Remembering all except you...

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Corey's POV
I wake up to look over at a sleeping (y/n). I constantly woke up in the night and was uncomfortable sleep sitting. I stood up and (y/n) heard me. "Corey? I think i remembered something last night, in my dreams." She said innocently. I turn to her with a wide smile. "Well i remember me and Elton-" My face dropped. "Were best friends and he's really like family....because....i lost my mom and my dad...committed...suicide." She says crying. "I know why, and what happened. Is it bad that a part of me didn't wanna remember some of it?" She asks. I wrap my arms around her. "No its understandable." I reply. She stands up and i take her to Elton. She tells Elton and Elton smile drops when he hears what she remembered besides him. He embraces her in a hug and i decide i should leave them alone. I walk out and into Colby's room.

Elton's POV
Yes i feel bad, but i mean its her past and shes understanding that slowly but surely. I feel bad for Corey she doesn't remember him. I was reading up on Amnesia and it said that anyone can remember anything and forget one thing. What if she forgets Corey? God i hope that wont happen. I hug her tighter and she notices. She pulls away. "So i know how i met all of these people but i don't remember anything else." She says. "Its okay, it will come to you." She smiles and stand up. "See ya later Elty." She says walking out. I start to think about Aaron is with his family and has no clue what is happening right now.

(Y/n)'s POV
I walk into Sam's room trying to remember some things. "Hey (y/n)!" He says. I smile and wave. I look at a picture of Sam, Kat, and I. I run my fingers on it and shut my eyes. I start to remember the day. It was the girls day out. Kat wanted us three to take a picture. I open my eyes and smile. I start to remember all of my memories with Sam and Kat. "I remember!!!!" I almost yell. Sam turns away. He sees me holding the picture and suddenly grabs one with me, Colby, and himself. I set the other down and take that one. I sit on his bed and scan the photo. LA? River? Sewer? Hobo? YES!! I lean back and start to remember all the memories of Sam and Colby. "Yes!!! I remember you both now!!!" Somehow, i still felt empty. Am i forgetting someone. Corey? The only thing i know is that hes a friend. I wave bye to Sam and walk out. I run into Corey's room. I walk over the the nightstand with the picture of me and Corey. I trace my fingers on it and shut my eyes. Nothing. I open my eyes frustrated. I shut them again thinking deeper. "Ugh.." I grunt opening my eyes from my head pounding. I feel light headed. "Why cant i remember?" I say. I look at my phone that has been charging and look at the gallery. Thousands of pictures pop up. Aaron, Elton, Corey, Sam, Colby, Kat, and Amanda. Even some of Big Nick and Brennen. The only space that was left empty was Corey. I throw my phone and fall to the ground. I start to cry at my failure. Ill never be able to remember him. Why? I don't fucking know. I see Corey come in out of the Corner of my eye. He embraces me in a hug. "What's wrong?" He asks. I don't want to tell him i cant remember him. I remember everyone else but not him. "Um n-nothing..." I lie. It didn't work. "You can tell me." I look the boy in the eyes more tears streaming down my face than before. "I- I can remember everyone, except you. Its killing me. I don't know w-why i cant remember you. I j-just.....i don't know...." I say crying into his chest. I hear him sigh. "It's i gotta go....somewhere ill be back." He says pulling away. My eyebrows furrow. "Why?" I say wiping my tears. He shuts the door and i chase after him. It was to late he was down the stairs and out the door. I fall to the ground and see Colby rush to me.

Corey's POV
I don't know what got a hold of me but i wanted to run. I read more on the Amnesia thing and some people can remember everything except one thing. She probably wont remember me. I hear her fall to the ground. I quickly look back up but Colby is already helping her. I look down and run out. I didn't want to drive. I wanted to run. So i did. I ran a few blocks turning every now and then. I found myself in a neighborhood i had no clue about. I walk and see.....Team 10 mansion? I sigh and see Erika walk out of the gate. I turn around ready to run. "Hey you!" She says. Great. I've been spotted. I turn around and see her. "I know you! Your Corey Scherer! Your one of my favorite YouTubers beside Jake!" She says walking closer. "Oh thanks." I say smiling. "Why are you panting and sweating?" She asks. "I was jogging." I respond. "Oh. Okay well here." She reaches in her bag and grabs a bottle of water. She tosses it to me. "Thanks." I say. I wave bye to her and run back.
I stood in front of the mansion for a good 30 minutes before deciding it was better if i stayed at a hotel. If i saw (y/n) i would probably have a mental breakdown and cry. I love her but i don't want her to see me like that. Especially if her memories of me are gone and we have to make new ones. Honestly i don't think i would stick around. What is the point of me loving her while shes coming around to love me? I call an Uber and it takes me to a hotel i could've easily ran to. I sigh as i pay the Uber i don't tip him and as i get out he flips me off. I sigh and walk in. I check in and go to my room. When i arrive i check my phone.
15 missed calls from Uncle Elty
2 voicemails from Uncle Elty
40 messages from Uncle Elty
20 messages from Colby
10 messages from Sam
1 message from (y/n)
Of course i hit on (y/n)'s message first.

Baby: Hey, im sorry for whatever upset you. Im sorry that i cant remember you but i want to. Ill try my best. Right now i know that your someone important to me. If i cant don't run away from me. Elton told me we can always make new memories. Please come back. I promise ill try to remember you. Sorry...

Damn. I go onto Elton's messages which consists of Assuring comments, cussing me out, telling me to come home, telling me about how (y/n) is crying in Colby's arms.....Heh Colby. He was always there for her. I know that if i leave i would make sure to tell him straight up to love her more than i did. Its impossible but do-able. I go onto Colby's messages which were the same but nicer and shorter and same with Sam's. I listen to the voicemails that Elton left me. They were rude, caring, and persuading. But no matter how persuading, im waiting til tomorrow to go home. I love her but she doesn't know that. She also doesn't know she loves me. Maybe its better that way. I did get us into the car wreck...... I lay onto the bed. Crying myself to sleep. Manly? No but right now i don't care.

To be continued......

A/n: i have no clue if that can happen when you have amnesia but we are going with it lol

Hope you enjoyed this episode you beautiful people<3<3<3<3<3

Also i plan on completing this story around chapter 35 maybe 40 like my other story.....

Goofy Gunther Love // Corey Scherer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now