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(Okay yall its me the author. so i had a first story called Nightingale and i thought it was trash so i deleted is and im now starting over. This is my first story so im sorry if its super bad, just try and give me some love haha. Oh also when i mention a song i would be super happy if you listened to that song. Alright now to the story;))

Almaden's POV

"GIRLSSSSS" my little brother Raph yelled. I rolled my lilac purple eyes and looked at my bestfriends.
"Bro, you gotta change your eyes." my bestfriend Sarah said as my other best friend Danelle nodded her head in agreement.
"Oh my gosh I didn't even know they changed" I said giggling as I walked up to my mirror and changed the color of my eyes to lilac purple to a light brown.
"Better." both girls said and nodded there heads.
"GIRLSSSSSSS GET YO ASSES DOWN HERE" Raph yelled again for the second time. I rolled my eyes again and started to walk down the the stairs with Sarah and Danelle following.
"What the actual fuck do you want?" I asked looking at my brother sitting on the couch.
"I kinda wanna go hunting and mom nor dad will let me go by myself." He said as he looked at us three girls with big eyes.
"Okay well um first you do know that not all of us hunt, and second not all of us are supernatural." I said back to my brother. (Okay so you might be somewhat confused right now. We are all supernatural in this house. My brother is a vampire, just like my mom. Unlike me, I am what is known as a nightingale, like my father. Nightingales are supposed to mate with other nightingales but my parents loved eachother so much my dad was bit by a vampire, and became one. Apperently not all of his nightingale genes left his body when the vampire bit him and I became a nighingale. A nightingale is a vampire and werewolf mixture. My bestfriends Sarah and Danelle are also supernaturals but Danelle hasn't and can't accept that she is what she is so she doesn't specify as one. Sarah is the daughter of a nightingale and witch so she was kinda like a one night stand mistake type thing. So is Danelle. Neither one of them know who there fathers are and they don't want to meet there fathers ever. Anyways...)
"But we were gonna go get Starbucks, wanna come?" Danelle askes Raph changing the topic that makes her uncomfertable.
"Can you take me to Donny's house? I know he will take me hunting." Raph asked.
"Just you are getting out of the car because I don't want tp see him after what he has done to me."I snapped back at my brother. He is aslo bestfriends with my ex, that ruined my life forever and it can never be changed.
"Alright lets all pile into your truck."Sarah says snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah lets go." I replied grabbing my keys off my hook. We all piled into the car, me driving and Danelle sitting next to  me in the passanger seat and then Sarah behind me and Raph behind Danelle. We pull into Donny's drive way and all of the memories start to flood my head. The good and the bad. Ugh.
"Bye, thanks sis." Raph says as he steps out of my truck. I back out of Donny's drive way imediently. Danelle grabs the aux cord and starts to play Movements by Pham off of the Dolan Twins Tunesday album. We blast it as we drive to Starbucks. Once we get to Starbucks Danelle unplugs her phone as the song ends and we all get a vibration saying that something happened.

@GraysonDolanlove me some starbucks and some Ethan;)"OMG OMG OMG I THINK IMMA FAINT THEY ARE SO HOWT UGH SOMEONE BETTER CATCH ME" Sarah screams as she pretends to faint as Danelle catches her

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love me some starbucks and some Ethan;)
"OMG OMG OMG I THINK IMMA FAINT THEY ARE SO HOWT UGH SOMEONE BETTER CATCH ME" Sarah screams as she pretends to faint as Danelle catches her. Another ping comes through and we all go on our phones again.

@EthanDolanUGHHH LOVE ME SOME STARBUCKS!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH UGH! NOOOOOOOOOOO! IVE TURNED INTO A STARBUCKS CHICK, whatever ill live, maybe, i dont know yet, but i definatly love Gray more then My drink

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UGHHH LOVE ME SOME STARBUCKS!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH UGH! NOOOOOOOOOOO! IVE TURNED INTO A STARBUCKS CHICK, whatever ill live, maybe, i dont know yet, but i definatly love Gray more then My drink. Wait i dont know to be honest. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I start to laugh at my phone as I look at the girls and hand them my phone. I'm in Ethans lane and the other two are in Gray's lane.
"Okay honestly my chick side is coming out so yeahhhhhhh, lets go get some Starbucks bitches!" Sarah screamed as we all link arms and walk into Starbucks laughing at life.(Ugh best friend goals ugh) We all suddenly come to a halt and I smell something. This something is really quite strong. It smells like clover and almounds. It smells good. Both girls run up to Grayson Dolan. The. Grayson. Dolan. I look to see Ethan looking at me. OMFG ETHAN DOLAN IS STARING AT ME! I felt my knees buckle. I started to walk twords them and end up wabbling and both girls run up to me and right before they could catch me I fall. I was still conscience and could here people yelling my name and that smell got super strong. It was, calming me. All I could see was black but i herd a masculine voice saying that we need to get her to a hospital or something.
That was Grayson's voice. I could tell instantly.
"No, they won't do anything." I herd Sarah blurt out.
"My mom is a nurse!" I herd Danelle practically scream.
"We need to take her to your mom, like asap." I herd another masculine voice say.
I suddenly was being picked up bridal style and that smell was pushed up agenst my nose and I curled up into this perfect strangers strong arms. I felt safe as this person carried me to a car.
"BRO! You know I can't drive stick shift!" Grayson yelled twords the back of the car.
"I'll guide you through the whole thing." Ethan's voice said ever so calmly. I felt safe and slowly drifted to a sleep with that smell of clover and almounds pushed up agenst my nose. I finally felt calm and relaxed after everything that life has put me through. I felt safe in this perfect strangers arms... Yet also some what endangered.

Whats up guys! If you have made it this far honestly I am super happy! This is my first story and i really want you guys to comment, vote, and show this story lots of love! Love you all!! Peace! <3

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