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Alrighty guys so um A LOT happened in the last chapter and there are gonna be multiple POV'S this chapter!! I hope you enjoy everybodies sight on this chapter! PLease again don't be a silent reader and I really don't want this story to flop soooooo haha. Alright now to the story,, and for this chapter please please please please listen to the song White Blood by Oh Wonder. It is a great song and for this whole chapter its #RELATABLE so just keep that song on repeat haha thanks loves<3

Almaden's POV

I woke up to here Sarah screamimg out my front door. I walked down stairs to see both girls with dried tear stains on their cheeks and both eyes red and faces splotchy. Danelle started to cry more at the sight of me and fell to the ground.
"Al i'm so sorry. There is something that I have been meaning to tell you... it's just I have never had the guts and now that Gray and E are about to kill Donny I thi-" Danelle started to ramble on but I quickly cut her off.
"Wait what?? Why are they going to kill Donny?" I asked looking at both girls. They both looked at me scared as if they did something that they shouldn't have. I swear if they said something about me and Donny to E and Gray I am going to chop there heads off.
"Um so we might have told the twins what Donny did to you and then they stormed out of the house saying that they were gonna give him what he deserves." Sarah rambled on as she started to play with her fingers.
"GOD DAMNIT! I TOLD YOU BOTH THAT I WOULD TELL THEM WHEN I WAS READY!" I practically yelled as my eyes turned my lilac purple and ran out the door twords Donny's house. Yes he deserves to die after what he did to me and our family but that's not the point. He can't get killed by his cousins. Or at least not tonight.

***Okay so please read this!! Okay so seeing that Ethan and Grayson are twins, One of them is a vampire(Gray) and the other one is a wolf(E) and when fighting together they have the powers of a nightingale. Lisa, Sean, and Cam are all nightingales but seeings thst the boys are twins one of them got one part of the nightingale and the other one got the other part. They can mate with nightingales as well. Alright I really hoped that made sence,(Prolly not haha) um but yeah. You also are gonna get a POV that isn't like the others and has only been mentioned once haha. Alright back to the story!***

Griffen's POV
(This is ethans wolf fyi. Ethan can't see out of Griffens eyes so I decided to make Griff's POV so you guys can see/read the fight first hand as if you were Griff b/c he is gonna have alot more action they Gray haha)
Ethan's eyes turned into his clover green pretty much saying that I was allowed. I soon took over Ethan's body as we walked into Donny's front yard. Man I really fucking hate this guy. I mean he took my perfect, most stunning, mates virginity. (Ireland,Al's wolf. Yes I know that Almaden is a wolf it's just that Ethan isn't that smart so he hasnt put it together yet. And yes I know I shouldn't be dissing my person but whatever) Agenst her own will. I never liked vampires. Other then Grayson. He is like my bestfriend.
"E? You ready??" Gray asked, his eyes pitch black. I can't remember the last time his eyes were that dark.
"It's Griff. Ethan left a long time ago and honestly I can't wait to kill this bitch. He ruined Ireland and he has always gotten on my nerves. I hate vampires, no offence buddy." I said back to Gray. He honestly didn't look fased.
"None taken." He said throwing his hands in the air. We both laughed as Donny walked out, Blood dripping down from his mouth to his jaw. He disgusts me.
"Well hey there boys, didn't know you were coming over?" He said. He sounded drunk and couldn't stand still. This is gonna be so much easier then I thought.
"Hey Don." I said. He could tell that it wasn't Ethan talking because my voice is slightly deeper and more raspy.
"Well I didn't know that the puppy wanted to play. Hi Griffy Wiffy-" he started as he threw his hand twords my jaw. With my quick reflects I grabbed his hand and sqeezed his and to make him feel uncomfortable fast.
"Well looks like this puppy started to go hunting and got stronger." Donny said as he tried to release from my grasp. I just held tighter. The more he would squirm the tighter I held.
"No. It's called you took everything from my mate. Agenst her own fucking will. How the hell could you do that to her. And then you killed your kids and almost her? How could you live with yourself after that?" I asked tighting my grip not even noticing.
"Buddy. It's not rape if she liked it." Donny said in a suductive tone and winked. I lost it. I fucking hated him. Ugh why the hell are we related? I took a swing right to his jaw with my other hand tighting the grip on his hand while pushing him up agent the wall. I am gonna kill him. I hope that he enjoys hell. I let go of his hand and took another swing at his jaw. I then kicked him in his man hood and swung at his jaw again. My stomach started to feel off and I could smell that sweet smell of lilac and almounds. Ethan was yelling at me as I felt my eyes slowly turn back, taking me away and letting my person have his body back.

Grayson's POV

"Buddy. It's not rape if she liked it." Donny said in a suductive tone and winked. As soon as Donny said that Griffen lost his shit. Griff shoved Donny into the wall and started attacking Donny with punches and I mean honestly Donavan deserved all that he got. I then herd yelling. A feminine voice. One I have never herd, and I know that it wasn't Danelle or Sarah. And I know for a fact that It wasn't Almaden. I turned around to see Almaden run through the door, it's just this time her voice was more raspy and her eyes lilac purple. Griffen I could tell was gone because his pounches had become stronger and than suddenly stopped. I saw Al run past me and stopped once she was inbetween Ethan and Donavan. I knew something was going to happen. It's like it all happened in slow motion. Donny licked his lips. Al was about to kiss Ethan. Her eyes changed back to the brown. Donny then latched his teath onto her neck. Once he let her go she fell like a ton of bricks hitting the ground. Sarah and Danelle came running through the doors and ran to Almaden. I just stood there. I just saw one of my bestfriends get bit by a vampire. Ugh imagine how Ethan feels. Out of frustration Ethan punched Donny in the jaw, the same spot that Griffen was punching and Donny callapsed on the floor. Ethan fell to his knees seeing Almaden lifeless. I started to cry.
"C'mon Al. Please Al you gotta coma back girl, I can't loose you." Sarah said throughout sobs. Donny started to get up and Danelle's eyes turned dark red.
"GO TO FUCKING HELL! YOU KILLED MY BESTFRIEND! DIE BROTHER!! I FUCKING HATE YOU AND I WISH WE WERE NEVER RELATED. I FUCKING HATE YOU AND WANT YOU TO BURN IN HELL FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE!!" Danelle screamed as her eyes became darker as she started running twords him. I grabbed her and held her tight running my hand through her hair as her yells turned into quiet sobs. BROTHER!!?!?!? HER AND DONNY ARE RELATED!?!?!?! WAIT IM DATING MY COUSIN!?!?! I am so fucking confused but our main focuse right now is Al. I wish it had never come to this.

Sarah's POV

Me and Danelle ran out of Al's house following Al to Donny and Danelle's house. Once we barged through the door we saw Al lying there on the floor with a bite mark on her neck and seeing that Donny had blood all around his mouth. Me and Danelle ran to Al's side picking up her head making blood cerculate.
"C'mon Al. Please Al you gotta coma back girl, I can't loose you." I said through my sobs. I couldn't loose her. She has been and always will be my bestfriend. I looked up to see everyone crying. Then something moved. Donny. I looked in his direction as he was trying to stand up. Danelle's eyes got blood red fast. She stood up weakly and started to scream at Donny. Honestly I din't blame her.
"GO TO FUCKING HELL! YOU KILLED MY BESTFRIEND! DIE BROTHER!! I FUCKING HATE YOU AND I WISH WE WERE NEVER RELATED. I FUCKING HATE YOU AND WANT YOU TO BURN IN HELL FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE!!" Danelle screamed as she started to charge twords her foster brother. Yes. I knew about Donny and Danelle being foster siblings. Danelle's mother took in Donny off the streets because no one wanted him in there house plus at that time him amd Al were a thing so I mean. Right before Danelle was about to kill Donny, Grayson grabbed her and held her tight as she cried and cried. And i'm not jelous. I think that it's cute actually. See I am in Cam's lane. Its just I haven't told anyone. Other then my mom. My mom knows that I am lesbain. I am still to afriad to tell the girls. Ugh. I am still trying to find the right time. But right now our main focus is Al.

Yes this story is going to have LGBTQ in it. I'm sorry if you don't like stuff like that but i feel like it just makes my story better if I add everyone to my story. In real life my name is Sarah, and I am the author. No I am not lesbian I am straigh af i mean I have a bf haha. But I do have a lot of friends that are part of the LGBTQ Community so. All I have to say is that this is my story so if you don't like it,, welp. Sorry not sorry haha. If you can get past this chapter honestly you the bomb haha. Okay so that was A LOT in one chapter. but trust me this is just the begining. Please don't be a silent reader, don't forget to comment, it makes me work faster and please vote on this story, tell your friends to read this story (Unless you are like me and you have no friends...) and if you add this to your reading list it will make me happy and want to make it the best possible. alright that is alot of reading for you to do so I am so sorry haha. anyways i love you all and i will see yall next time <3 

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