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Corey's POV
     I get up and get dressed and I grab my keys.

(N/N)♥: Okay have fun!
    I get in my car and start to drive.
     I get to the mall and me and my homeboys are hanging out when I pass a (F/C) hoodie dress. I think of (y/n) and decide to text Elton to ask for her size.
Uncle Elton: Ummm..I believe its a medium.
Me: Awesome!
Uncle Elton: Why exactly?...
Me: I was just wondering bc I may get her something!
Uncle Elton: If its lace underwear I will kill you!! Anything Sexual and your DEAD!! >:(
Me: Chill its not! Its this

Me: I was just wondering bc I may get her something!Uncle Elton: If its lace underwear I will kill you!! Anything Sexual and your DEAD!! >:(Me: Chill its not! Its this

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Uncle Etlon: Oh...ok
Me: Do you think she will like it?
Uncle Elton: Yea she loves hoodies so definetely lol
Me: Ok gtg
Uncle Elton: Bye

    I go into the store and grab the dress and buy it.

    "I did not sign up for this!" I say noticing the board is a Ouija board. "Haha well your here so you might as well!"  Brennan says. "If it gets to scary we will stop okay?" Colby says nudgeing me. "Fine but you both owe me ice cream!" I say. Brennen sets up the board and reads the instructions since i havent played in a while. "Well lets do this!" Colby says. We put our fingers on the board. "Are there any spirits that would like to speak with us?" Brennen asks. Nothing moved. "Are there any spirits that would like to communicate with us?" I ask. It moves to yes. I get a little freaked out. "Do you have good intentions?" Colby asks. It spells out Maybe. "What is your name?" I ask. It moves to a Z then a O then a Z then a O. "ZoZo!" Brennen says. I gasp and a painting falls behind me. I scream. "What the fuck Brennen?" I say tearing up. "Not me!" Brennen says getting scared. "Dont take your fingers off." Colby says. I look back at the board. "Was that you?" Brennen asks. It moves to Yes. "We shouldnt be playing this you guys! Isnt ZoZo a demon?" I ask. They both nod. "Why the fuck are we still doing this then?" I ask. They shrugg. "Are you gonna kill one of us?" Colby asks. It starts to spell out T H E G I R L. "Hell no!" I say taking my fingers off. "Wait lets say goodbye!" Brennen says. "Fine!" I say crying. "Goodbye!" Colby says. We move it to Goodbye and I get up. They both get up and Colby hugs me. "Its okay. Your alright." He says. He lets go and Brennen ends his video. "Can we go?" I ask looking down. "Yea. Hey Brennen ill call you later okay?" Colby says. Brennen nods. We walk out to the car and I get in. The drive home was quiet and I didnt like it at all.
      We get home and there is a package at the door. "From Secret Admirer. To (Y/N)!" I read outloud. "Aww someone has a secret admirer." I smile and wipe my tears I go inside into my room and open it. "Omg!" I say taking a (f/c) hoodie dress out. I look back into the package and pull out double stuffed oreos. I laugh. I hear a knock. "Come in!" I say. Corey walks in and says teasingly "Ooo someone has a secret admirer!" I laugh "Its probably just a fan or something! But I mean they did a nice guess on my size! Stay here im gonna try it on!" I say smiling. He nods. I run into my bathroom and change into it. It very soft plus it shows my curves off! I wlak back out to Corey and his mouth drops. "That looks great on you!" He says blushing. "Aw really! But you know what I find fishy?" I say. "W-What?" "That it came with oreos." I say walking to Corey. "Why is that fishy?" He asks laughing. "I have no clue. I just feel weird about it." I say. He laughs "Just enjoy it (y/n)! Stop worrying about shit!" I laugh and say "Wanna go get something?" He nods. We walk downstairs and I call for everyone. "Lets go get something to eat!!" I yell. Everyone rushes downstairs. "Leggo!" Sam says holding a girl's hand. "Hi im Kat, Sam's girlfriend!" The girl says. "Hi im (y/n)!" I say. "Nice dress!" Kat says. "Thanks!" I say smiling. Elton come over to me and we fall behind. "Are you doing okay?" He asks. "Yea well im trying." I say shrugging. We get into his car and I sit in the passenger seat. "I love you!" He says rustling my hair up. "Listen I love you too but you mess uo my hair again and we are gonna have a problem." I say. He laughs and nods. I put my hair into a messy bun and turn the radio up.
     We get to the restraunt and I sit by Corey and Elton. "Hey guys wanna play truth or dare while we wait for food!?" I ask. They all nod. "Okay Colby truth or dare?" I ask. "Truth." He says. "Are you in a secret relationship with Brennen?" I ask. "No lol." He says laughing. "Okay Sam truth or dare?" I ask. "Dare!" He says. "O dare you scream out bootylicous!" I say. "BOOTYLICOUS!" He yells. We all burst out laughing. "Aaron truth or dare?" I ask. "Truth." He says. "Of you could date any of the guys who would you choose?" I ask. "Colby." He says laughing. "Aww Aaron!" Colby says. We all burst out laughing. "Elton truth or dare?" I ask. "Dare!" He says. "I dare you to ask someone if they want a lap dance!" I say. His eyes widened "Fuck!" He says laughing. He goes up to Sam and asks "Would you like a lap dance?" Sam laughs and says "Hell yes!" Elton starts to twerk and we all burst into laughter. "Kat truth or dare?" I ask. "Dare." She says nervously. "I dare you to moan as loud as you can!" She laughs and goes "Hoi yahhhh!" In a moaning tone. Everyone laughs. "Corey truth or dare?" I ask. "Dare!" He says. "I dare you to start singing I like big butts and I cannot lie!" We all laugh. "I like big butts and I cannot lie! All you other brothers cant deny! When gurl walks in with a itty bitty face and a round thing in your face you get sprung!" The whole restraunt laughs. "(Y/N) truth or dare?" Colby asks. "Dare!" I say. "I dare you to kiss Kat!" I laugh and say "Really? You a horny fuck!" I laugh and get up and walk to Kat. "Just get it over with!" Kat says laughing. I peck her on the lips and sit back down. "Woo hoo!!!" All the guys say. I flip them all off and laugh sarcastically. Our food arrives.
     After dinner we went home and I went to my room because I decide to go to bed since it's like 12:00 am. And I have nothing better to do.
       I wake up crying to a nightmare of the car accident me and my mom had causing me to have a broken wrist and my mom to bleed internally. I go to Eltons room and try to open the door but its locked. I sigh and my tears start to come down even harder. I look at Corey's door and open it. I walk in and wake up Corey. "Hmm...what's wrong?" Corey says still half sleeping. "C-can I s-sleep with you?" I say. He notices im crying and we wakes up completely. "Whats wrong?" He asks. "I had a....nightmare...that was once true!" I say putting my hands up to my eyes. He hugs me and says "You can sleep with me dont worry." I nod and crawl into bed. He crawls in beside me and wraps his arms around me. I cry into his chest slowly falling asleep. "Goodnight." I hear Corey say. I smile and close my eyes.


Well attractions for each other might have went over the roof but who will confront who??


Goofy Gunther Love // Corey Scherer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now