(01) Clingy Kitty.

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This crappy book is published in honor of your kitten, ME,

It's my BIRTHDAY!!!!!

4th Jan 2004!!!!!

Happy birthday to meeeeeee~

"Hyung! Can we take five?" Ravi panted, holding out his palm, the other resting on his knee, supporting his exhausted body.

"Come on! Just one more time. It needs to be perfect." N urged.

"It's already great, hyung! You know that yourself!" Ken said, near to faint.

N nodded after a hesitant pause and the remaining members cheered before collapsing to the floor.

After practicing for at least three hours, the group was drained of energy. Even the usually energetic Ken was on the floor and unusually silent.

"Ugh! This dance is so hard~..." Hyuk complained, fanning himself with the black fan they were using just minutes ago, his chest heaving.

"But I'm sure the fans will love it once Shangri- La is released." Hongbin spoke up, through gulps of cool water.

Hyuk whined, pouting, and Hongbin patted his head to encourage him.
(A/N: HyukBin anyone..? No..? Okay, I'll shut up now..)

Ravi was in particular slowly dozing off on the couch. He was utterly tired. Vixx's new comeback and LR's second comeback was slowly torturing him. Practices, filming, photo shoots, everything was eating his energy like nothing.

He was about to doze off when he felt a weight on his lap. Opening his eyes fully, he was met with the sight of his boyfriend sitting on his lap, puffing his cheeks out playfully. His catlike eyes were now large and watching him with that I'm-Going-To-Swallow-You-Alive stare.

He held back the urge to laugh. Ever since Leo worked up the courage to confess his feelings for Ravi and the latter accepted, he's been more open and cheerful. His ways of fun were now quite childish and playful. He was like a little kid. Ravi, at times, wondered who was in reality the older.

"Yes, Taekwoon?" He enquired, using his arms to wrap them around Taekwoon's waist to keep him steady.

The older leaned his head against Ravi's chest, his eyes sparkling playfully.

"I'm bored~..." He pouted, his voice in a high pitch.

He's not exactly tired. To be honest, Leo's been a bundle of childish energy which has become impossible to tire out.

Ravi laughed.

God, someone stop this idiot from being so cute!

"And what do you want?" He asked, gently patting the ball of fluff that was currently curled up on his lap like a cat.

He peppered Leo's faces with small pecks, causing the older boy to giggle, a bright pink blush rising in his cheeks.

"You." Was Leo's immediate and weird response.

Ravi smacked Leo's head in response.

"Owie! That hurt~.." The boy whined, jutting his lower lip out in protest.

"Good. It was supposed to hurt." Ravi retorted, rolling his eyes at his whiny boyfriend.

"Raviii~..." Leo whined, flailing around dramatically.

"Whaat~...." Ravi equally drawled, finding Leo's whining adorable.

"Play with me~..." Leo demanded.

"Oh my god! How on earth did i fall for such a childish idiot?!" Ravi asked, face palming himself.

"You know you love me." Leo playfully smiled, burying his face in Ravi's neck, taking in his soothing scent.

"Yeah, yeah. I love you too." Ravi sarcastically replied, leaning back to peck Leo's lips.

I have this feeling that Leo overrules the title Hyuk has of Most Evil Member.

Anyways, some fluffy Leo to start it off!

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