Chapter 21

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"You know, we have a rune for that, right?" A familiar voice asked and Izzy with her ice still on her head sharply turned her neck to the side of the voice and saw a pair of brown eyes and a pale face. Far in her brain she knew that the face that she saw didn't match the voice she heard. Raphael?! Was her first thought.

"Raphael, what are YOU doing here????!!!!" Izzy shouted in surprise. Raphael came closer to her and caught her by the two arms and started shaking her.

"Izzy! Izzy, it's me! Jace! J-A-C-E! JACE!" Jace told her while shaking her. After a few seconds of being shaken and a couple of blinks, Izzy finally saw the true owner of the voice, Jace.

"Oh my god, Jace. I am so sorry. I don't know what happened to me." Izzy said quickly not understanding what just happened.

"It's alright. It's alright, relax." Jace answered with care.

"Ah, it's probably just my head," Isabelle replied while touching her head with her right hand and returned to her seat.

"What happened? That too at 5:30 in the morning?" He curiously asked her.

"Long story. Anyhoo, what are YOU doing here at this time of hour, lover boy?" Izzy asked back and saw color rise up on Jace's face. "Actually, don't answer that." Izzy immediately said and joined Jace with a chuckle. "I better go get ready for the day. You should too, you reek!" Izzy commented while Jace sniffed his shirt and nodded in agreement. With that Izzy went back to her room and saw her little Prince moving in his sleep, using his little paws to fight someone or something in the air. Isabelle walked towards him and lightly stroked his head.

"Good morning Izzy." Clary greeted and hugged Izzy warmly.

"Good morning, C." Izzy replied.

"Oh, hello there little prince." Clary smiled at the beagle who was standing next to Izzy's 8 inches black heel. In response, Prince wagged his tail. Both Clary and Izzy walked into the kitchen and saw Alec, Jace, and Maryse sitting on the tables talking to each other.

"Good morning, everyone." Izzy warmly smiled at her mom and at her brothers and from the side of her face, she could feel a very familiar breath touch her cheek. To her surprise, no one was there when she quickly turned her neck.

"Are you okay?" Clary asked as they walked to get a bowl and a spoon from the row of cabinets that were stuck to the wall.

"Yea, yea. I am fine."

"Are you?" Someone whispered in Izzy's ear and Izzy again furiously turned around to see who it was, but no one was there, except for the three sitting on the table. Now, Clary really got curious and looked at Izzy as if she was cuckoo. In respond, Izzy just shook her sideways indicating her not to worry. After breakfast, Maryse called in for a meeting for the whole Institute during her training time. So everyone assembled in the middle of the Institute which held a podium that was connected to the ground with a couple of stairs leading up to it. Izzy, Clary, Jace, and Alec stood in the front of the podium looking at Maryse while she got ready to speak to the Institute.

"What do you think happened?" Izzy asked no one particular.

"Maybe a good morning message from the Clave?" Jace joked and the four left a quiet chuckle.

"Good morning, fellow shadowhunters. Today, well basically tomorrow, Madam Inquisitor will be visiting our Institute to make sure things are being handled," Maryse took a pause before completing her sentence, "properly."

"Guess, your grandmother is coming over to spend some "quality time" with her precious grandson," Alec commented while looking at his mother and Jace shot a glare at Alec while Clary and Izzy giggled.

"Haha, very funny guys. VERY funny." Jace bluntly said and the girls just giggled more.

"Okay, okay. Sorry." Izzy apologized while recovering from her giggling. Till then, most of the Institute had gone back to their work and Maryse was walking back to her room, while the four walked to the training room. Alec took his bow and arrow while the other three took their training blades and started doing their regular warmup. "Always look at the person, never lose focus," Izzy advised Clary while she blocked Izzy's attack. With that, Clary spun around and struck at Izzy and Izzy gracefully blocked it by squatting on the floor and blocking Clary's strike by pushing it upwards, resulting Clary to lose control of her blade and surrender. "You see. Never LOSE focus."

(I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY! I know I haven't posted in A WEEK! How irresponsible of me! I am very sorry. It's just school has been a pain in the butt for the past couple of days! But, I am really very sorry.)

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