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"Seungcheol ! Yah ! Don't let me go !"

She yelled as I slowly loosened my gripped on her arm . I chuckled slightly looked at her struggle .


"No !"


"Choi Seungcheol !"

"Three !"

I let her go but she quickly hold my shoulders . I stop teasing and cupped her face .

"Aww you're cute you know ?" She pouted .

"Don't leave me again for the tenth time I reminded" She pleaded and I nodded .

"Okay okay this time I promised"

"You said that for the first time too" She glared .

"Hold my hand then . I won't let you go" She hold my hand tightly and I started skating .

"Are you happy ?" I watched her as her hair blowing by the wind .

"Of course" She smiled showing her cute dimples .

"With me ?"

"Yep" She nodded and I sighed happily .

"I'm happy too" I said and she giggles .
We just enjoyed the scenery around and some people taking photos of us because you know why .

"I already put the dress in the wardrobe and wear that tonight okay ?"

"Which one ?"

"Red and white one"

She just nodded slowly and suddenly stop .

"I'm hungry" I ruffled her hair and bring her to the bench nearby .

"What do you want to eat ?"

"Anything" She took off the roller blade and sighed in relief .

"Finally . The shoes are too heavy" I laughed .

"Wait here alright ?"

I went to the supermarket nearby and grabbed some sandwiches and mineral waters .

Hara POV

I jumped a little when someone dropped his ice cream on my jeans .

"Oh shit ! I'm sorry"

"No no it's okay sir . You can go on" I took the tissues and wiped my jeans .

"Are you ok-- wait . Hara right ?" I looked up and saw familiar face .

"Kihyun ?" I asked and he nodded .

I cupped my mouth and hugged him tightly . He chuckled and patted my back .

"I missed you so much ! So you're here ?" He nodded .

"Aw I miss you too . How about your brother ?"

"He's fine . I will tell him that I met you here later"

"You're alone ?"

"No I'm with my husband but he went to buy food for a while" I replied and sat down back .

"We really need to catch up . You're married woman now" He patted my head .

"Wait here first . I think he's on his way" I looked around and saw Seungcheol holding a plastic bag .

I waved to him and he hurriedly come .

"Kihyun , this is my husband , Seungcheol . And Seungcheol , this is Kihyun , my cousin"

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