace and Izzy looked at Jace.

"No, you should say it." Jace shot back and Izzy again looked at Clary for some hope, and back and forth while Jace and Clary kept telling each other to say it, but neither gave up.

"You know what guys, forget it, I don't want to know!" Isabelle gave up in the end and stood up and went to another table, and Jace and Clary let a soft chuckle. 

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