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- hara -

"Yay ! Let's go home now !"

Seungcheol cheering beside me and carried my bag .

"We'll visit you later hyung" Jihoon said to Seungcheol .

"Alright . No problem"

We get into his car and drove to the house . The silence yet comfortable atmosphere make me want to sleep .

"Just sleep . I will wake you up okay ?" He hold my hand .

"Are you sure ? You aren't be lonely ?" He chuckled and shook his head .

"Take care of yourself first dear . You are sick" He ruffled my hair slightly .

"Okay then . Wake me up if you feel lonely" I giggles .

"Alright" I closed my eyes and fall asleep after few seconds .

I wake up with Seungcheol tapping my shoulder slowly . I flinched a little when he nibbles my ear .

"Wake up Hara . We're already arrived" I stretched out my arms and unbuckled my seatbelt .

I got off from the car and went to his side . He took my arm and dragged me slowly to the house .

"I already missed this house" I said with my sleepy voice .

"Yeah and this house incomplete without you . Now let's put the bag and cuddle . I miss your scent so much"

I wrapped my arm around his waist as we walked upstairs . I looked around the room and it's clean .

"What are you thinking ? Let's sleep" I yelped when he pick me up .

He lay me down on the bed and lay down beside me . He put his leg over my thighs and bring me closer .

"This is what I missed and I shouldn't let it go this time" He pecked my neck softly and I played with his hair .


"Hm ?"

"I missed you too" I can felt he's smiling make me happy .

"So anything you want to share when I'm in coma ?" I asked and turned to him put my chin under his head .

"Nothing much . Jae and Jihoon gonna go to the vacation again but with their daughter . Hoshi get into college and he's always complaining about his new partner . So that I'm there waiting for you to wake up"

He mumbles and buried his face on my neck even more . Yet I felt bad for doing that .

"I'm woke up now . Don't worry" I patted his hair lovingly and he looked at me .

"I won't worry if you didn't do that again . I swear that I'll die with you if you dare to do it again"

He said seriously and I pursed my lips .

"We still can try again Hara . I know that sometimes I'm selfish but if you're really ready , just tell me and I will . I'm always be here for you and forever . I know that I'm always busy but believe me , you're the most important person in my life . If you need help or anything , just tell me . I won't busy when it comes to -- hey don't cryyyyyy"

He cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears . I put my palms on my face and suddenly he moved on top of me .

He removed my hands and pinned to my sides of face . I could feel his sadness through his eyes .

"I won't ever lay my finger on you again . I'm sorry for raising my voice and slapped you before . I couldn't control my anger that time"

I stare to him and nodded . His dimples showing and peck my lips .

"You won't punish me right ?" He pouted .

"I can't"

"Why ?"

"Because you're my husband and I need to respect you" He sighed happily .

"This is why I love you so much" He let go my wrists and caressed my arms .

"Now ?" I raised my eyebrow and he smirked .

"Let's wait because -- this !" He showed me a paper and I took a look of it .

"OH MY GOD CHOI SEUNGCHEOL ! Are you seriously kidding me ?!" I shouted happily .

"This is for you babe" He went down and pulled me to his lap .

"But Seungcheol , it's London ! My favourite place !" He chuckled and nodded .

"Thank you ! Thank you so much !" I hugged him tightly .

"I'm great husband right" I nodded and peck his cheeks .

"I love you so much" I stated .

"Because of this plane tickets ?"

"No ! I love you . Just the way you are" He smiled .

"I love you too Hara"

- hoshi -

"Noona , why you always come here ? I mean your sister left an hour ago" I asked .

"Oh I'm working here . We have to afford ourselves"

"I'm sorry for asking"

"Nah it's okay Hoshi . You didn't leave yet ? Your assignment is done this morning right ?" She took a seat in front of me .

"Yes . We just discussed about something which is I don't know she heard it or not" I mumbles .

"I'm really sorry about her . Believe me if you really know her , she'll be nice to you . She isn't bad at all"

She smiled .

"Noona , you're so nice" She chuckled .

"Our parents teach us that . Being nice and so on . I have a work to do , I will meet you later ?" She stand up .

I nodded and waved to her .

"She's beautiful" I cupped my red cheeks as I saw her walking .

"Don't check out my younger sister" I jumped a little and gave a glare to Yehyun .

"Are you seriously kidding me ? I can do whatever I want" I rolled my eyes and scoffed .

"She's my responsibility so shut the fuck up" She walked passed me and went to her younger sister .

Their faces are similar because they're twin of course . But it's different when they talk with me or the others .

Rehyun would be nice and gentle .

Meanwhile ,

Yehyun cursed at me suddenly like that .

I don't hate her but I hope that she doesn't hate me either . I didn't do anything to her so it's going to be okay .

I saw both of them hugged each other and Yehyun smiled . FOR THE FIRST TIME , RIGHT IN FROMT IF MY EYES .

I shook off my thought and cleaned up all my things on the table . I took my id card and went out from the library .

Trapped By Memories 2 || S.Coups || [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now