Alter Ego

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A/n: Sorry guys had some stuff going on, my Valentines dance, and then my brothers birthday and I've just kinda took a break because of stuff in life....but anyways onto what you've all been waiting for, the update. A long and drama one too!

(Y/n)'s POV
      I wake up to see Colby and Rosie snuggling and Corey snoring. I take a picture of Rosie and Colby and then one of Corey. Both cuties and one adorable idiot. I look at my phone and decide to see if Charlotte would like to hang out because i feel like we would become great friends. Even with Rosie.
Me: Hey Charlotte. Wanna come over in a but like i dont 2 or 3 hours to hang out with everyone?

I don't expect her to be up but surprisingly she texts me back.

Charlotte: Yeah sounds awesome ill come over around 3 cuz i got stuff to do. But yeah send me the address.
Me: Ok here ya go: [insert address]

I shut off my phone and snuggle back down with Corey seeing how its only 9:35 am. He turns over and wraps his arms around me placing his forehead against mine. "Hey." He whispers in a groggy voice. "Hey." I whisper back snuggling in his chest. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too baby." I reply. Both of us drift back to sleep.

*Time Skip to Them all waking up*

Rosie's POV
     I wake up to Colby shaking me. "What?" I say trying to focus my eyes. "Lets wake them up with a bang." He says pulling out 4 pans. "Thats a knee slapper." I say slapping my knee quickly before grabbing the pan. I take it and stand up. I walk over to (y/n)'s side as Colby walks to Corey's. He starts to count down from 5 on his finger. It gets to the last finger and before you know it im banging the pans as Colby does the same. They both jump up Corey tackles Colby to the ground while (y/n) just kinda flips me off but gives me the pinky finger on accident. Probably to sleepy to realize so i just chuckle.

(Y/n)'s POV
     I scan the room seeing Corey tackling Colby after i flipped Rosie off. I check my phone to see its 2:30. Fuck Charlotte is about to be here. I stand up and make everyone calm down. I explain to them who Charlotte is but Rosie already knows and she was excited. The guys were chill about it and didn't seem mad that i invited someone over. Why would they be though i live here. I quickly change into a simple outfit leaving my hair down.

(Y/n's Outfit above)
I walk out of my bathroom and walk over to my Closet where Rosie was changing to see we kinda match.

(Rosie's Outfit)
    We bursted into laughter and high fived. We both walk out and Corey and Colby do a cat call. We chuckle and i see Rosie blush. Ugh her and Colby need to date already talk about an OTP. We walk downstairs and wait for Charlotte. Aaron comes downstairs and starts up a conversation with us. We tell him about Charlotte and he seems interested in many ways. Winky winky. It is almost Valentines so ya know maybe i should be cupid. I jump on the penny board and ride around downstairs out of boredom. Jake is still locked up in his room. He probably should stay locked up to be honest. Ya know i don't really talk to Aaron anymore. Hell we don't really interact. Then again I've been distracted. "Whoa!" Corey yells catching me from almost falling. Guess i was distracted in my thoughts. Corey chuckles. "Sorry." I say standing up. I hear a knock at the door and i run to the door and open it. Rosie runs over and hugs her, thanking her for last night. "Really it's no problem." Charlotte says smiling. "Well come in." I say watching her walk in. I shut the door and introduce her to everyone. Elton went out with Amanda for a few days though. Something for Valentines day i guess. "And this is Aaron." I say introducing Charlotte to Aaron. "H-Hey." Aaron says with a stutter. AWWWWW IS IT ANOTHER OTP. AWH MY FANGIRL. "Hey!" Charlotte says with confidence. I can tell today will be a good day.
      After about 30 minutes of talking and playing around we decide to go to the Santa Monica Pear. We walk to my car and Corey holds my hand. Technically this is like a group date because Colby has Rosie, Aaron has Charlotte, and Corey has me. Of course they aren't together but sparks are flying.
     We get to the pear and walk down to all the rides. "Oh wow you know I've never really rode the roller coaster I've always just been kinda scared to." Charlotte says. "Oh will be fun!" I reassure her. "Yeah you can sit with me!" Aaron says. She blushes i smile and turn to Corey. "I feel like cupid." I whisper to him. "You have always been my cupid because i constantly fall for you!" Corey says smiling cheesyly. I smile and kiss him. "I love you." I say pulling away. "I love you too." Corey says. "Hey guys we up!" Rosie says snapping us from our gaze at each other. We get on the ride and i sit with Corey. Colby sits with Rosie and Aaron sits with Charlotte. Through twists and turns and loops and lots of yells and screams we finally come to a stop. "Oh my god that was awesome!" Rosie and Colby say high fiving. We all laugh.

*Time Skip to Home and Charlotte has left and Aaron is in his room leaving you, Rosie, Colby, and Corey in yours and Corey's room.*

    I look over to Corey and hug him. "You know, today was awesome." Rosie says sitting on our bed. "Yeah definitely!" Corey says. "Yeah Charlotte was pretty cool and i think Aaron thinks that too." Colby says. We all laugh nodding. "Wanna watch a movie?" I suggest. Everyone nods so i put on a cheesy romance. Me Before You. Its an awesome movie. Makes me cry Everytime. I cuddle up to Corey and i watch how awkward it is for Rosie and Colby. I can tell they wanna cuddle they just don't know they both feel the same.

*Another time skip, you all are asleep*

Jake's POV
      I walk out of my room to go to the restroom and suddenly feel my head go back. My eyes rolling backwards. Much better. Stop!! No alter ego right now don't you think you have done enough! Ah ah ah bitch i haven't took you over completely yet because i want to say one- JUST STOP DON'T! Ugh fine ill just go with plan B.  I feel my head go back again and i black out only seeing black yet being able to hear. My alter ego? Its tooken control great! I have to try to tame it.

Alter Ego Jake's POV
       All better now that the idiot is gone. What a waste knowing that he, a wimp, is in such a nice body fit for a guy like me. I walk to Corey's room like i had planned. Tonight i would make (y/n) mine. All mine. Corey can shove it. I walk in looking to see Colby and Rosie cuddling. Ugh slut. Suddenly i think of an idea. Cut Colby's hair? Nah that would destroy him. Now cutting Rosie's? Yes. I take the scissors and quietly walk towards Rosie. Thankfully her hair isn't under her so i just cut away. I left enough but for her not enough. It was so long but now shoulder length. Oops. Anyways. Back to the real mission. I put the scissors on the desk. I slide my hands under her picking her up slowly. She is a heavy sleeper. She makes things so much easier. Wow. Just to think i was worried she would ruin everything resulting in killing every fucking one. Well less blood. I walk out the door and downstairs i get to my car and pop the trunk open. I slide her in. I take the duct tape out and put some on her mouth. Around her wrists. And around her ankles. Perfect. So helpless. I shut the trunk and get into the drivers seat. I start the car and make my way to an abandon house i claimed a while back. 
     We get to the house and i open my trunk. She still hasn't woken up. Wow she makes this easy. Damn. I pick her up and take her inside. I put her in the chair i have screwed down. I wrap ropes around her securing her to the chair. Now ill just wait. I want to see the terror on her face when she wakes. How her beloved Corey isn't beside her....

To be continued......

Holy shizzle sticks. That just got scary.

Oh if you didnt notice the Unknown POV was the Alter Ego Jake

Some of you figured it out though which i was proud about

But i have a question.... WHY DID Y'all THINK IT WAS Rosie SHE IS SO INNOCENT LMAO

But anyways hope you arent going to kill me

Hope you enjoyed this chapter my loves
Until next chapter

Goofy Gunther Love // Corey Scherer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now