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More POV's this chapter;) for this whole chapter It would be best if you could listen to Nightingale by Demi Lavato, i promise it will help this chapter a lot. Thanks loves!! <3

Ethan's POV

I saw the girls pull her away from me and suddenly I felt lost. I know I just met her but I honestly really think she is my other half, and without her I am broken. Man if she knew the things she does to me, ugh. I think i'm in love.
"Bro, what happened up there?" Gray asked me snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Well I mean we kissed," I started but he cut me off by saying,
"WAIT YALL KISSED????? BRO NICEEEEEEE" as he fist pumped me. I started to laugh at him as he laughed as well.
"Okay two questons, one is she a good kisser and two, what does Griffen think?" he asked me.
"Okay well first things first, yes she is a fucking perfect kisser, it's like she is my missing puzzle peice, and two, Griff kept chanting 'Mate' when we kissed soooooooo." I started trailing off.
"Bro she's perfect, the way her hair falls perfectly without her touching it, her lips are so soft and I could kiss them all day if she let me. And bro her body, she has a body that could kill, and her eyes bro, her eyes pretty much tell like her life story, ugh shes perfect." I started as me and Gray both started walking twords Starbucks.
"I can tell this girl is gonna be the death of you." Gray said while laughing. I laughed as well because I knew he was right. We walked into Starbucks and all the girls looked up at us like something was wrong.
"Go get her Romeo." Gray said while patting my back. But my stomach didn't feel right. It's like everything went in slow motion. The tears falling down her face. Her running twords me. Damn. She looked good even when she cries. That's not the point. The real question is why is she crying? I held her tight to me as she cried harder into my shirt, I didn't mind though. I ran my hands up and down her spine, it was slowly calming her down. She was still crying a lot and I just kept running my hands up and down her back and looked up to see the girls looking in the opposite direction. Then I see him.

Almaden's POV

Us three girls ordered our drinks and found a small table that seated three. Perfect, I thought to myself. We all sat around the table and Sarah broke the scilence.
"Okay so spill what happened." Sarah said as Danelle nodded her head in agreement.
"Okay well um we... kissed?" I said quitely not wanting them to freak out.
"OMFG YOU KISSED!?!?!?!?!?" Danelle screams as Sarah squeels clapping her hands together. I started to laugh at them. I took a sip of my drink while Sarah and Danelle were fantasising that I kissed a Dolan. Oh snap, I. Kissed. A. Dolan.
"Well at least you got your happily ever after," Danelle mumbled.
"How did it feel? Is he a good kisser? OMFG! What does Ireland think?" Sarah asked barely taking a breath. I started to luagh at her and then answered all of her questions, even though Danelle doesn't like supernatural talk.
"It felt amazing! It's like he is my missing peice! Ugh I finally feel happy after everything that life has put me through. And damn, His kisses! Ugh I would kiss him all day if I could. And i'm sorry Danelle I know you don't like this topic..." I started, but before I could finish Danelle nodded her head saying that it was okay for me to go on, and I could tell she was at the end of her seat. I laughed.
"Okay then, but the whole time we kissed Ireland was chating 'Mate' and you know how I smelled that weird smell over clover and almounds? Well everytime he pulled away I could like taste clover and almounds." I said falling back in my chair. Both girls started to laugh at me because of how star-struck I was. And honestly, #noshame. I started to laugh as well when then all of a sudden my stomach hurt. I looked up to see Donny walking twords us. I started to hyperventalate and my head started puonding. All of the memories just flooding my head.
"Well hey there princess," Donnavan started while grabbing my face with one hand.
"Get your hands off of her!" Sarah started as her eyes turned a cream white color and started to low growl.
"My bite is worse then yours will ever be, Al would know. Isn't that right Al?" He asked me. I was shaking much more now that I was practically vibrating.
"It just makes me happy to see that my princess is out of her tower." Donny said while he was looking me right in the eyes. I broke eye contact and looked down.
"Let. Go. Of. My. Best. Friend." Danelle started as her eyes turned red and I could see her fangs slowly forming.
"I'll catch you later princess, I don't want your friends to go all wolf on me." Donny said as he let go of my face practically dropping me back in my chair. He walked away like nothing happened as I curled up in my chair and started to cry. Then suddenly I could smell that sweet smell of clover and almounds. I looked up to see that the girls had changed back and they looked as if they were trying to comfort me saying things like "everything will be okay" and "he's a dick anyways" but I didn't pay attention to any of that and ran to Ethan. I sobbed into his shirt and cried harder as my face stung lightly from where Donny had a tight hold on my face. He ran his hands up and down my back and it was slightly calming me down, but once and a while I would cry harder into his shirt. I felt bad that I ruined his shirt. I will go and get him another one. He squeezed me a little tighter as I buried my face in his shirt and enjoyed that sweet smell of clover and almounds. I honestly feel bad for Starbucks, becasue that is where everything happenes. Ugh. We are probably never gonna be aloud to come back. Ugh.

alrighty what is up guyssssssssss, so this chapter yall got more povs and a lot more drama. Okay um who is Donnavan "Donny" and what has he done to Al? Also I thought that Danelle didn't like changing into her supernatural form? But awww Ethan and Al are so cute! don't forget to vote and comment, that makes me work more and faster haha. I just really dont want this story to flop haha,, anyways love you all and i'll see yall next time! <3

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