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Almaden's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. Ugh. I grabbed my phone and picked up the call.
"FYI He's a player. He also is mine. I had him first. You don't deserve to pull the 'we have kids together' card and have him fall into your arms. It's not fair. Listen to my rules,
-He has drinking problems. He has been drinking since he was 19 and once he gets drunk he picks up girls
-He uses his charm and good looks to sweep up girls all the time
-I would say kick him out now, you don't wanna be too attached
- He will befriend you, use you, then leave, just like he did with me. I don't wanna see you hurt. You are gonna regret it." This strange voice said.
"Wait what?" I asked my voice still groggy.
"I have to go..." This voice said then hung up. I took a look at the screen to see that it was an unknown number. I rolled my eyes and rolled over to see a handsome sleepy Ethan. Maybe this person just called the wrong number. Or at least I hope. I curled into Ethan's chest and slowly fell asleep again. I woke up to a little girl jumping on top of me and a babyboy screaming. I rolled over and grunted as Ethan did the same.
"MOMMY! ARE YOU OKAY!?!??!?" Alaska screamed jumping on top of me.
"Of course babygirl, why wouldn't I be?" I asked her playing with her hands.
"Because I herd you all night screaming daddy and I got scared that daddy was hurting you..." Alaska said not making eye contct. As soon as Alaska finished Ethan let out a short laugh remebering last night. He then started coughing and said to Alaska,
"I would never ever hurt mommy. I promise." Sticking out his pinky. She stuck out hers and shook his then started to laugh. I felt my face get hot. Was I really that loud? I looked up at Ethan and he winked at me. This man. Oml. What am I gonna do with him?
"Let's go get Damon babygirl, then we can start some pancakes for breakfast." Ethan said picking up Alaska.
"But I want faffles!" Alaska laughed.
"Babygirl waffles are just pancakes with abs." Ethan stated back to her and winked. She laughed again as they left the room to go get Damon. The phone call started to replay in my head. Was it true? I mean yeah he was quiet the party animal before he became famous, but he wouldn't do that to me. I mean he proposed to me. We have a family together. I mean just think about last night, he said that he can't wait untill we can make this family officail and help me raise our kids and hopefully have more. But then again that could always be a really really good cover up. My heart started racing so fast it was like it was gonna beat out of my chest. Maybe this person was just saying this beacause they are jelous. Maybe he is using me.. Maybe he doesn't really love me. Or is it all just an act? The girls came running through my door and snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Did you get a call this morning!?!" Danelle almost yelled.
"Okay I didn't get a call but I am getting a hella lot of instagram and twitter notifications. It's all #Camdoloverparty and #Camdollesbian. Who would do this?" Sarah asked shaking her head.
"Well I got a call this morning plus the notifications. It's insane. It's from this account." Danelle said as she pulled out her phone showing me her twitter.
Welp two of the hoes have now found this accout ahahahahha. Our new goal is to get Ethans hoe to see this stuff, REMEMBER CANDID PHOTOS ARE THE BEST. If you aren't part of #Dolansoverparty and want to be just send me some candid pics and you will be signed! Love you all! AHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH THEY CAN'T KEEP THEIR REALTIONSHIPS A SECRET FOREVER! RT IF YOUR PISSED

I just looked at her phone in awe. Why would someone do this? It already had over 1 million retweets. This is insane. I started to bawl. I curled up into mine and Ethan's bed and cried. The girls got in on both sides of the bed surrounding me. I just cried and cried. The phone call replayed in my mind plus the tweet and hashtags that were going viral.
"I wish..." I started but then started to cry more and more.
"What? What do you wish Al?" Dan asked grabbing my hand. She gave my hand a gentle squeez.
"I..I wish we never went... we never went to Starbucks that day..." I finished and cried harder.
"No you don't. You are just saying that out of frustration. It will get better soon I promise." Sarah said and grabbed my other hand. She was right. I was saying it out of frustration. I hope it'll get better. I just want to be happy with my family. I started to cry harder. But what if the call was true. What if he didn't really love me?

Donnavan's POV

I had to. I paid her to call my foster sister and the love of my life. I wanted Almaden back. I needed Almaden back. She left me for my cousin. MY FUCKING COUSIN. What did he have that I didn't? Popularity? Fame? I could get all of those so easily. I mean I practically already do on twitter. Yeah i'm twitter famous. Because of the hate account I run. Yep. That's right. I have been running @ExposedDolans since he found out that the kids were his. I fucking hate him for seperating my family. So I had to ruin their realtionships. And from what I have herd, it's been working. Ethan almost died. Grayson has thought about killing himself. Cam is thinking about moving out of the country. The fans have been sending so much hate. My phone is constatnly blowing up with candid pictures and hate comments. It feels nice being the center of attention. I paid my ex, Amanda, to call Danelle and Almaden and say those things. But it's not like I made any of it up. She did date Ethan. She was his first girlfriend when he started YouTube. She saw him get wasted and herd him fucking other girls when he was drunk. She got attached to quickly and he used her for her looks. He practically showed her off. She regrets being with him. She has told me before that it was the biggest mistake of her life, getting attached to a Dolan. And I just don't want my girls to go through that, and end up being left alone with these kids. I just don't want to see them get hurt by my cousins. I don't want them to regret this. I just want to keep them safe from all the bad and torture that comes with being accosiated with a Dolan. I need them safe. I need them away from all Dolan's. Especially that Almaden is the Alpha, she needs to stay protected at all times. and being with a Dolan is not gonna protect her. It will just put her more in harms way. And I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen. I made a promise to her father a long time ago. I promised him that she would always be safe with me and that she would be my everything no matter what. I kept that promise. And I still am. That's why I have started this account. So she could notice all the wrong with him and notice that he is gonna be the biggest mistake of her life. I am protecting her. No matter what you think. I am protecting her. And I always will. Watch.

OMG.... okay so this chapter is just um, yeah. Sorry for the kinda cliff hanger thing, um yeah. HOLY TISH FOR ONCE IN THE A/N I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY! Omg i'm sorry I am hella cringy hahahahah. well um idk what to say right now soooooooo,, Oh! Okay so this is something I have been thinking about this past week, and I was wondering if maybe I should upload on Mondays, plus a secret random day hahah. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK I SHOULD DO!! I REALLY NEED YOUR GUYS'S HELP!!! Oh plus um like straight up no one is reading anymore, like my first chapter has like 80 reads then the rest have like 10... :((( I really enjoy writing this story and I feel like it is slowly starting to flop:(((((( Please give my story some love you guys, Don't forget to vote and comment. Plus I feel like some of my ideas are getting boring and unoriginal, so if you wanna help me with a chapter, just message me some ideas and we can work together. I promise you, YOU WILL GET FULL CREDIT FOR HELPING ME WITH THAT CHAPTER!! I just feel like most of my ideas are raw and boring and people don't wanna read about stuff like that, so if you have some great ideas or challanges that you wanna make Almaden, Ethan, Danelle, Grayson, Sarah, Cameron, or even the kids go through,, TELL ME!! PLEASE!! okay alright I think that was enough ranting for one chapter hahah. Or like even if you want me to talk about myself or if you wanna get to know me for a full chapter... TELL ME! PLEASE! okay i think im done. This is a super long A/N.... oops. If you made it this far bless your soul hahah

Alright Peace! love yall and see yall next time! PEACE

PS.. ITS DOLAN TWINS TUESDAY TOMORROW!!!!! Alright love you all!!!!<3

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