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(Y/n)'s POV
     I wake up to Corey's arms tightening and pulling me closer. "Hey baby, im gonna go for a run, ill be back in a bit." I say pulling away. He grunts and turns over. I role my eyes and go to the closet. I get my sports bra, a baggy cut up t-shirt, and my leggings. I put on my shoes and get my phone and head phones. It's been a while since i went running but i need to get ready to beat Jakes ass. I run downstairs to see Colby talking to some dude with blonde and black hair. My face turns confused. Colby spots me and his face lights up. "Hey (y/n)! Its Jake!" Colby says. Jake turns around and i nearly drop my phone. He came way early than i expected. I role my eyes and walk out. I hear the door open behind me. "Colby im going for a run dude." I say expecting Colby to reply. "Its not Colby and i just want to say im sorry for the stuff i did." Jake said. I feel heat boil inside my chest. "Oh your sorry? Sorry doesnt cut it! All those things you did to me and i just wanted to be your fucking friend." He looks down. "Im going now." I say turning around. I put my headphones in and start to run. I find myself running down a few blocks when i get a text. "Logan?" I say looking at the message.

Logan: Hey wanna come hang out i have nothing to do i wont be vlogging for a few days.
Me: Sure but we are talking about what happened.
Me: Could you come pick me up?

    I run all the way back to my house. Run upstairs get changed and write a note for Corey. I run back downstairs and out the door to see Logan with a fresh new haircut. It doesn't look bad. I jump in the yeti and give him the 'you did something bad' look. I remember just before the accident watching the video. I was disgusted but for some reason i knew he meant right. Lets be honest he was immature about it. "Yeah i know lets just go to my place before you give me a talk." He sighs. I smile and ruffle his hair feeling a little sorry for the guy. There are other people who show the body, touch the body, and disrespect it but when Logan does it all he gets is hate. Its weird how society is.
      We get to his house and i follow him inside. We go to his room and i sit on the bed. "Ok." Logan says falling onto the bed. "Well you were so wrong for posting it but at the same time if you didn't some people would still be blind to how real it is. People are mad at your coping ways which is stupid cause that's your way of coping and everyone is different. But Logan what went through your mind that posting that would be a good idea?" I ask. "I don't know honestly. I was shook up and i wanted people to know the truth of what happens. I was so fucking wrong." He says getting teary eyed. I give him a sad smile. "As long as you know you were wrong it will be fine. Your fans will come around." I say. I hug him and he hugs me back. "Thanks, your like a little but more mature sister." He says. I laugh. "Yeah i can see that." I say rubbing his back. "Kong missed you." Logan says. "Kong! C'mere bud!!" He yells. Kong comes running in and jumps up. He instantly sees me and starts to get super active. "Aw hey bud! You have been keeping your dad company right?"
      After about 2 hours hanging out with Logan, I arrive home. "Hey Babe!" I say coming in the front door. "Baby!!" He says picking me up. I smile. He puts me down and i notice Jake staring. I wanna say something but imma let it slide. We walk over to the kitchen and decide to make everyone dinner. "Chicken Alfredo?" I say looking at our ingredients that we just so happen to have. Everyone nods. "Alright ill be right back." I say walking up the stairs. I hear someone behind me. Corey? I stop at the top to see Jake looking at me. "Really? Dude what do you want?" I say turning around and going to Corey and I's room. "I wanna talk." He is. My kindliness and idiotic ways give him a chance. "Go on you got 5 minutes." I say taking my phone out and setting an alarm. "Ok well im sorry for everything, I've changed and i promise to make it up to you but for now could we please just start over. Im sorry for all the things i did and im sorry i was stupid. I thought i was cool for bullying you. Im sorry! And i-" I cut him off. "Times up. Give me time to think about it. You were stupid, you were one of the reasons i started to cut honestly. Its gonna take me some time. So...your not forgiven just yet." I say plugging my phone in. I feel a hot tear run down my face i wanted to say so mich more. I knew it would only be immature and useless after all i will have to live with him now.

Jake's POV
     "I understand." I say before walking off. Don't get me wrong. I am truly sorry and i have changed. But damn shes fine. She used to have braces and she was a emo freak, i had a crush on her that i didn't want to admit to honestly. She kinda still is geeky and emo but her hotness is just drop dead gorgeous now. God damn. Corey is lucky. Her ass is.....whoooooaa. I should stop being a perv. Im sure all the guys have a crush on her here. Except Elton and Sam they kinda already have a girl. I was such a jerk to her though. Eh shes with Corey anyways. "Hey bro." Corey says. Im guessing he noticed i followed her upstairs. "Sup." I say. "Could i talk to you?" Corey says putting a knife down. Thank god he put it down. I nod. I follow him to the game room. "Listen dude i know what happened between you two. If it happens again or if anything happens i will personally beat the fuck out of you. You can be friends with her but you cant hurt her. If you do i will hurt you. Understand?" Corey says. "Yeah." I say.

(Y/n) POV
      Awww Corey just stood up for me. My baby. I wait for Jake to walk out and i run to Corey and kiss him passionately. "Thanks babe. I heard what you said." I say pulling away. "Anything for you sweetie." He says. I turn around to walk and he grabs my ass. I giggle. Time to make food. "Yall hungry?" I ask walking into a kitchen full of boys. "Hell yeah!" Everyone says. Everyone helps in their own way. Corey is my taste tester. Colby is doing the pasta. Sam is cooking the chicken. Aaron is adding some Vegan touches. Elton is supervising. Last and definitely least Jake is helping me with the sauce. Family dinner night is fun.

To be continued.

Welp Jake likes you and is "improved" DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA

Hope you lovely people enjoyed this chapter
Love yall


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