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Um so yeah....

Ethan's POV

"I- I lov-I love you E." I herd her stutter through sobs into my shirt.
"I love you too babygirl." I said as I planted a kiss on her head while rubbing my hands up and down her back. I felt so bad for her, Gray and Cam.  I feel bad for Cam because her girlfriend had blacked out and Cam couldn't do anything. Yes I already knew about Cam being 'Different' but it made her happy. Unlike Gray, he didn't and she was to scared to come out so she told me.  I was just shocked that Sarah was 'different'. But it didn't really bother me. As long as they are happy I am happy. And I feel bad for Gray because his girlfriend is blacked out with this creepy dude who looks like he is 27 hovereing over her claiming that he is the girls father. But Gray is strong and can fight through it. Trust me all Dolan's are built to be strong, but this is the first time that we all have been put in these positions. But we need to fight for the girls. And last I feel bad for my babygirl. Those are her bestfriends that are now blacked out, and she can't do shit to try and help them. She was crying harder into my shirt everyother second. I really just want to bring her to the ends of the Earth and show her all of the good. Seeing her hurt hurts me.
"Noah!" I herd an older women scream. I looked up to see Danelle's mother running twords us.
"Noah, back away from the girls." Another women said running behind Danelle's mom. Al sprang up her eyes the lilac color.
"MOMS!" Almaden said as she ran twords them. They embarced her in a huge hug and she started to cry more. My heart shattered hearing her cry.
"No tears pretty," Danelle's mother started.
"We don't want mascarra runs now do we?" The other women said as she wiped Al's tears. Al started to laugh a little as more tears fell from her eyes. Noah hopped off of Danelle and started walking twords the ladies. Danelle let out a scream as Danelle's mother ran twords her. The other lady ran twords Sarah, so i'm assuming that she is Sarah's mom. Both older ladies looked at eachother and rose there hands twords the sky.
"I'm not leaving her. I love her." Grayson said trying to hold back tears.
"I know sweetheart, but you need to so she can live a happy life with you. Okay?" Danelle's mother said. Grayson kissed Danelle's hand and then let go again as he herd her scream. He walked over to me with water in his eyes.
"She's gonna be okay." I said reassuring Gray.
"I can't lose her dude. She makes me so happy and she is perfect in every way possible." Gray said as the tears fell from his eyes and rolled down his cheek. I embrased him into a hug as he cried more.
"Al!" Danelle's mother yelled. My eyes shot up to see Al walking out of the darkness of the woods with a couple scratches and a bite mark on her arm. Her eyes a bright lilac purple.
"He won't be coming back anytime soon haha. Whats up?" She asked walking twords the moms.
"We need your help." Sarah's mom said.
"But i'm not a-" Al started but was then cut off by Danelle's mom.
"You are the Alpha sweetie. Alpha's can practically do anything. Please just try."
"Okay." Al answered unsure. They lifted there hands to the sky as Danelle screamed more and more. A wolf appeared on the table where Dan just was and the screaming was gone. Then the wolf went back to it's human form as Danelle came crashing from the sky twords the table. Gray ran quick and layed on the table trying to break Danelle's fall but instead she was put lightly onto Grays chest. She kissed him passionatly then he pulled away.
"Why'd you stop? I was just getting started." She said and winked. He laughed and kissed her again as she kissed back. She pulled away first and then looked at Gray and laughed. Gray laughed as well. I looked over to Cam to see that she was hugging Sarah as Sarah hugged back. Everyone was happy. Finally. I felt someone tug at my shirt and I looked back to see Al, looking like a little kid , trying to get her fathers attention. I mean she could call me Daddy all she wants ;)
"Babe i'm tired and cold, I wanna go home and sleep." She said while still tugging at my shirt. She took my hand as we walked back to my car. I hopped into the driver seat as she got into the passenger. I looked around to see no cars around us. It was kind of weird but I mean whatever. I then looked down to start the car to see Almaden's hand on my thigh. Wow I am gonna have a huge ass boner. I looked over to her to see her looking out the window. I started the car and she moved her hand off of my thigh. I put my hand on the stick and pulled out of the woods. Once we were on the main road back twords her house I moved my hand from the stick to her thigh. I smiled at the thought of us. Together. Forever. She is truly my mate, and I love her so much. We pulled into her driveway and hopped out of the car. I walked her to the door and she opened it and left it open.
"Babygirl? What are you doing." I said and nodded at the door.
"Well after tonight, there is no way in hell I am going to be able to sleep alone tonight." She said back and winked.
"You can take some of Raph's stuff, even though he is younger you two look about the same size." She said as she started up the stairs twords her room.
"Raph is at a sleepover and my parents are probably... well um I don't know to be honest. They are probably hunting." She said with a reassuring smile as she showed me Raphs room.
"I will be in my room once you're finished." She said and winked then shut the door.OML THE THINGS THIS LADY DOES UGH I NEED HER LIKE RIGHT NOW. I found a pair of joggers and I normally sleep shirtless so... that won't be a problem I think. I through on the joggers and knocked on her door not wanting to barge in. She opened the door in just some black joggers and a lilac purple sports bra. Daymn. She was quite the snack.
"I hope you don't mind, this is how I normally sleep." She said not making eye contact.
"Mhm" I said as I took a huge gulp. Damn I wanted her so badly.

Almaden's POV

"I will be in my room once you're finished." I said and winked then shut the door. I skipped into  my room and quickly through on a pair of black joggers and a lilac purple sports bra. OMG HE IS LEGIT PERFECT UGH I LOVE HIM SO MUCHA ND I JUST WANT HIM I MEAN NO ONE IS HOME I MEAN I COULD  BE AS LOUD AS I FUCKING WANT UGH I WANT HIM RIGHT NOW. I snapped out of my thoughts when I herd a knock on my door and I walked up to my door and opened it to see a shirtless Ethan in some gray joggers. His abs and chest perfectly toned and his V-line could kill someone it was so sharp. Ugh I loved this man. He is quite the four course meal.
"I hope you don't mind, this is how I normally sleep." I said not making eye contact.
"Mhm" he said as he took a huge gulp. Damn I wanted him so badly. No we just met. Wow. Damn Al you are hella needy. Ugh. I walked back into my room to my desk were my laptop was playing Spotify. I had it on shuffle so I didn't know what song was going to come up next. The song Perfect Two came on by Perfect Two.(Please play this song on repeat for the rest of this chapter!! Thanks loves ;)) I started to hum the words as I walked twords my laptop to turn it up and put it on repeat.
"This song was my shit when I was little. I think I knew all the words by like the fourth time that I herd it." Ethan said out of the blue as he started to laugh. I also started to laugh with him as I hummed more of the words.
"This song was also my shit when I first found you and Gray. I was watching one of your vids with the girls and at that time Sarah was dating a guy, and her phone went off with this song as her ringer. Then bam it became my favorite song and I would sing it around the appartment and Alaska would ask if it was about Donny and I and I would always tell her yes." I said laughing at the memories of me walking around the appartment singing this song to Alaska as she would spin in circles. We were always so happy. Then Donny would come home and she would run away because she didn't want to hear us fighting.
"If i'm going to be completely honest I would print off a picture of  you and Gray and Alaska and I would sing to the pictures. She always wanted to meet you two and thank you both." I said as I started to play with my fingers.
"Why?" Ethan asked intriged.
****************TRIGGER WARNING******************* 
"Well she would see my booboos and kiss them and make sure that I never did it again. She wanted to thank you both for keeping mommy alive..." I said and weakly smiled, finally looking up at him. He ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug pushing me back onto my bed. I started to laugh at him. He laughed as well. Ugh did I love that sound.
"We should probably get to bed babygirl, we had a long ass day." He said as he propped up on his hands hovering over me.
"Okay." I said and then kissed him. He flipped us so I was on top straddling his waist. I kissed him again and then climbed off of him and crawled into bed. He was right behind me still humming the song. I giggled as he laughed as well. He started to sing the chorus,
"You're the straw to my berry, the smoke to my high, and you're the one I wanna marry." He sang into my ear and kissed my head. I smiled at myself as he curled up next to me cuddling me and holding me around my waist. This man makes me so happy. I cuddled closer to his chest with him singing the one song that me and my daughter shared. The smell of clover and almounds reached my nose once more as he kissed my head.
"And you know I can't live without ya, noooo ohhhh. I love it when you smile, and maybe just in a while, I can see us walk down the isle. I love you so much Almaden, please never forget that babygirl." I herd Ethan whisper as he kissed my head for the last time.
"I promise E, and I love you so much." I said into his chest. I slowly fell asleep to the sweet smell of clover and almounds, and him singing my favorite song.

OMG SO MUCH DRAMA AND SO MANY CONFESSIONS IN THIS CHAPTER. I honestly don't know what to say other then um tell your friend sto read, and don't forget to vote and comment. It makes me work a lot faster. Haha thanks loves and I will see yall next time <3 

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