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- hara -

"Your baby's healthy . Don't skip your meal after this okay ?" The doctor said .

"I already told her but she doesn't want to listen" Seungcheol interrupted and the doctor chuckled .

"By the way , thank you doctor" We both bowed to him and went out .

"Hear that ? Don't skip your meals" He said again and I rolled my eyes .

"And you heard that he said don't make me stress ? So let me do some works or not I will be stress later" I said back .

"Fine but only when I'm home"

"Wait no Seungcheo--"

He peck my lips make me shut my mouth . He smiled and dragged me to the car .

"Don't stubborn okay ? Now should we go to the park first ? It's been a long time"

"Well yeah I think . Get some fresh air" I replied and wear my seatbelt .

As we both enjoyed the silence in the car , I scrolled down through my instagram .

"I don't know that Jae have a twin sisters" I said .

"Oh . He told me before but I didn't met them both yet"

"Why you should met them ?" I eyed him and he smirked .

"Why ? Jealous ?"

"Me ? Jealous ? Of course no" I denied and looked away .

"And by the way , Hoshi said that he need some help but I don't know what's it . And the members said he bring back his girlfriend to the dorm because she's abused by someone"

"Oh my . It's sound bad" I cupped my mouth .

"I know right ? He told me that his girlfriend didn't come to college for a week , so he decided to visit her . When he saw her laying down lifeless on the floor he quickly bring her to the dorm"

He explained a little .

"Wait . She have a brother right ? Did he doesn't know about it ?"

"About that he didn't tell me but do you want to visit her ? I mean she's Hoshi's girlfriend and I think you and Jaeun only can understand her . I bet the members doesn't know what to do when she need their help"

He shrugged and I think for a while .

"Okay since I've got nothing to do , maybe I will visit her . Jae unnie already know about it or not ?"

Again he shrugged .

"Jihoon didn't said anything to me . Maybe not yet" I nodded slowly and turn off my phone as we arrived at the park .

"Woahh it's been a long time" I spread my arms and he chuckled .

"You look weird" He put down my hands and bring me to the swing .

I held on the sides of it before Seungcheol pushed slowly . I looked around and some of the people were give me a confused look .

"Is she the one that was thrown by the eggs ?"

"Yeah they accused her to cheat on her husband"

"I think they're just misunderstood about it . Look , they're look happy together"

I smiled softly when I heard that . I looked at Seungcheol and he's also smiling .

"You heard that ? I think they like us" He said and I giggles .

"No matter what they said about you , remember that I'm not going to trust them unless you're the one that explain all the things to me"

He went in front of me and bend a little before placing a kiss on my forehead . I closed my eyes and smiled .

"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you from the crazy girls before . I should follow them on that day but I have a work to do"

He looked at me in the eyes and I grabbed his cheek .

"Don't be and let's forget about that already okay ?" He nodded .

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the bench and a couple later , people began 'silently' took a photo .

Need to admit , I was still a little bit scared of the fans . He noticed my action and wrapped his arm around my waist .

"Why are you like that ? They want to take a pictures" He peck my cheek .

"Nothing" I mumbles and looked down .

He shrugged and lean back looking up at the sky . I followed his action and suddenly smiled .

"Our baby did well right ? Are you happy there my dear ?" I asked and his grip loosened .

"I hope you're happy because you'll have another junior with me now . We promise that we'll take care of him or her" I smiled and he sat up .

"And I promised not to hurt you mummy again" He said .

I looked down as the tears flowed . I miss my child and I miss my parents . I miss them so much .

They've been so much things . I can't even to thank my parents and now I'm suffering to remember them .

"Don't cry anymore" He hugged me .

"I'm sorry . I shouldn't remember that again" I wiped my tears .

"It's okay to confess somehow but you must be strong . It's hurt me to see you're crying because of my mistakes"

- hoshi -

"You're really ready to tell me ?" I asked her .

"Yes but I'm afraid . You and your members maybe would be involved with this and you don't know what will my brother can do" She looked at me sadly .

"But I want to protect you . Remember that"

"It's started when Yehyun and I were 13 years old . Yehyun had a boyfriend back then and yes we trust him so much . About two months after he confessed to her , he's being nice towards us too . But after that he's slowly changed and he started to abused Yehyun . Our brother and I didn't know about this because I don't know that Yehyun will stayed with him instead going to school . When she back from 'their' house , every single day there will be a new fresh bruises . Of course I noticed it and I told my brother about it . After that my brother kept calling Yehyun slut , whore and everything . I admit it's hurt me too . After that night , I know why he called her that . It's because she's not virgin anymore"

I hugged her tightly and she stopped telling me the story .

"When Yehyun and I went out with our friends , he kept asking us to choose between him and our friends . Or not he'll kick us out from that house . When you found me this morning , it's actually because I told him that I want to go out with you . He started to hitting me and Yehyun come to the situation trying to stop him . But he just pushed her and her back hit the table . She fainted but our brother doesn't even cared about her . He started to hitting me and kicking until the next morning I woke up and noticed that they're already gone . I can't get up so I just lay down until you take me and bring me here"

Omg now I felt bad . Really bad .

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