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Alrighty gang so um a lot happened in the last chapter, and i mean really i have nothing to say you guys just gotta read to find our haha. some good songs that I would play are um Please Don't Go (A Cappella) by Joel Adams. Um so yeah! PLease don't be a silent reader and I love you all!!<3

Ethan's POV
(before you get any further, play the song Please Don't Go (A Cappella) by Joel Adams. Play it for this whole chapter it will put so much in perspective. Thanks loves!!)

Oh my gosh. Al is a supernatural. WAIT WHAT!!?!???! I went to wipe her tears off her face and then she ran out of my grasp with her keys and hopped in her truck. And as soon as she was in the truck the girls came running out followed by Gray. Gray looks like he just saw a ghost. I just stood there, lifeless. Like my heart has been ripped out and I was now just a body with no emotion. Gray ran up to me and hit me upside the head.
"Bro you stupid fuck now the girls know that you are a supernatural!" Gray says as he looks at me and see's me torn apart.
"Bro are you really that stupid, Sarah and Danelle are wolfs as well. I used my telepathy to talk to you and instaed got and answer from them. And Al is supernatural too. I just don't know what yet." I grunted under my breath.
"Wait Sarah and Danelle are wolfs??? DOES AL KNOW!?!?" Gray asked me looking scared.
"AL IS A SUPER-" I was then cut off by the sound of tires screeching and girls screaming. I looked up from the ground to see Al's car. Crushed on the driver side. Danelle and Sarah came running out of the back and the passenger door screaming and yelling. Wait where is Al? I asked to myself.
"Stupid she is the only one that could drive stick so she is on the driver side! We gotta go get her!!" Gray yelled back at my reply. Before I could question anything I did what my father did to save my mother. No human body could save Al from her crushed car. I looked at Gray and he gave me that look like it was okay. His fangs came out and he became super pale. And I ran to Al's car and morphed into Griffen and now he was in charge. I couldn't see anyting that Griffen saw and then I morphed back to human form, with Gray holding Al in his arms. She had blood every where and Gray had his fangs out and his eyes pure black.
"Gray don't! I know all you see is blood but you need to fight this urge of killing our bestfriend! Gray please don't be like Donny and kill the people she loved the most! She still has so much to live for!!" Danelle screamed as she ran up to Gray and slammed her lips onto his. Woah I was not expecting that. Grays eyes went back to the brown he was born with as Danelle pulled away.
"Haha why'd you stop? I was just getting started." He said with his million dollar smile.
"We will finish this later but we need to save Al first." Danelle said as she winked at Gray. I ran up to Al and held her tightly. I felt her warmth leaving her body and felt her pulse slowly fade.
"WE ARE LOSING HER!! I CAN'T LOSE HER I LOVE HER!! Al babygirl please come back to me. I promise to love you everyday of my life. There was a spark with you and I can't lose you to a car accident. Babygirl please come back to me." I said as I cried into her chest. I felt her chest rise and fall more rapidly now. Like she was hyperventalting.
"SHE NEEDS TO SEE HER DAD!!" Sarah screamed as she ran to me and picked up Al and sprinted off. Gray, Danelle, and I all followed behind Sarah. We got to Al's house to see a gigantic ass wolf with vampire fangs hovering over Al. He started to lick her face and I herd her laugh. Ugh that laugh is like music to my ears. I slowly slid down the wall holding my chest knowing that she was okay.
"OMG dad stoppppppppp! Your embarrassing me!" Al said through more laughter.
"There is my sweet little princess." Her dad said as he morphed back to his human form. He then helped up his daughter as she wiped her face and lifted up her shirt slightly to see if she had any bruises. Her whole stomach was black and blue, and she had a vampire bite that was scarred over.
"They will all go away soon princess." Her dad said as he tuck a peice of her hair behind her ear as she started to laugh again. I stood up off the wall trying to look somethat presentable as she put down her shirt and looked up to see me. Her eyes were lilac purple and were gorgeous. She ran up to me and jumped into my arms with everyone watching.
"I love you too" She whispered into my ear. My heart began to flutter and my stomach got a tingly. I lightly put her down back on her feet as her father walked up to me. I shook his hand with a firm grip.
"I have herd a lot about you son, just promise me you won't be like Donny and do all those horrible things to her. Protect her like she is your number one." her father said to me as he let go of my hand and his eyes turned orange.
"Of course Sir. I don't know what my cousin Donny has done to this perfect creture but I promise that your daughter will be my number one priority and that she will never be put in harms way." I said back to her father as he shook his head and exiting out the door. Al looked very tired so I carried her up to her room and tucked her into her bed.
"E wait." She started.
"Yes baby?" I asked her.
"Can you come lay with me?" She asked holding out her hand.
"Of course babe." I said as I layed in her bed and snuggled up next to her. Not even five minutes later she was lightly snoring and was out cold. I gently kissed her forhead and left her room. I walked downstairs to see everyone watching tv. I plopped on the love seat next to Sarah and asked.
"Okay so what did my cousin Donny do to her? I mean I saw the vampire bite on her stomach, please tell me what happened." Sarah finally took her eyes off of the screen and curled up into a small ball. Danelle sat with her legs criss-cross as Gray put his hand on her knee with his thumb rubbing her leg gentaly.
"If you want you can just some it up and make it short and sweet." Gray said with a weak smile.
"Yeah well Al should probably tell you about it. It's not our business." Sarah started as Danelle finished.
"Plus none of it is sweet. The things he did to her a crushal and heart breaking. If we had never stepped inside there house at that point in time she would be dead." Danelle grunted.
"Please guys. I just want to know something." I replied back.
"Ugh fine. but we are NOT going into detail or anything. Just short and sweet." Danelle said putting her hand over Grays.
"Okay, so Al was raped, ended up getting pregnant, has child. Four years later gets raped again and ends up getting pregnant, again. Three months later Donny comes home drunk, kills their four year old and unborn child. He was about to kill Al but right before he did we walked inside their house and stopped him. We rushed Al and her four year old to the hospital, but it was to late." Sarah says as her voice cracks and tears roll down her face.
"She misses them so much and wishes that she was up with them, mothering them. Her daughter had a life to live and her unborn son didn't even get to see the world. She misses them so much. She has tried killing her self to be with them and be happy." Danelle coos as tears stream down her face.
"Yeah and then she found you two and your crazy videos, and you guys are the reason she is still here with us. You guys and your stupid ass videos made her smile when no one else could." Sarah starts as she giggles at memories i'm assuming.
"And once we were in Starbucks today for the second time, she told us that she was finally happy with her life. She said that she thinks she loves you and that she is finally happy after everything that she has been through." Danelle said as she looks down and starts to play with her hands. Just hearing everything that my cousin has done to my mate, just made my blood boil. My eyes filled with hot tears as I looked down. I looked up to see Gray, his eyes pure black. He stood up as did I and walked out the door. I herd the girls shuffling twords the door and calling out to us.
"E? Gray? Where are you guys going??" I herd Sarah yell out to us.
"To give our cousin what he deserves." I said as my eyes changed color to there clover green. I hope Griffen is ready. Gray laughed lightly as I looked back to him to see his eyes blend in with the night and his fangs a pearly white color sticking out of his mouth. This is gonna be interesting.

HEYOOOO MY LOVES!! WHATS POPPIN? okay so um A LOT of twists and turns in this chapter! You guys also now found out what Donny has done to Al and why she doesn't like him and why she is scared of him. BUT OMG WHAT IS E AND GRAY GONNA DO???? AND THE TWINS ARE DONNY ARE COUSINS!?!??!?! WAIT WHAT!!?!?! and Danelle and Gray are so cute omg ugh. But omg so much went down. okay well imma go think of fight scene haha. alrighty love you all and I will yall next time!!<3

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