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Heyoo gang. So the last chapter some, um things happened. and really i mean thats all I can say. Back to the story haha

Ethan's POV

Oh. My. Gosh. The things at she does to me. I walked out of the bathroom and into Al's room to see Danelle and Grayson getting it on.
"Yo wtf?" I said closing my eyes.
"Okay I get that yall like each other but I mean c'mon. It had to be in Al's room??" I asked with my eyes still cosed.
"Dude chill we herd you two in the bathroom."  Grayson started while laughing.
"Yeah yall are loud." Danelle finished while laughing getting off of Gray.
"Okay well, we didn't do anything." I said opening my eyes and walking twords my sweats.
"Her moans could differ." Gray said and winked at me. I felt embarresment wash over me as I grabbed Al's sweats and started to walk out the door, but once I reached the door I bumped into someone and I quickly apologized to see Al's just with her towel wrapped around her. I herd Danelle whistle at Almaden as Al started to luagh and blush. She looked stunning.
"Um here." I said and handed her her sweats.
"Thanks babe. Um I see that you still need to change?" She said looking me up and down.
"Haha um yeah but you can change first." I said back to her. Grayson and Danelle started to laugh as Danelle kicked Grayson out of Al's room and pulled Al in. Me and Gray just stood there as the door slammed in our faces and we herd laughter and then Danelle squeel. Oml. I ran to the bathroom to change and then found Gray on the couch.
"Damn can Danelle grind." Gray said breaking the silence.
"Al has a better V-line then me." I answered back and started to laugh. Then Sarah barged through the door breathing heavily looking for the girls. Me and Gray both pointed to the stairs as she ran up the stairs and slammed Al's door. After about 20 minutes all three girls came downstairs looking very happy. Al ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug and most passionate kiss ever then pulled away for air.
"What was that for babygirl?" I questioned pushing my forhead agenest hers.
"We have a date tonight." She said trying to catch her breath.
"Oh shit! Girls we have to go get ready!!" Al squeeled as she kissed me one last time and ran up the stairs.
"Pick you up at 7?" Gray asked.
"Yep! But you have to drive your own car, no carpooling." Danelle said as she winked and followed the other two upstairs.
"Okay then." I said while laughing and then Gray looked at me and said,
"Well we gotta go get ready." After he said that we hopped in my truck and drove back to our appartment and got ready.

Almaden's POV

It was taking E forever to go get changed and get my shit so I walked out of the bathroom with just my towel wrapped around me and snuck over to my room to see Danelle and Grayson on my bed and Ethan in the door frame with all of his stuff and mine. I accidently bumped into him and he quickly apologized not noticing who he bumped. I looked up to him and he looked at me, his jaw dropped once he saw me and I blushed slightly. I then herd Danelle whistle and I started to laugh and blushed even more as Ethan looked me up and down.
"Um here." He said and handed me my sweats sweats.
"Thanks babe. Um I see that you still need to change?" I said looking him up and down. Damn.
"Haha um yeah but you can change first." He said back to me. Grayson and Danelle started to laugh as Danelle kicked Grayson out of my  room and pulled me in. She slammed the door in there faces and ran over to me.
"Tell me everything." She said as she sat on my bed looking intriged. And so I listened to her command and told her everything. Once I finished she squeeled and clapped her hands together.
"Okay I need to change." I said while laughing as I walked to my walk in closet and shut the door and dropped my towel and changed and came out of my closet and put all my shit out on my balcony.
"Okay confession time." She started. I sat on my bed next to her and she looked at me really happily.
"Well I have two things to confess it's just one of them I don't want Sarah to know about bc I don't want her jelous." Danelle said looking down playing with her hands.
"Okay well say that one first." I said while laughing.
"I think i'm in love with Gray-" Danelle was starting but got interuped by Sarah running into the room slamming the door behind her.
"OkayisitconfessiontimebecauseIhavesomthingreallyreallyimportanttosayandIreallywantyouguystoacceptmeforitandpromisemethatyouguyswon'tleavemeorthinki'mweird." Sarah said in one breath.
"Promise." Danelle and I said at the same time.
"I'm in Cam's lane." She said not making eye contact with us.
"Dallas?? Yo he's cool, and I mean if I weren't in a thing with Gray I would totally hit up Dall-" Danelle started as I giggled at her.
"No. Dolan." Sarah said, still not making eye contact.
"Ugh Cam is queen! I love her so much she is perfect. If I were lesbian I would be all over her." I said with Danelle nodding her head in agreement.
"HOES! I AM LESBIAN!" Sarah practically yelled. Oh my gosh. Plot twist. I was not expecting my bestfriend to be lesbian. But whatever makes her happy is cool with me.
"You and Cam would be such a cute couple." Danelle said looking at Sarah. Sarah looked up at both of us and ran and gave us the biggest hug. I love Sarah so much. Us three girls are sisters and I will support both of them no matter what. Like how they did with me when I was in an abusive relationship with Donny.
"I ship it." I said as Sarah started tearing up.
"Thank you so much you guys. I love you both so much." She said as we all sat up. I wiped her tears as Danelle was grabbing some tissues.
"Hunny you are going to ruin your makeup. Stop crying." Danelle said as she started to blot Sarah's face with the tissue. We all laughed.
"Me and Cam have a date tonight and she wants to meet you guys." Sarah said as she looked in the mirror to see no makeup runs.
"Me and Gray were talking about going on a date. Maybe we all can go on a triple date!" Danelle said as her eyes lit up.
"I'm down." Sarah and I said in sync. We looked at each other and started to laugh.
"Oh I need to tell E!" I said as I started walking to my door.
"Guys, seeing that it's confession time, I just wanted to say that I have finally accepted that I am a supernatural.  Al when me, my mom and Sarah were saving it finally clicked that this is who I am and I am happy about that." Danelle said as she started to tear up.
"No tears, no tears." I said as I ran up to her and gave her a big hug.
"Without you two I wouldn't be here. I love you girls so fucking much." I said trying to hold back tears.
"Haha we should probably talk about happy things before we turn 'dark'." Sarah said. We all laughed and walked downstairs to the boys. I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug and kissed him, very passionatly.  I then pulled away first for air.
"What was that for babygirl?" He questioned pushing his forhead agenest mine.
"We have a date tonight." I said trying to catch my breath.
"Oh shit! Girls we have to go get ready!!" I squeeled as I kissed him one last time and ran up the stairs.
"Pick you up at 7?" Gray asked.
"Yep! But you have to drive your own car, no carpooling." Danelle said as she winked and followed Sarah and I up the stairs.

Okay so this was kinda a filler chapter,, sorry. But finally Sarah came out and seems much happier and Danelle has accepted that she is a supernatural so that is good. I promise um a lot more drama next chapter haha. I hope yopu liked this chapter and don't forget to commenet and vote, it makes me work faster. I love you all, and will see yall next time! <3

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