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Almaden's POV

I woke up to the sound of laughter coming from downstairs. I looked around to see where I was and I saw that I was in Danelle's room. I slowly crept out of her room to here more laughter, but it wasn't just the girls laughing. I also herd to masculine laughs. While I was all cought up in my thoughts I tripped and fell down the stairs and landed on my ass.
"Ow," I grunted under my breath as I saw Sarah run over to me and help me stand up.
"You gotta be more careful Al, you're not stable yet to walk." Sarah said in a mother like tone.
"Sorry mom" I said back to her as I rolled my eyes.
"Well as long as my little babypumpkin is okay, I just don't want her bum to hurt to much." Sarah stated back to me while slapping my ass because she is that type of bestfriend.
"Ow,"I said again. Everyone is laughing now as we all head to the kitchen with me leading the way. I looked into Danelle's fridge to see if she had any meat of somesort because I rarely go hunting.
"Do you have any chicken?Chicken sounds really good right about now. Ugh is anyone else craving chicken?" Sarah randomly blurted out. We all started to laugh.
"Haha yeah I was looking for something too" I said still laughing. I jumped up and sat on the counter as Sarah and Danelle sat on the counter opposite of me and the twins were leaning up agenst the table.
"Okay so serius question right now," I started. They all kinda looked at me like I was nuts.
"Does anyone smell something. Like right now it's super strong and it smells really good." I finished.
"Well what does it smell like? Because I also have been getting a weird scent. But it's good. It smells like lilac and almounds." Ethan said never taking his eyes off of me.
"Oh, well the smell i'm having is clover and almounds." I said back looking down at my shoes. Ugh what is this smell? I'll just talk to my father about it later when I get home. He should know, right?I mean he was a nightingale practically his whole life. Ugh being a nightingale is so fricken hard. Why can't I just be a normal girl with a normal life. Nope. Not allowed. Ugh. I was so cought up in my thoughts and suddenly I herd the girls screaming at me. Oml what am I gonna do with these two?
"AL! YO BITCH SNAP OUT OF IT! ETHAN WANTS TO TALK TO YOU STUPID!" Sarah yelled at me clapping infront of my face. If you can't already notice I am really good at not paying attention.
"AL! OMFG AL STOP DAYDREAMING ABOUT YOU AND E FUCKING AND WAKE UP ALREADY!!" Danelle screamed at me. I felt my cheeks get hot. Fast.
"Alright neither one of you can say shit because you both had a dream that you did it with Gray and yall were pariniod that you both were pregnant. First you can't get pregnant from a fucking dream and two, I was not thinking about... that, and third what the actual FUCK DO YOU WANT?" I replied to both girls. At this point the twins were laughing countinusly at what all of us girls said.
"We are hungry and we want our drinks from Starbucks." Sarah said with Danelle nodding her head.
"Alright fine, it's just I only have two huge back seats, not a full three, so three of you will have to sit in the bed." I said grabbing my keys off of the counter. The two girls ran to the bed of my truck and hopped in, with Grayson following behind them. I suddenly felt my keys leave my hands and look to see that Ethan has them.
"My truck is a stick shift as well, and you probably shouldn't be driving." He says while opening my door for me. I giggled and hopped in the passanger seat. E hops in the front seat and starts to drive. I pull out my phone and plug in the aux cord. I start to play the song Starry Eyed by Elle Goulding. (go play this song i promise it will put alot into perspective;))
"NOOOOOOOOOO" Ethan said while turning the radio down. Then I turned it back up so the girls and Gray in the back could hear.
"NOOOOOO TURN THIS SHIT OFF" I herd Gray scream. I started to laugh and turned it up louder. We hit a red light and Ethan was like staring at me.
"I'm sorry is there something on me? Did I do something wrong? PLease just te-" I was cut off when his lips met mine.  At first I thought about pushing back but instead I leaned in as our lips move in sync. It kinda reminded me as a puzzle. Our lips locked together like fitting puzzle peices. That scent of clover and almounds was really strong now. Like I could taste it. It was so calming and I finally felt happy. He pulled away first after what felt like forever. He bit his bottem lip and looked up,
"Um I don't mean to ruin the mood but um how long has that been green?" He asked kinda embarassed.
"Haha I don't know to be honest." I answered back. His hand slowly went from the stick to my thigh, but his eyes never left the road. That smell was still qiute stong and I still could feel like I could taste it. His hand gentally squeezed my thigh, eyes still on the road. I put my hand over his and felt like a small shock.
"Ow!" I yelped pulling my hand off of his.
"You felt that shock too?" he asked, his hand still on my thigh and his eyes still on the road.
"Yeah," I start but before I could finish he took his hand off my thigh and took my hand and kissed it, then placed his hand back on my thigh just slitghly closer to my heat.
"Better?" He asked squeezing my thigh gently again.
"Much better." I replied back to him with a smile. We finally got to Starbucks and he parked my truck and looked at me and before I could say something his kissed me. This time it was much more passionate and our lips were locked and moved in sync once again. He pulled away first again and looked me in the eyes and starting rambling about how he is sorry and I kissed him to shut him up.
"Lets go get the three out of the bed of my truck." I said while undoing my seatbelt. We walked around the car hand in hand to the bed of my truck and opened it, still hand in hand.
"OMFG THAT WAS THE BEST DRIVE EVER UGH WE NEED TO DO MORE OF THOSE!" Sarah screamed as Danelle and Gray nodded there heads in agreement.
"I agree, that was a lot of fun." Ethan said while winking at me and squeezed my hand gently. I looked at him and before we could do anything both girls squeeled and ran up to me and pulled me away from E. We all linked arms like the first time we went here today and they were asking me so many questions. I just laughed at them.
"I will tell you once we get into Starbucks and get our drinks." I said giggling at my two best friends who were ritzing to know more.

Alrighty guysssssssss, I really hope that yall liked this chapter, um Almaden and Ethan? Um honestly i want what they have in real life, ugh. Anyways um dont forget to comment, and vote! I love you all so much and I will see yall soon! <3   

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