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Listen to Hold On by Chord Overstreet for this chapter pleaseeeeeeee! Thanks loves!!

Almaden's POV

School has officially started. I have been able to hang out with Porter and Walker more and more. I also have been getting a lot of attention in school. People are asking to take pictures with me and ask me if I could tell Ethan or Grayson hi and that they love them. People also give me dirty looks, hit me, slap me, kick me, send me threats. Today was the second week of all of this abuse and I can't even wear shorts infront of Ethan and my kids because I am afriad that they will see me bruises that will soon turn into scars. I mean my whole life I have been abused, this should be nothing different, it's just that it is. The people that are abusing me used to be my bestfriends. Well one of them at least. Sarah. That's right. She is pissed that Danelle and I both got our happy endings and that she didn't. But she won't lay a finger on Dan because Dan is pregnant plus if Gray herd that someone else touched her he would loose his shit. But she can do it to me because she knows my past and knows that I can handle it and stay stron infront of my family. No one knows what is happeneing at school, and I am gonna keep it that way. Other then Dan, she knows because she see's it everyday. And I don't show that I am hurting, and when I do its when im in the shower crying all my worries down the drain hoping that tomorrow will be a better day. But it never is. It just gets worse. People say that time heals everything. Then why hasn't time changed, like at all for me?
December 13th, 2021
I was sitting in the lunch room with Danelle talking about if giving birth hurts. This chick is fucking insane. But I understand why she was freaking out so much, I mean her due date was in like a day. She was freaking out. The lunchroom went from really loud to really quite really fast. Danelle's eyes lit up as she looked passed me. I turned around to see Grayson walking twords us with a bag of McDonalds and a Chocalate Oreo shake from Burger King. Danelle jumped up and ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Awww. Goals. Multiple jaws dropped and cameras were pulled out to take a picture.
"Cooties" I whispered, but still loud enough for then to hear.
"Oh really? So if E walked through those doors you wouldn't run up to him and give him a kiss?" Gray asked sitting back down next to Danelle as she rummaged through her bag of food.
"Um no. I would run and jump and wrap my legs around his V-line that could kill someone then kiss him." I said back and winked. Gray and Danelle started to laugh.
"Ethan's V-line is prolly nothing compared to Grays." Danelle said and winked back at me. I started to laugh as Graysons face got super red.
"Bet." I said taunting Danelle.
"Bet." She spat back at me.
"Okay um how about no bets, I have seen Ethan's V I mean we lived with eachother our whole lives, and yes he has a better V and jaw line then I do.." Grayson started but then I cut him off but looking at Danelle and shouted,
"But I have a better six" Gray finished and pulled up his shirt slightly to show some of his abs. Danelle gushed just at the sight of his abs as did other girls walking by trying to get noticed by Gray. I rolled my eyes and started to laugh. Gray put back down his and Danelle's mouth still hung open.
"Close your mouth before you get bugs." I said and started to laugh as did Grayson. Danelle closed her mouth then looked at my direction and her eyes lit up. I herd little kids and turned around to see Alaska and Damon running in my direction with a bag from McDonalds. I started to laugh and picked up Damon and Alaska both in my arms as they both wrapped their arms around my neck.
"Damn, the strenght that you and Ethan have is insane. I tried lifting both those two at the same time and I couldn't, and I'm more yolked then E." Gray said and started to laugh. I started to laugh too as I put both kids down in a seat next to Grayson and whispered,
"Perks of being Alpha and Alpha King." Then winked. Grayson's jaw dropped like he had herd new news. I started to laugh again at Grayson's suprised expresion on his face. I turned around to see Ethan with two milkshakes and two milks. I started to laugh as he smirked up and looked at me. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist and wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. Our lips were inches away and he smirked at me, then moved his head closer to mine closing the space between us. I kissed him back with the same amount of passion or more. He pulled away first for air and then looked down at me in awe. I looked up at him and blushed.
"Well damn, I need to do this more often to get kisses like that." He laughed and started walking twords my table. I blushed again lightly as he carried me to our table, seeming unfazed that he was carrying me to our table. Once we got back to the table he set me back down on my feet and kissed my head.

Grayson's POV

Wait. She is the Alpha that our parents warned us about!?!?! DOES ETHAN KNOW!?!? Ethan kissed Al on the top of her head then I tugged at his arm to pull him away.
"We'll be right back." I said reassuring Danelle that I wasn't going far. I gave Dan a quick kiss on the lips and Ethan kissed Al's head for the last time and he told his kids that he would be right back. We walked out to his car and I started pacing.
"Dude whats wrong? Do you need a breather? Are you freaking out because the dad card is officially here?" Ethan asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"WHATS WRONG IS THAT YOU ARE GONNA MARRY THE ALPHA!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE JUST DONE TO OUR FAMILY NAME!?!??! MOM IS GONNA KILL YOU!" I practically yelled at him. His face went from a smirk to a frown and he ran his hands through his hair then looked up at me,
"I know that I have just ruined the family name but she makes me so fucking happy. Plus we have kids Gray. And those kids are my pride and joy plus a piece of me. I can't just leave them. Plus I have completely fallen for her, and I couldn't imagine my life without her. She is my world and my happiness. She is the reason why I made that video. Because I love her and want to be with her. She is the love of my life and that isn't ever gonna change. She is my mate, and there is a reason for that. We are happy together and I don't really care that I just ruined the family name. Because you know what, Mom can deal with it." Ethan said and then turned on his heel and walked back into the cafiteria. Honestly I don't blame him though. If Danelle was the Alpha I wouldn't really care. I would still be with her. I'm just nervous about what are mom is gonna say...

Ethan's POV

I was so pissed at Gray for calling me out on it. I just left him. Sorry not sorry. I mean yeah it wasn't right that because of our lastnames we shouldn't be together but we are mates. I get that smell of lilac and almounds whenever i'm near her, and I feel her pain, and we were brought together to bring our packs together. Just like my parents. So honestly my mom can't say shit. I was so cought up with my train of thought that I didn't hear the yelling coming from the cafeteria. But now I can. Clear as day. And I hear children crying. My kids. I suddenly hunched over and grasped my right side of my ribs and screamed in pain. What the hell? I stood back up slowly still holding the right side of my body and I ran into the cafeteria. I ran twords the yelling and then it suddenly stopped. Sarah emerged from the large crowd and everyone dispersed around back to there tables. I ran twords the area were everyone was leaving and I saw that both my kids had a couple cuts on there arms and Alaska had a deep cut right near her eye, that was definatly gonna need stitches. I looked down to see Danelle with a black and blue mark on her head but she had blood pooled around her and Almaden in her arms. No. Danelle looked back up at me, tears streaming down her face. She looked back down and whispered,
"I tried. It's been going on for so long. I tried to save her E. I really tried."

Okay welp my book is lowkey flopping, no one is reading it anymore so I will be ending it really really soon, but I also will be starting another story which HOPEFULLY people might read that one. Haha alright welp um I love you all and um see ytall next time!! PEACE! 

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