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OMG PLEASE NOTICE THIS!!!!!! BAAHAHHAHAHHAHAH i hate my life hahahhahah alright so please please please go listen to the song To Build A Home by the Cinematic Orchestra and Patrick Watson,, it is such a good song and it will set the mood for this chapter!! Thanks again loves!

Almaden's POV

I woke up to an empty bed. Now it makes sense of why I was so cold. I rolled over to see a letter on my nightstand,

Had a great night babe;) even tho we didn't do anything haha.
Maybe tonight mommy and DaDdy can have some fun ;))))))
I left early to go help Gray pack up the house but I promise
I will be home around noon to pick up you and our two little bundles
of joy haha. I love you forever and always babygirl
                               ~Ethan (AKA DADDY IN BED ;))
                                ^^ Ha sike, you still call me Ethan....
                                    But that'll change soon;)

Reading his stupid letter to me made me smile and laugh and miss him more then ever. I walked out of my room and into Alaska's to see her still asleep and then I went into Damon's room to see him sitting up in his crib with a binky in. I walked over to him and picked him up and asked,
"You hungry baby boy?" He then nodded his head in response and we walked downstairs to see my brother Raph and my mom up and making food.
"Granma!" Damon shouted with his binky still in his mouth. My mom laughed and walked over to me and took Damon out of my arms as she walked back twords the pancakes that she was making.
"You wanna help Grandma?" My mother asked while walking twords the stove. Damon nodded his head and started to laugh. I laughed as well as I walked to the table and sat next to my brother waiting for food.
"So how was yout night?" Raph asked as he took a sip of his coffee. I took his coffee away from him and took a sip from it then put it back down infront of him.
"Good I guess, I woke up lonely." I said looking down.
"Yeah I know. I was out for a run and then once I came back I saw Ethan leaving and he said that he would be back to pick up you and the kids it's just he wanted to help Gray pack up some." Raph said back to me.
"Yeah I know he left a note haha." I stated back to him.
"Oh! I remember the days when I would wake up to notes from your father. What do you know those nights were the nights that we created you two." My mom chirped.
"OMG Mom stop. You have Damon in your arms and you mention that?" Raph said and started to laugh.
"WAIT!?! DID YOU TWO!?!?!?" Raph shot looking up at me.
"OMG NOOOOOOOO!" I blurted out laughing.
"Have you two ever? I feel like he would be good." My mom started.
"MOM!" Me and Raph both yelled.
"What? It's just a question." She said back.
"Well to answer that question yes we have." I said and started to laugh. Raph covered his ears and said,
"I am never going into your room ever. Ever again." I laughed more as I herd little footsteps come around the bend. I turned around to see Alaska walking twords us all looking at her hand mortified.
"What's wrong baby?" I asked her as I grabbed her hand to look at it. I didn't notice anything until I got a shooting pain in my left hand. That's weird. Alaska winced in pain as I touched her left hand and she pulled her hand out of my grasp. I looked at her weird and she gave me that same look back. I was suddenly getting a call from someone, Grayson? Why would he be calling me. I picked up the call to hear Grayson say
"Meet us at the hospital in 10. It's Ethan he messed up his left hand and then passed out."
"Wait what?" I asked mortified.
"GET YOUR ASS TO THE HOSPITAL!" Grayson practically yelled then hung up. I rushed over to go and grab my keys and quickly threw on my whit all-star high tops and grabbed Damon from my mom and ran out of the house with Alaska trailing behind me. I put Damon in his seat and buckled him up then ran to the other side of the car and buckled Alaska in her seat. I ran to the drivers seat and started to drive.
"Mommy? Where are we goin?" Alaska chirped.
"We are going to see daddy, he is hurt so we are going to the hospital to go see him." I said back trying to be as calm as I possibly can be.
"I don like the hosital." Damon said as Alsaka nodded her head in agreement.
"Me too kiddos, I don't like the hospital either." I said and kept driving. We finally got to the hospital and we all ran to the front desk asking for his room. I had my badge on because not only do I go to school here but I also am a nurse for the cancer patients. The lady behind the front desk told me that I had to wait in the waiting room. I decided to take the kids to go see Porter and Walker. They were a gay couple that has cancer together, same type and everything and they met here in the hosoital and I am there nurse. We all watch tv, drink, party, rant to eachother plus we are all the same type of supernatural. We are all bestfriends and they remind me of Sarah and Danelle. Imma cus the world out when they leave this earth. But they said there story was gonna be like The Notebook and that they were gonna die together. We walked into the room to see Porter and Walker holding hands with the beds smushed together.
"OMG IS THAT ALMADEN!?!?!?" Porter practically yelled. He was my very first patient and he reminds me of Sarah so much.
"OMG DAMNNNN B LOOK AT YOU!!! YOU ARE SO HOWT WHAT THE HELL??" Walker practically yelled as well. I just started to laugh.
"Well come give me a hug bitch, you must have thought if i was getting up out of this bed." Walker said as he spread open his arms ready for a hug. I walked twords them with Damon in my arms still but I put Damon down then hugged Walker and Porter then sat in the chair inbetween the beds. Alaska ran up to me and whispered something in my ear.
"Okay baby. Porter, Walker, you know how I would always rant about my dead children?" I asked looking at them
"Well this is Alaska, my five year old daughter, and that over there is Damon. He will be turning two in a couple months." I said as Alaska gave them both hugs and Damon was slowly making his way twords us.
"OMG OMG IT'S YOUR LONG LOST KIDS!!!!" Porter yelled when Alaska gave him a hug. He picked her up and sat her in his lap and he just looked astonished. Damon made his way over and sat on the bed next to Walker. Damon seemed quite comfortable around these two. Which is good because they are my bestfriends and we will be visiting them all the time. Walker was always the guy in the realationship and ever since I have met Porter he has always said that he wants to find the right guy and start a foster family, so for Porter, bringing in my kids is like a dream of his. Damon asked about what breakfast foods they liked and that started a whole upraor of a conversation. It was what are waffles to pancakes. Okay clearly everybody knows this, but if you don't waffles are just pancakes with abs. Duh. We all were having a great time talking, laughing, and just shedding some light on the day.  We then all here people yelling out in the hallway.
"Stay with the kids.." I start as I walked twords the door and open the door to here people yelling
"CODE BLUE, CODE BLUE ROOM 153" I herd one of my friends yell.
"SANDRA!?!? WHO IS IN ROOM 153?" I screamede over the loud sirens.
"HIS NAME IS DOLAN, CARDIAC ARREST STAGE 3" Sandra yelled back to me as she ran down the hallway. Wait. Dolan. What if it's Ethan? I can't think like this. It's not Ethan. But what if it is. No it's not. But stage 3, that's horrible. The chances of them making it out alive is slim and if they do, they are a living miracle. I really hope it's not Ethan or Grayson. I started to cry and cry and cry. I collapsed on the ground and cried harder. I felt a small hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Alaska with Damon by her side. I swear if they loose there father. Imma be a wreck. I cried harder and harder and I herdd Alaska scream aand Damon screamed as well. I shot my head up and looked for my two kids. I couldn't find them anywhere so I ran around the hospital, but I then found them looking up at someone. I just collapsed onto the ground and started to cry again. I can't take this anymore....

O.M.G. WHO DO THE KIDS SEE!!?!?!??! WAIT AND WHO IS THE DOLAN THAT IS IN CARDIAC ARREST STAGE 3???? (fyi i wanna be a nurse for cancer patients or a youtuber when i grow up but in all reality haha it will be a cancer nurse so I know about cardiac arrest and the stages and stuff soooooo) BUT ANYWAYS! Don't forget to vote and comment and oh also.... WE HITT 200+ READS!!!!! OMFG IM SO HAPPY I NEVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT I WOULD GET THIS FAR HAHA. the more reads this story gets the more I wanna write and think of ideas for other stories and sequals and what not. Haha i love you all so fricken much and I am so thankful for everyone of yall. Alright i will see yall next time and um PEACE <3

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