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Almaden's POV

"So, I've herd that the two mistakes have came back." Donny said I lunged twords him but was quickly pulled back.
"I want to see my two mistakes that should be dead." Donny said walking twords me.
"No. They are asleep, one. And two no. They might be our children but I don't want Damon and Alaska seeing you." I said back to him.
"They are my children. I deserve to see them." He said looking at me into my eyes. I started to cry.
"SO YOU CAN TRY KILLING THEM AGAIN!?!" I practically screamed. I then herd screaming upstairs and ran upstairs to see Alaska shaking with her eyes closed and screaming. I ran to her bedside as Ethan was next to me and Donny on the other side of the bed. Her eyes shot open and turned clear.
"She is knowing that she is a Nightingale." Donny said taking her hand in his.
"Her father has to be there." I said under my breath. I held her other hand and Donny stood up.
"Where are you going??" I asked Donny as he started walking away.
"I'm not her father." He said quetly.
"Yes you are. You fucking raped me and got me pregnant. Both kids are yours Don." I said as I grabbed his wrist. He looked back at me with tears in his eyes. This is the first time I have ever seen Donny cry.
"Okay well do you remeber that party that I took you to? It was one of our first dates. I told you that I have been friends with these two doods for the longest time and that they wanted to meet you because they were throwing a party. Plus I was there cousin so it just made me 10 times closer to them." Donny started. I nodded my head in agreement because I remeber that day vagiuly. It was one of the first days I got drunk. Haha.
"Well these two doods weren't internet famous like they are now, but they would sleep with girls like everyother day. Then they got famous and changed for there fans." He started. I cried. I knew instantly who he was talking about.
"But at this party everyone was drunk. Like legit everyone. Other than me. Wow shocker. But I was driving home so I only had like a beer or two. But you my princess. You were drunk off your ass." Donny starts as Gray and Ethan start to laugh.
"I remeber that night. I banged a girl. I forgot her name and the next morning I woke up lonly. I haven't seen her scince." Ethan said. I looked in shock back at Ethan then to Donny. I cried harder.
"I also remeber that night. Barely." I said laughing through my tears.
"Yeah well Ethan. That girl that you banged and haven't seen, well shes in this room. And Al, before I raped you, you weren't a virgin..." Donny said looking at me with tears in his eyes. I fell to the ground like a ton of bricks. I cried harder then I ever have before. Donny wrapped his arms around me. I felt like I was going to die. Not only was I rapped by my Ex multiple times but I gave up my virginity to a someone when I was drunk. And now I know who that someone is.
Ethan. Grant. Dolan.
"So I wanted to see if the child was mine once you found out you were pregnant, and did a DNA test. Found out that the baby wasn't mine, so that's why I was so frusterated and became abusive. I asked my cousins if they could do a DNA test and they both agreed and one of them came back positive. I just never told any of you." Donny said standing up and walking twords the bed.
"You aren't my mistake princess. You finally saw your dad for the first time and instantly knew it was him. You first thanked him and then he spung you around as you giggled and called him 'daddy'. I will always love you like you are my own. Forever and always princess." He said and kissed her head gentaly. I cried so hard knowing that Ethan is the father of Alaska and Donny was just a fill in. She screamed once more as he walked to Ethan and said,
"Go save your daughter bud. She's your mistake now." He then winked at Ethan and walked over to me and helped me up.
"I'm gonna go check on MY son. Unless you have something to hide about that too." He said and kissed me on the cheek and walked out of the room followed by Gray, Dan, Sarah and Cam. I was alone with Ethan. I walked up to the bed and stood next to him.
"I'm so sorry Al. I didn't know I did this to you. I feel so bad. I understand if you don't wanna be wi-" Ethan started but I cut him off by saying,
"Can you please just save our daughter?" I took a deep breath in as did Ethan and he walked to the foot of the bed and put his hand up. I just stood there watching my daughter change colors from her dark tan, to porcilin, then clear, then back to her tan. She layed on the bed sleepily and rolled over facing me. I smiled at her as she opened her eyes as if she was seeing me for the first time. She smiled and ran up to me and jumped into my arms.
"I oove you momma" She whispered into my ear as I held her a little tighter.
"I love you too princess." I said back. I herd her laugh and it sounded just like Ethan's. I now noticed it. She had the freckle by her eye, and the way she smiled, it was just like Ethan's. I just stood there with her in my arms and my eyes started to fill with tears. I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and Alaska looked very happy.
"Mommy and Daddy" She said pointing at me and Ethan.
"Yes baby." I said and kissed her cheek.
"That's right princess. Mommy and Daddy all happy together." Ethan said to her and shot her his million dollar smile. She shot hers right back at him laughing. I laughed as well. Ethan started to laugh too. We all just stood there like a happy family would. I finally felt happy again. I suddenly felt a small arm wrap around my neck and I turned my head a little to see Ethan's head pushed up agenst mine. Alaska soon let go of the hug and Ethan kissed me on the cheek.
"Ewwwww" Alaska said in a baby voice.
"What? You want one too?" Ethan asked her as he started to reach for her. She was squirming in my arms so I put her down and she yelled,
"You can't get me daddy!" as she ran out of the room. Ethan kissed me on the lips very passionatly and, yes. I kissed back.
"I love you." He mumbled into  my ear. He kissed me again then ran after my, his, our daughter.
"Daddy's gonna get you Alaska!!" He yelled as he ran out the door after Alaska. I smiled at myself and went into Damon's room to see no one there other then Damon sound asleep. I walked downstairs to see Alaska running around and laughing as Ethan ran after her laughing and chasing her. It was just us four in the house. My phone started to ring and picked it up.
"Hi this is Nurse Nancy, calling from UCLA. I was wondering if I could talk to Almaden Vianny?"
"Okay well one, school starts in a week and your father is here. He is here for a-" Nancy started. I hung up with her and ran upstairs. I woke up Damon and put him in the car seat that my father and mother put back into my truck. Ethan ran out with Alaska and quickly put her in her seat and hopped in the front seat.
"UCLA Hospital." I said as Ethan started to drive.
"Mommy, where are we going?" Alaska asked.
"We are going to see Grandpa. He's at the hospital." I said trying to stay strong. I felt Ethan's hand land on my thigh and gently squeeze it.
"Momma, wat wron wit papa? Nd why are we goin to te hositel?" Damon asked me with his tired voice. God damn he sounded so much like Ethan with his morning voice. Plus he was a spitting image of Ethan. Am I sure that Damon is Donny's kid? Whatever that's not the point.
"Papa is dying kiddos. We are gonna say goodbye to him." I said my voice craking knowing that the heart transplant won't work.
"Will we see him agin?" Alaska asked looking and Damon then back at me.
"Ye, will me ands Laska see him again soon?" Damon asked.
"Maybe someday in the future." I said holding back my tears. I couldn't break infront of my kids. One of them isn't even a supernatural. And doesn't even know his own father. God why are you doing this to me? I just wanted an easy life. Not this one.

OMFG WTF!?!? THaT is pretty much all i can say. please please please vote and comment guys, I really don't want this story to flop and it is slowly starting to. :(((( anyways i love you all <3               

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