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- no one -

"Haraaaaaa !!" Jaeun ran towards her and hugged her tightly .

"Wow wow Jihoon , your wife's squishing my wife" Scoups chuckled .

"I didn't met her for a really long time" Jaeun still hugging her .

"Unnie , I miss you too" Hara said and patted her back .

"How are you ? You're fine right ? How about the baby ?" Jaeun looked at Hara .

"Everything's okay now . Let's go eat first can we ?" Hara asked and they nodded .

"So this is Coups hyung idea right ?" Dino looked at Hara and she nodded .

"Yeah he said I can't do anything at home" She shrugged and took a seat beside Scoups .

"Thankful that I spent all of this for you guys" Scoups rolled his eyes .

"Look look , he want people to praise him . Thank you hyung" Mingyu said sarcastically .

"Oh shut up you"

"Enough guys . Eat now" Jeonghan glared at both of them .

"Thank you for the food" They said all together and started to dig in .

"You already go to the check up ?" Joshua asked Hara .

"Not yet oppa . Seungcheol have been busying nowadays" She replied .

"Aigoo , we should take a break Hoshi hyung"

"Only Seungcheol hyung . Not you guys" Woozi defended .

"No it's okay . It's for your comeback . I can go alone though" She laughed it off .

"Don't dare to go alone . I don't want you to get hurt" Scoups said .

"I will go with her if you doesn't have time . I'm not busy" Jaeun interrupted .

"It's okay Jae , I can go with her . Tomorrow we'll go okay ?" Scoups kissed Hara's temple lightly .

The others groaned because they didn't get to rest as well . Some of them also whined but Hoshi and Woozi simply ignored them .

"You guys should take care of your meals and don't force yourself"

"Agree especially you Lee Woozi . Take care of your meals" Jaeun glared at her husband .

"I'm still eating at home and never skipped it okay ?"

They continued talking about everything that on their minds and proceed to go watch movie .

"Thank god your living room is big hyung" Wonwoo take a seat on the floor beside Hoshi .

"Why are you still sit on the carpet ? There's more space left"

"I can sit anywhere I can" He glared to Mingyu .

"Shut it guys" The8 shook his head .

"You're already old oppa . Go get a girl" Hara said to his brother .

"Oh my godeu ! I'm still young okay ? Everyone is still loving me"

"I know and I love you too . But you don't want to die alone right ?"

"Fine fine I will search later but ! Don't ever put me on the blind date"

- hara -

I just shook my head with my brother response . I sat beside Seungcheol as he wrapped the blanket around me to keep warming .

I snuggled close to him and let Jun , Vernon and Seungkwan arguing about the movies pick .

Trapped By Memories 2 || S.Coups || [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now