Sorry Guys...

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Hey guys, as you all know I haven't been updating the story for so long and to be honest, I couldn't see where my story was heading. So, I have decided to end my story due to my lack of creativity and time management skills. I'm really sorry to everyone and the people who were expecting a new chapter for the story. I am really sorry. 

Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and voted for my story, you guys are so amazing. Thank you for making me smile with your comments and thank you so much for all the love you have given. No matter how short or long the chapters were, you guys never failed to make me feel good about it. Thank you so much for making me feel good. Thank you guys for making me feel special. Thank you so much <3 

Never stop reading Y'all.  

Lots of Love, Saarah Khan <3

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