Finally at peace.....?

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(Y/n)'s POV
     I wake up feeling no one beside me. I quickly become wide eyed also jumping out if bed. "Babe, babe im here!" Corey says rushing to me. I take a deep breath. I nod. Corey hugs me and then kisses me. I look him in the eyes wanting to go further.

*********Smut Warning********

    He smirks and starts to kiss down my neck. I shake my head pushing him off of me. I lay on top of him taking his pants off. I go down on him with pleasure. Teasing him before he grunts. He holds my hair gently pulling me down and back up. I follow his orders as i hear him groan in pleasure. "Uh babe, im almost....almost there." He says moaning. I slowly come back up. Licking the tip one more time. I smirk and look at him. Hes a hot mess. My hot mess. He looks at me and flips me over. "Your turn sexy." He say grunting. He slides my pants off and starts to do circle motions with his fingers on my area. "Ahh..." I say letting my moans flow. As he enters his fingers he looks at me and licks my neck, sucking on my sweet spot. I become a hot moaning mess. The pleasure spreads through my body but i feel knots in my stomach. "Ah babe...." I say. He finishes the hickey and takes his fingers away. I slide my pants back on and he slides his back on. "That was..." I say. "Awesome." He finishes. I laugh and punch him playfully.

*********Smut Over************

     I stand up, knees wobbly. It has been awhile. Hah. It was fun though. I go over to the closet and change into a basic t shirt and some leggings. I put my hair into a pony tail and walk downstairs. I see Jake grabbing a granola bar. I walk over trying to avoid any contact. I look in the granola box to see nun left. "Awe damnit." I mumble. "Oh sorry, want this one?" He asks. I look at Jake eyebrows furrowed. "Nah, i think im good....." I say a little weirded out. "No seriously take it, its not my kind anyway." He says tossing me the bar. Hmph. "Okay well im going to eat this, if i get food poisoning im blaming it on you." I say smiling a bit. He laughs "Alright." He says chuckling. Wow im confused. Back when he bullied me he would take my food away. Damn.

Jake's POV
      I felt good that she accepted my offer. She's warming up to me. Im not gonna lie though, she looked like she was wobbling and i wanted to ask but i was afraid of the answer. I laugh to myself. My dog. Even though Corey probably doesn't consider me as a friend. I go to my room and grab my vape.

Corey's POV
      (Y/n) walks in with an amazed face. "What?" I say. "Ok so back when Jake used to bully me, he would take my food. Well he offered me the last granola bar and im kinda amazed." She says sitting down. "And your going to eat it?" I ask a little worried. "Yeah, i mean not like my life cant get anymore fucked up and plus i don't think he will do anything anyways." She says. Well i still don't trust that snake, hell it rhymes with his name. Snake, Jake, kinda points it out. "Ok." I say kissing her forehead. "So, what do you wanna do today?" I ask standing up and stretching. "I don't know, im up for anything honestly." She says covering her mouth while eating. "We could go to the mall if you want?" I say, technically asking. "Sure, sounds good!" She says. I smile and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and brush my hair. "Hey babe can i french braid your hair?" She asks. I laugh. "Sure!" I say walking to wards her. I sit in front of her and she takes a comb and splits it down the middle. I take out my phone and start to snapchat her doing it. "My baby is so good!" I say making her smile. I love her smile.

********Times skip to Mall*********

     We get to the mall and of course i want to go to Gucci but she, being the geek she is, wants to go to Hot Topic. I laugh and nod. We head over and she grabs some fan stuff and even though i insisted she bought them herself. We walked out of the store and i was still in disagreement. "Babbbeeee, i feel bad now!" I say making a pouty face. "Don't seriously, you cant buy me everything plus, it's all geeky stuff." She says insisting. "Finneee, but im buying lunch." I say grabbing her hand. She laughs and roles her eyes. We head to gucci.

You can guess what else happens;) let your imagination flow.

To be continued........

This was kinda short but i have fucking homework-_-

I hate school but its a get away

Hope you enjoyed this chapter....kinda calm but just wait my loves;)


Goofy Gunther Love // Corey Scherer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now