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- hara -

"You already bring everything ?" I asked him and he looked at me as he thought for a while .

"Do you want to bring extra blanket ? It's surely gonna be so cold"

"We're staying at hotel right ? They're going to prepare extra blanket if we want it" He chuckled .

"I'm not going to let us stay hotel if you're loud later"

My eyes widened and I hit his arm .

"I already rent a house for us two . That's why I'm afraid that there's no extra blanket"

"Just bring two more . We can share anyway" I said and he go take the blankets .

"Anything ?"

"I think it's enough now" I smiled and he sighed in relief .

Putting away my luggage and went straight to the bed . He chuckled and followed my action .

"Let's sleep now . We really have a long ride tomorrow ~" He said playfully and kissed my cheek .

"But Seungcheol , we have to go early right ? We have to meet them first before we go"

"I already told them and they said that they'll wait for us at airport"

"Alright then . Let's sleep because you're seem tired after all" I giggles and poked his cheek .

"Good night"

"Good night too"

- no one -

"Good night too" I heard her soft voice before I walking to the park near their house .

My phone suddenly vibrated and I pick up the call .

"Hyung ? Where are you ? Your son is here waiting for you"

"Appa ? Come home please"

I smiled and I could sense that he's pouting .

"Appa will come home okay ? I'm sorry"

"It's okay appa . Just come home safely . Bye bye"

"Bye Sungwoo yah"

I hang up and hold the papers tightly .

Should I tell her ? But she's happy now .

But still , this is wrong .

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair in frustration .

"What she'll do if she know the truth ? Is she going to left him after this ? Nah it's not going to be happened . Let's not disturb her ? But Sungwoo is her son too"

He sighed and went back to his house .

"Hyung , you're going to her house again ?"

"Hm" He nodded .

"You have to move on hyung . She have a husband"

"I can but how about Sungwoo ? I can't answer his question when he asked me about his mother" They sat on the coach .

"What will you do then , Jae ?"

"I need to talk with her . But after she back later" He said and went to Sungwoo and his room .

In The Morning

"Wake up wake up wake up" Hara groaned as her husband keep jumping on the bed .

"It's already 6.10 am . We can't missed our flight"

She yelped a little when he decided to sat on her stomach .

"You're heave Seungcheol . Go down" She tried to push him but she still closed her eyes .

"Wake up now Choi Hara . Let's shower together"

"I don't want to" She mumbles and he pouted .

"I'm going to --"

"I'm up" She just pushed him before she sat up .

"Finally ! Go shower and I'm going wait for you downstairs" He stand up and pulled her to the edge of the bed .

"You're already ready ?" She looked at him and he nodded .

"Then what's with the 'shower together' ?" She grabbed her towel .

"I'm just kidding about that because I thought that you'll wake up" He laughed and pushed her gently to the bathroom .

"Only 20 minutes given and starting from now" He closed the door and she groaned .

- scoups -

"I'm just going to make the simple breakfast then" I walked to the kitchen but stop when I heard the door bell rang .

"They already arrived ?" I asked myself and went to the door .

"How early -- hyung ? What are you doing here ?" My eyes widened as I saw Jae hyung .

"I need to talk to you . About Sungwoo"

"Hyung please not now" I begged to him and he sighed .

"Sungwoo kept asking me where's his 'dad' and mom . What should I answer him ? Where's Hara ?"

"Hyung , I begged to you . Don't take her away from me please . Please for only once . I want her to be happy with me"

I hold his hand and he seemed pause a while before removing his hand .

"We're going to discuss about this matter when you're back"

I nodded and bowed to him . He left before I close the door .

"Hara can't know about this thing" I whispered and went to the kitchen .

I prepared some pancakes and a coffee for me and a milk for Hara since she can't drink coffee .

As I wash the pan early , I felt something wrapped around my waist . I chuckled as she snuggle to my back .

"I'm almost finish . Go eat first"

"It's okay . I'm waiting for you" She replied and I turn off the water .

Grabbing the tissues nearby and wiped my hands before unwrapped her arms .

"I'm finish okay ?" I cupped her cheeks make her looked at me .

I swear those eyes already turn me on . I peck her nose and dragged her to the table .

"I don't know what's the taste but just eat this for now" She smiled and nodded .

I sat down beside her and watch she's eating quietly . I took my plate and started eating .

"Our flight is on 7.30 am right ?" She asked and I nodded .

"When will they come ?"

"I don't know abo--"

The door bell cut me off and she stand up .

"Maybe it's them . You can continue first"

She walked to the door but strangely they aren't loud as usual . I don't really hear their conversation so I decided to looked at it .

My eyes widened as I saw Jae hyung talked to her .

"Thank you . I will give this to him okay ?" She replied and bowed to him .

I quickly took my seat as she closed tge door . She sat back beside me and handed the brown envelope .

"Your friend , Jae told me to give this to you . What's it ?" She raised her eyebrow .

"I don't know . Later I will check it" I replied with a nervous smiled and she just shrugged before continued eating .

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