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Ethan's POV

I woke up to the love of my life next to me curled into my chest still asleep. She looked stunning. I quietly got out of bed and walked downstairs to still see no one home. Damn her parents hunt late. Today is day 2 of being with her and god do I love her. I herd the doorbell ring so I walked to the door and opened it to see Danelle with red eyes.
"Woah there tiger chill out." I said snapping her out of her wolf as her eyes changed back to blue.
"WHERE'S AL????" She practically yelled.
"She's sleeping so shut up." I said back to her as I turned around walking back twords the kitchen.
"Well I need to talk to her like ASAP." Danelle said following me inside the house.
"You stay the night?" she questioned me.
"Uh no, I totally just got here at fucking 8:30." I said back to her.
"Okay, sarcasm noted. You know, YouTube E didn't ever use sarcasm." She snapped back at me. I laughed lightly as I started making some pancakes. Pancakes were almost done and I felt someone cling around my waist.
"Hi babygirl." I said knowing that it was Al.
"It smells yummy. I could get used to waking up to this." She answered me back kissing my side. I laughed at her as did she. She let go of me and walked over twords Dan and I suddenly felt cold. Damn.
"Okay so there is a lot I need to say right now." Danelle started. The girls wern't speaking to loud but loud enough that I could hear.
"Shoot." Al said back.
"Well um one is.. um. Gosh I don't know how to say this." Danelle started trying to drag it out.
"OMG spit it out!" Al said in frustration. She was cute when she was frusterated. She was cute all the time.
"Do you have any pregnancy tests!?!" Danelle almost screamed. Almaden gasped as did I. Oh. My. Balls.
"WHY?!!? AND OF ALL PEOPLE YOU ASK ME!?!??!?" Al said back still in shock.
"Okay for real do you seriously think a lesbian is going to be pregnant?" Danelle said. I mean yeah that makes sence. She does have a point.
"Okay well true.. I think I might have some up in my room." Al said back to her. HA! I knew she had some in her room. See i'm not completely stupid.
"No. No i'm not. I can't be. The books are wrong. It's probably Raph." Al said trying to shake it off.
"RAPH IS A VAMPIRE. HE'S NOT EVEN A WOLF." Danelle snapped back.
"Fuck me."  Al said quitely. Okay. Both girls started to laugh.
"Oh shit did I say that out loud??" I asked looking back at both of them.
"Yeah." Danelle said through laghter. I laughed as well and walked over to the girls with two plates, one for each girl and they ate. I stole bits and pieces from Al but she didn't really care.
"I kinda don't want to be the Alpha. I mean aren't guys normally the Alpha??" Al asked as she was putting her plate in the sink.
"The book says that a true women of strength and a rough past will be our new Alpha but she will have a stonger future with the one she loves, as he will be King Alpha." Danelle said as if she had that memorized. Wait. Does this make me King Alpha?
"Did you have that  memorized?" I kind of just blurted out.
"Haha well I mean it's all that my mom talks about. She thought that it was gonna be Al and Donny but she see's you two and has no doubt. You guys are gonna have an Alpha family!!" Danelle says enlighting the mood. I laughed as did Al. I mean she is my mate so the chances of that are super high. Score.
"Oh! Let me go grab those tests!!" Al said as she quickly ran upstairs. She came back downstairs with a pink little box.
"This holds your fate." Al said in a deep voice while shaking the box.
"Oml just give me the fucking test." Danelle said as she stole the box out of Almaden's hand and walked into the bathroom. Al started to laugh as did I. I stood up from the table and walked twords her. She looked up at me as I looked down twords her. Our bodies were dangerously close at this point. She got on her tippy toes and kissed my lips. Damn her lips tasted so good.  She pulled away once she her the bathroom door open again.
"Okay well um...." Danelle started. She looked like she was just crying. Almaden ran up to her and gave her a hug.
"Guess who's gonna be a momma..." Danelle said through tears. Al pulled away from the hug and wiped Dan's face.
"Hey it's okay. I will always be here for you, just like how you wre with Alaska and Damon. I'm not gonna leave you okay? And Gray will be here to father them and Sarah will be here too. Don't worry you will be fine." Al said wiping Danelle's tears away.
"Okay." Danelle said with her voice cracking.
"You will be okay..." Al said.
"Was it forced?"  I asked.
"No." Danelle said not making eye contact.
"It would be a different story if it was forced. I would kill him." Al said laughing as did Danelle.
"Kinda like I did with Donny once you told me?" Danelle asked.
"Yep. I mean I still got punished and bam there was Damon but yeah. Just worse." Al said while laughing. There was a ping sound as Danelle looked at her phone.
"Okay well Gray wants to see me and baby so I should probably get going." Danelle said as she pulled out her keys. Almaden walked Dan to the door then said good bye. I herd the door click shut and Al walked twords me. She kissed me softly yet passionatly.
*******************SMUT WARNING******************
"Woah." I said pulling away for air. Al laughed as did I.
"Babygirl, I don't want to make you uncomforatble but I want you so badly right now." I whispered into her ear.
"So do I E." She whispered back sending chills down my spine. I kisssed her passionatly as she kissed back. I swiped my tougne agenst her bottem lip and she denied. God damnit she likes teasing.
"Sorry." She said through kisses.
"Babygirl. The things you do to me. I just want you all to myself." I said very quietly but not whispering. 
"And you have me all to yourself." She answered back sudctivly.
"Good. Now jump." I said back to her. She did as I said and jumped. I placed her on the counter. No one was home thank god. I was so turned on just by her kisses, just imagining me and her doing this is like a dream.
"Are you sure babygirl." I said breaking away from the kiss looking into her eyes.
"Yes." She said out of breath.
"It's only day 2." I said back to her.
"Well I wouldn't want to do it on day 3." She said back to me and winked. Don't have to tell me twice. I kissed her passionatly pushing her back twords the counter.
"My room?" She said through kisses. I nodded as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I carried her upstairs to her room not breaking the kiss. I gently layed her on the bed as she tugged at my waistband. Damn was she needy. I ripped off my joggers and she did the same with hers and she was just in her sports bra and black underwear. I pulled away and looked at her. Damn. She was perfect. I kissed her again and flipped us so she was on top. She was straddling my waist. She layed down on me and kissed me roughly yet passionatly. Damn the things she does to me. While she was laying down on me my hands were roaming her back looking for the claps on her bra. In one swift motion I undid her bra as it was hanging loosly on her. She pulled away from the kiss and looked at me astonished.
"How the hell?" She said laughing holding up her bra.
"Well I mean it's not like we are goining to be needing it anytime soon." I said back and winked. She laughed at let it slowly fall off of her, landing on my abs. She looked stunning. She quickly tried hiding herself with her hands and arms and I sat up and held her face.
"Babygirl you don't need to hide from me. You are perfect in everyway. I would never ever judge you for anything. Babygirl if you aren't ready that's okay. I just want to love you right." I said and kissed her forhead. She nodded her head as she slowly let her arms fall. She kissed me again pushing me down to her bed. She started to kiss my jaw and found my sweetspot once again. I moaned in pleaseure as she kept kissing my body leaving love marks occasionaly. She got to my waistband and slowly pulled it down showing most of my V-line. She kept kissing me and made some more love marks.
"Your V-line could kill someone its so god damn sharp." She said and laughed. She pulled down my pants and started in awe.
"My turn." I said and quickly flipped us with her cought off guard. She was laughing as was I. I was hovering over her and my finger pulled at her waistband. She nodded her head in agreement as that came off in one swift motion as well. I looked her up and down in awe. She was perfect. Her stomach wasn't bruised at all, but there was still that scarred over vampire bite.  She also had a vampire bite on one of her boobs and on the inside of her thigh. My eyes started to fill with hot tears knowing that my cousin did this to her. Before I let any of the tears fall I kissed all of her scars. I kissed her neck bite first, then her breast bite, then her stomach. Then the inside of her thigh last. I kissed her lips. She is too perfect to be treated like this.
"Am I allowed to love you right babygirl?" I asked her.
"Yes. You're teasing me and I don't like it." She said trying to catch her breath. I smirked and kissed her passionatly as she kissed back.
"Tell me if I'm hurting you, okay?" I said to her as she nodded her head. I kissed her lips once more then started to kiss every inch of her body. I kissed the inside of her thigh as she moaned yet again. I smiled and moved my fingers ever so slowly up and down her slit. She moaned yet again. That sound turns me on so much. I slipped in two fingers as she moaned more. I licked her and she tasted so sweet, god I hope i'm not hurting her.
"E-Eth-than." She moaned my name and I looked up at her.
"Please babe, i'm ready." She said still moaning. I smirked and hovered over her yet again. Mine lined up with hers. I gentaly slid it in as she winced in pain. I quickly pulled out.
"Babe was I hurting?" I asked practically freaking out.
"Danelle told me that it is supposed to hurt at first but it gets better." Al said laughing. I laughed as well. I slid in again again very slowly as she winced again in pain. I went very slowly with my thrusts not wanting to hurt her. Her winces of pain slowly became moans of pleaseure. I smirked as my thrusts got faster and stronger. She kept moaning my name and it just made me even happier.
"E- E i thi-think- imma cu-" She started through moans.
"Me too babygirl." I said as I felt her walls clench tigher around me. Damn. That feeling is just. Damn. She moaned one last time and arched her back, then I felt her liquids all around me. My thrusts became sloppier as I also went. I pulled out and colapsed on the bed next to her. I looked over at the time. 10:00.
"I could get used to waking up like that." She said and laughed. I nodded my head in agreement as she curled up next to me. She layed her head on my chest and I rubbed her back. I herd light snores signing that she was asleep. I queitly snuck out of her bed and hopped in the shower. After I got out of the shower and walked into Raph's room and grabbed a pair of kaki joggers and an American Eagle shirt. I herd the shower water turn on and then stop. Almaden walked out of her room in ripped jeans and a tie die shirt. Damn. She looks good all the time.
"Hi." I said to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Hi." she said kissing me. I herd the doorbell ring and my head popped up.
"Let me get it." She said walking twords the door. She opened the door as I followed her and we saw a little girl, about maybe five.
"Hi, my name is Alaska Jule Brown and I am looking for my mom, Almaden Vianny. She looks likle this." The little girl held up a picture of her and Almaden. Almaden just collapsed to the ground crying.
"I'm sorry ma'am, do you know who this women is?" This little girl questioned.
"Do you have a bite on your neck sweetheart?" Al asked still crying. The little girl pulled at the neck of her shirt to show a vampire bite. Almaden cried more.
"My momma has a matching one. It's just on her stomach. My little brother Damon also has one on the back of his head." This little girl said. Al cried harder. Al stood up and lifted her shirt to show her bite mark on her stomach. Al was still crying.
"Hi Alaska, my name is Almaden Vianny. I am your mother princess." Al said still in tears. Alaska ran to Almaden and hugged her tightly.
"Where is your brother babygirl." Al said as Alaska let go of her.
"Dammy!" This little girl yelled as a little boy ran over practically tripping over his own feet.
"Hi! My nam is Damon Kingsly Bown. I am this many yers old." He said as he held up one finger. Almaden was crying harder now. I just stood there in shock.
"E, babe can you call the girls?" she said and I nodded my head walking twords the counter to grab my phone I called the girls and told them to get over here ASAP. Almaden brought the two kids into the house and sat them on the couch. Danelle, Sarah, Grayson and Cam all came barging through the door.
"I'M HERE!! I'M HERE! WHAT IS THE EMERGANCY!?!??! Danelle screamed.
"Aunt Dan!! Aunt Sarah!!" Alaska yelled as she jumped off the couch and ran and gave them the biggest hug. They stood there astonished.
"Hi! My nam is Damon Kingsly Bown. I am this many yers old." He said as he held up one finger. Almaden started to cry and laugh at the same time and gave Damon a big hug.
"Mommy stop crying. It make me sad." Damon said hugging Al.
"OMG OMG OMG!!! YOU ARE GRAYON AND ETIN DOLAN!!!! YOU SAVED MY MOMMA!!!!" Alaska screamed as she ran up to me and Gray and gave us some big hugs.
"I oove you so much tank you for saving my momma." Alaska said as she hugged me. I picked her up and spung her around in a circle. She laughed and laughed. Her laugh reminded me of some posts on instagram that come up on my feed. Her laugh kinda sounded like mine. God. This life has taken a big ass toll.
"Daddy put me down!!" Alaska laughed.
"Oh, I sory you aren't my daddy it's just I never have had this and my real daddy would hurt me and momma. I sory Etin." Alaska said quickly.
"It's okay princess. I'm dating momma so you can call me whatever you please." I said and winked at her. She had eyes like her mother. She smiled as I put her down and she ran back twords Al. Almaden looked so happy. Sarah, Danelle and Cam walked over twords the couch and played with the kids. Gray walked over twords me and said,
"Well looks like the daddy card came faster then you thought."
"Yeah well I mean I love Almaden and Alaska is a spitting image of her. And Damon is very small but cute. He looks like someone I know I just can't put my finger on it" I said back.
"What about you? Day one and you also have the daddy card. It's just you get to start and the bottem." I said looking at him.
"Bro the boy looks just like you and i'm scared shitless. What if I mess up? I mean I'm only 21. I don't want to be a horrible father." Gray said looking down.
"Dude chill. You are gonna be a great dad." I started but was then cut off by the home phone ringing. I pick it up.
"Hello?" I said and the whole house got quiet.
"Hey, Ethan right?" Said the other line.
"Haha yes sir." I said back. It was Almaden's father.
"Ethan yes hi, this is Almaden's father speaking. I just wanted to say that we are on our way home. We will be home In about 10 minutes." Her father said.
"Okay! See you then sir." I said.
"No need to call me sir, you can call me Leo." Her father said back.
"Haha okay Leo, see you soon." I said back and then the line died.  I put the phone down and Al looked up at me.
"Who was that?" She asked walking twords me with Damon in her arms.
"Your dad." I said back taking Damon out of her arms.
"He's alseep, do you mind taking him up to then room two doors down on the left?" She asked me. I nodded my head and walked up the stairs and found the room two doors down on the left. I opened the door to see a blue and black nursury. I layed him in the crib and looked around the room. It had Damon above the crib in a blue and black plad and the floor was hardwood. Wow. They already had everything ready before he came here. I herd someone coming up the stairs to see Almaden with Alaska passed out in her arms. She walked into a lilac purple room with a butterfly bedspread. She layed down Alaska on the bed and quietly shut the door. She walked down the stairs with me following her to see everyone downstairs. Her parents, Cam, Sarah, Dan, Gray, and Donny.
"So, I've herd that the two mistakes have came back." Donny said.

OML OML WHAT THE BALLS!?!?!? I THOUGHT THEW KIDS WERE DEAD!!??!?!?? ALSO DAN IS PREGGOS!?!?!?OMG SO MUCH IN ONE CHAPTER. sorry that it is super long but i mean, whatever haha. Don't forget to vote, and comment. and tell your friends to read haha. I love you all and will see yall next time!! <3                         

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