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***Later that same day***
Grayson's POV

Cameron was pronounced dead at 10:56 in the morning on October 8th, 2021 (this story does take place in the future bc i wanted to make it real time for the twins to make it seem more realistic haha) Sarah is a mess. Me and Ethan are too. On the 8th, 2019, our dad died of stomach cancer. And now two years later our sister dies the same day. Plus this day hits me really really hard because one of my dauters died. She had the cord wrapped around her neck and didn't have enough oxygen going to her head. Danelle keeps blaming herself for it, but it's not her fault. And our other daughter will arrive in about a month or two. It's 4:30 and the camera is on and the lights are blaring into my eyeballs.
"What is up you guys, it's the Dolan Twins-"
"But it's not Tuesday. That is correct. It is not Tuesday."
"We just feel like there has been a lot of internet drama and we wanted to clear it up."
"Should we put like a warning on this?"
"Yeah maybe like a little kid and cry warning?" I said smiling.
"Yeah okay so little kid and cry warning."
"So when we were younger, we did the stripped down challange."
"That challange is when you just talk. But you can't edit it, add backround music, or any of that."
"And we feel like we needed to rant so yeah."
"This is the stripped down challange 2.0" Ethan said throwing his arms out nearly hitting me in the face.
"Okay so the first topic that we are gonna shed some light on is what happened today."
"Today is our dad's memorial day. It has been two years since he has died."
"R.I.P. Dad. Love and miss you bunches." Ethan said while making a cross over his body. I did the same. I felt the tears coming beacause I knew what was coming.
"Today is also the day that our big-lil-sis died. Cameron died today at 10:56 in the moring." Ethan said. Sara started to cry. Ethan walked out of the shot and started to cry. Sara sat next to me and started to talk.
"Hiya guys. I'm Sarah Heart, and I was Cameron's girlfriend." As she did her little talk I started to cry and I had to walk out of the shot. Once Sara had finished she had started bawling and me and Ethan gave her a big hug and sat back down.
"Also um today something happened to Gray." Ethan said and rubbed my back. Ethan stood up and got out of the shot and in walked Danelle next to me. I greabbed her hand and squeezed her hand very tightly.
"Hi y'all, I'm Danelle Ray, and I am Grayson's girlfriend. Yes the rumers are true. Me and Grayson are a thing and we have been for a little over 8 months. I was pregnant with twins. And now I'm not." Dan started. Her voice was cracking and she started to cry. I squeezed her hand and finished with what she was saying.
"Today we found out that one of our girls had the umbilical cord wrapped around her nexck and she had no oxygen going to her head. She died today. Danelle had a miscarrige but luckily enough we will be expecting Dylan Cameron Dolan in about a month or two. Me and Danelle are happy together, and that's all that matters. You honestly can say whatever the fuck you want because we will just grow stronger as a couple and a family. I felt tears in my eyes. I shook my haed and looked down.
"Yeah i completely agree with what Gray had said. It will make me and him stronger as a couple, and once our daughter comes into this world we will be a strong Dolan family. Talk all the shitb you want, But Grayson makes me happy. Grayson IS my happiness and no one, and i mean NO ONE can take my happiness away from me because of a post on twitter or instagram. So say whatever, because I don't really care. I love Grayson no matter what." Dan said then kissed me passionatly. I kissed her back. I herd Ethan in the back say something like "Get it" or someshit but I didn't pay attention. I flipped him off. Oops... Dan let go of the kiss first and through up the peace sign to the camera and walked out of the shot. That is the firey girl that I met in the back of Almaden's truck that I fell in love with. I felt my face get hot.
"Okay well now it's my turn to spill my love life so yeah." Ethan said and pushed me out of my chair.
"DUDE! YOU LITTLE ASSFACE." I yelled as I stood up.
"Bro don't. NO GRAYSON I SWEAR!" Ethan yelled as I came charging at him. I kicked him out of his seat. Ha. Our signiture move.
"Okay well now that I have popped my rib out of my body again-"
"Yeah well I popped it back in for the second time so"
"No! You lier the doctor did."
"Yeah but it sounds a lot cooler if you say that I did so."
"No. The doctor did. It's not nice to lie Gray."
"Clearly I know that. We are maKing a vid about telling the truth and spilling tea." I said and smirked.
"Okay well I hoped that made you laugh, um Gray is a total dick so um yeah." Ethan said to me and started to laugh.
"Dude once this vid ends your head is gonna get chopped off." I said back and walked out of the shot.

Ethan's POV

"Okay were is my perfect fiancée?" I asked holding out my arms as Almaden walked into the shot. She grabbed my hand clearly nervous, and honestly I don't blame her.
"Hi guys! My name is Almaden Vianny and I am Ethan's fiancée." She said squeezing my hand.
"She is the future Mrs. Dolan." She smiled. God I love her smile.
"Ethan and I have been together for a little over 9 months, and I had just officially became his fiancée like yesturday?" She asked and looked at me.
"Yeah I think so." I said and smiled.
"We also have two kids. KIDOS!!" I yelled and Alaska and Damon came running into the shot. Alaska sat on my leg and Damon sat on Almaden's.
"Hi camra! I'm Alaska Jule Dolan and I am 4. My mommy is Almdon Dolan and my Daddy is Etin Dolan. And my lil broter is Damon Dolan." Alaska said and then looked at me and Almaden.
"My mommy and daddy are happy and noting can make them not happy. Unless me or Damon do something wrong, like not clean up the play room or when we don't go nighnight when they say we have too. Then they put me in the corner." Alaska said and started to laugh. I aslo started to laugh.
"Hi! My nam is Damon Kingsly Dolan. I am this many yers old." He said as he held up one finger. I started to laugh as did Al and Laska.
"This is my happiness. And if you can't accept that, welp sorry. They are my family and hopefully we will be able to expand soon a-"
"Oh! Speaking of expanding. I'M PREGNANT!!!" Almaden yelled. My jaw dropped.
"Your joking right!?!?" I asked.
"Nope, I'll show you the tests later." She said and winked at me. Alaska and Damon got off our legs and I picked almaden up and spung her around. Once her feet touched the ground I kissed her passionatly and she kissed back with that same amount of passion. She let go of air first and leaned her head up agenst my chest. Alaska and Damon were at our legs, I picked them both up and looked at the camera.
"This is my happiness. My two soon to be three kiddos, and my fiancée, soon to wife. And we dont care what you say, because I love these guys, so you can try to break us but it won't happen." I put the kids down and sat back in my seat and Almaden walked behind the camera again and now it was just me and Gray.
"So um yeah, that was that video."
"Honestly i'm kinda happy we made that video. I like naturally feel better. I don't have to worry about hiding it anymore. Yes there are gonna be people who hate this video but honestly I don't give a flying fuck what haters say about it."
"@EXPOSEDOLANS COME AT US I DARE YOU. BECAUSE CLEARLY WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY." I started to laugh at what Grayson said as did he.
"We really needed to get it off our chest and I am feeling a lot better now that I did." I said as Gray nodded his head in agreement.
"We love you all and um see you Tuesday?" I asked looking at Gray then the camera then back at Gray. He noded then we both jumped up and yelled
"PEACE" we all started laughing then Alaska yelled
"PEACE! Look i'm just like daddy and uncle Grayon now!"
"We are so using that as the post outro blooper." I said as Gray turned off the camera and noded in agreement. I looked at the time to only see that it was 4:45, so I mean a 15 minute video of us ranting about or lives, thats not bad. Gray grabbed the laptop and uploaded it to Youtube, but we didn't post about it. Once it was uploaded, we ordered pinapple pizza and watched Fining Nemo, all of us, and after that Sarah went back to her appartment even though we told her that she could stay the night here, she insested that she go back home. And Gray and Danelle went back to there appartment too. It was like 8ish and we tucked the kids in and then watched another movie in our room. Almaden curled up into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her waist. Clearly she was comfortable because she fell asleep instantly. I checked my phone one last time and saw a whole bunch of purple hearts and stuff like how cute the kids are, or the hashtag #MissyouCam, or my dads hashtag #MissyouSean. I'm happy now, because it's all love. I put my phone back down and looked at Almaden, she looked like an angel. I kissed her head then slowly drifted to sleep.

Donnavan's POV

They think they had just won the battle, when in reality that had now started a war. And this fight, they won't win.


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