Chapter 30

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"Isabelle! Isabelle Lightwood, stand right where you, young lady!" Izzy could have recognized this voice anywhere and anytime. 

"Alright, I'm here. Is there anything I can do for you Mother?" She turned around to see her mother walking up to her with eyes filled with questions. "Simon, would you mind to take yourself to Clary?" She whispered to Simon while he left the scene with a smile. 

"Where have you been this whole day? You weren't in your room this morning nor at the training. Isabelle, in this Institute there are rules to make sure everyon-" Maryse's tone was infuriating. 

"Yes Mother, I know, I know, it's there to protect everyone. I just went for a... walk. I needed some fresh air in the real world, needed to see the world that we save." Isabelle interrupted and continued her defense. "And the rules are a bit too strict around here, don't you think so RAJ?!" Raj who was walking by the women got startled with the sound of his name, dropped the files on the floor joined with a little chuckle from Izzy. 

"Uh! I'm sorry Mrs. Lightwood. Did you need something?" Raj stammered while fiddling with the papers on the ground. Maryse shot a stern look at Isabelle and replied back to Raj. 

"Nothing Raj, you may go back to your work." As Raj walked away, Maryse continued to talk sense into Isabelle but she was already lost somewhere else. Those brown eyes were yearning for her or maybe was it her eyes. Did Izzy actually spend the night with Raphael in his did it feel? How was she feeling? Why didn't she run away from him? Why did Izzy hold on to him? Why is she getting so affected by him? So many questions that she had in mind, whose answers were erased from her mind. 

"Isabelle! Isabelle! I am talking to you. Do you understand me?" Maryse snapped her fingers, bringing Izzy back to reality. 

"Oh, yes yes, I understand every word. So, if you excuse me, I would like to go back to training." By ending their conversation, Izzy walked away to the training room to find everyone training. Izzy put her hair in a ponytail and picked up a pair of boxing gloves. She needed to sweat herself, she needed a distraction. 

She punched and punched and punched the dummy trying to get rid of her thoughts... Sweat was pouring through her face and her arms were starting to ache, but she kept going. I don't want to think about him!  I don't want to see him in my head! I don't want to see those eyes! STOP! THESE! QUESTIONS!  At the last thought,  Isabelle threw a strong punch at the dummy's face, causing the dummy to fall back and breaking into two. The whole room became quiet and just looked at Izzy while she put her hands on her knees and took deep breaths. She felt achieved. 

"Wow! That was a good punch Iz!" Jace joked, receiving an elbow punch from Clary. She walked over and put her hand on Izzy's shoulder. "Izzy, are you alright?" 

"Ya, ya, I'm great. I'm perfectly great!" She gushed while wiping her sweat off her forehead. "Alright guys, you can go back to training." She announced to the quiet audience. 

"Izzy, are you sure you are alright? I mean, it takes a lot to break that thing into two." Clary asked, indicating the broken dummy. By now, Jace had joined the two girls and patted Izzy on the back. 

"Well done Izzy. Who or what is the reason for this much energy in you today?" Jace jokingly queried. 

"Jace, can you not?" Clary hissed at him. 

"Guys, I'm fine. I guess I just ate a lot of protein." Isabelle answered with the first reason she could think of at the spot. "Those mundane protein bars, oh angels, really do have a lot of protein." She joked, trying to make herself sound believable.  

"Alright then, just take care of yourself, Izzy." With that, Clary and Jace went back to training and Izzy sat on the bench. Before she could stop herself, she played the surveillance tape on her phone, trying to figure out why she didn't push him away or why she didn't go back inside the Institute. What happened to me? I was so drunk, stupid Isabelle! Why were you so weak? She was blaming herself for being so vulnerable and open. 

But, something was stopping her from deleting the video from her phone. Like some sort of instinct was telling her to hold on to the video. To let her have this memory...

(Hehe, Hiiiii EVERYONNNNEEEE!! I am finally back with a new chapter!! I know I have been very lazy to upload for a very very very long time and I deeply apologize for that. But, I can't appreciate you guys enough for the all the lovely comments and love that you guys have been giving this story. You guys are amazing <3 Please keep reading and loving this story <3 Love you guys and thank you very much!) 

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