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- scoups -

"You missed her right ? You also didn't eat lately" Jeonghan fixed his hair before laying down .

"What are you doing here ? You're supposed to practicing" I mumbles .

"And leave you alone here ? The kids told me to look after you today . And tonight will be Jisoo"

"I'm okay . You guys don't need to 'look' after me"

He rolled his eyes . He handed me an apple and I grabbed it .

"At least eat something . She'll be worried too if she's here . When will the contract ends ? You know the kids also be sad if she's not around"

I sighed and nodded .

"4 weeks left"

"Jae hyung didn't said anything ?" I shook my head .

"The last update was last week . Maybe he's busy right now"

"Alright then . Mingyu already prepared some pancakes on the table . Go eat it or not he'll be pissed off . I know that you and him are fighting but he still cared about you"

He said before closing the door .


- Hyung , how's Hara ? Is she eat well ? Is she happy with you ? I'm really worried of her .

I put down my phone and headed to the kitchen . I saw the pancakes that Jeonghan mentioned early and took one of it .

"I wonder what's she doing right now"

I sighed and turned on the tv .

- hara -

I roamed around his room and saw his childhood photos . I recognise that I have one of the photo and it's pretty similar .

"Wait it can't be .." I mumbles and tried to remember .

My head started to hurting as something was in my mind .

"Promise me that you will comeback ?"

"Promise . Wait for me okay ? Don't cry anymore . You don't look handsome" I giggles and he places his hand over mine .

"I like you" He pecked my cheek before running to the swing .

I touch my cheek and smiled cheekily before rushed to his side .

"S-so you're the one that always in my dream , Jae ?" I looked at all the photos and can't help but tearing up .

"What are you doing here ?" I looked at the back and saw Jae .

He saw me and his eyes widened as he saw me crying . He about to say something but I hugged him .

"I'm sorry . I don't know you're Jae that I knew before . I'm really sorry for not noticing"

He slowly wrapped his arms around my body and stroked my hair . I buried my face on his chest and he put his chin on my head .

"It's okay . You're already remembered it now even it's not fully 100% . Don't forced yourself to remember me" He whispered .

"What kind of best friend I am right ?"

"No no . You're great Hara . People make mistakes"

He cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears .

"I'm always be there for you whenever you want . I can't never forget about you sunshine . I love you so much . If you didn't leave me , probably you'll married with me now"

He chuckled .

"But after I know that you're forgetting everything , I'm afraid to approach you . I'm afraid that you'll not accepting back because you have Seungcheol . And being an idiot , I just watched you from afar"

"I'm sorry again" I said and he smiled .

"So let's go to eat now . I'm so scared when you're gone suddenly . You have to eat well now because it's not only you that hungry"

He rubbed my stomach and I giggles .

"Okay okay let's go"

I struggled to get on the chair and looked at the food . It's really really delicious at the sight and smell . But it's too much for us two -- I mean three .

"Why are you looking at the food like that ?" He raised his eyebrows .

"It's look delicious" I took my bowl that full of rice .

"Thank you for the food" I bowed and he laughed .

"Later , can I go to the supermarket for a while ? I need to buy something" I asked him .

"Do you need anyone to company you ? Because I have a work so I can't"

"No it's okay . I can go by my own" I smiled and he nodded .

"Okay then . Don't be too long . Be back right after you finished and don't go anywhere"

"Yes boss !"


"I'm going !" I said as I wear my shoes .

"Alright ! Be safe" He said and I waved to him and closed the door .

I walked to the supermarket nearby and grabbed the basket . I picked some foods and about to grab a milk until someone ,

Throw an fucking egg at me . My eyes widened as the egg hit my head . I heard a soft chuckled and turned my head to the bunch of girls .

"Slut !"

"Ew that's the girl that cheat on her husband"

"Poor her husband"

I let go the basket as more eggs coming towards me . I don't know why I didn't move from that place .

"Care your image slut . You think the fans didn't recognise you ?"

I shut my eyes and my legs trembled .

"Fck you bitch !"

"Divorce with him !"


I fell on the ground and cupped my face . I felt a hug from someone .

"You shouldn't cared for that slut oppa" One of the girl said .

"She's my sister . So I know what's she doing right now"

So it's Mingyu .

"Go away before I call the police" Someone said and I heard a running footsteps .

"Wonwoo hyung , go pay for her things"

"Are you okay Hara ?"

"Do I look that I'm okay ? What's my fault oppa ?" I cried .

"You didn't do anything wrong . It's just them that doesn't know the truth"
He hold my shoulders and tried to make me stand up . But my legs are too weak .

"Look don't care about what people said to you . They're --"

"But they're going worse now ! Look at me oppa . I can't handle this anymore"

"Hyung , what took you -- oh my god" I heard another voice and I'm pretty sure that's Vernon .

"Hara ? Is it Hara ?" He asked .

"Yes she is . We have to bring her to our dorm whenever Seungcheol hyung like it or not"

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