(49) Jealousy Prevails. (Requested)

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Requested By: BAMBAM24777139
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To say Wonshik was annoyed was an understatement. It was way over an simple understatement.

Yes, he knew very well that Hakyeon
was clingy and motherly from nature. He respected and loved their leader but he couldn't help but let out an annoyed expression at Hakyeon who was cooing over Taekwoon. His boyfriend, thank you very much.

He watched as Hakyeon back hugged the main vocalist, squeezing his torso tightly with a silly smile on his face. Taekwoon stood there still stirring his mug of coffee, acting as if nothing was wrong. In fact, there was a small smile on his lips at the eldest's display of occasional affection.

Taekwoon was well used to Hakyeon's way of expressing his happiness. He never minded the hugs and playful kisses (only on the cheeks) by Hakyeon since he knew that their relationship was nothing but close lifelong friends. There was nothing romantic between them and both of them knew it very well.

Taekwoon often enjoyed the contrast the both of them have. Hakyeon's loud and cheery personality was so different from Taekwoon's shy and silent aura. They blended well together. The main vocalist, despite liking the solitude, he enjoyed the cheeriness and sunshine the leader emitted at times.

He batted away Hakyeon's clingy hands and chuckled internally at the leader's displeased whine. The older let go and instead glided over to cling onto Jaehwan, who accepted Hakyeon's hugs happily, allowing the sleepy leader to cuddle against him on the beanbag.

Hakyeon was just too cute to deny any kind of hugs.

Taekwoon sat beside Wonshik who was flipping through channels on the television mindlessly. It was Sunday morning so not many entertaining shows go on the television. The vocalist rested his head on Wonshik's shoulder, flashing a cute smile to the rapper before turning his attention back to the show.

Wonshik laced a hand into Taekwoon's, playing with his slim fingers that were so long and feminine. He wondered if those fingers actually belonged to a man. Taekwoon was honestly too pretty to be a man but there were time his handsome appearance had Wonshik questioning wether he deserved Taekwoon or not.

"Hi..." Taekwoon whispered, nuzzling against Wonshik happily, Wonshik's fingers carding through his damp, hair.

The rapper buried his nose in Taekwoon's soft locks, inhaling his warm scent of coffee and spices. If Wonshik had a favorite perfume, it would be Taekwoon's natural scent.

He relished the warm bundle in his arms, the television as background noise as he lulled to sleep, Taekwoon beside him.

He could stay like this forever.


It was now three in the afternoon and Wonshik was absolutely exhausted from all the schedules he just managed to finish off. Vocal practice, dance practice and composing wore him down. Now, all he wanted to do was to go back to the dorm, shower and sleep while cuddling his boyfriend.

He closed the door behind him and headed to the kitchen to grab a snack, since he wasn't able to eat anything because of lack of time. However, what he saw next made his blood nearly boil into steam.

Both Taekwoon and Hakyeon appeared to be cooking something, making small talk with each other. Wonshik watched as Hakyeon wrapped piece of meat in lettuce and fed it to Taekwoon, laughing at the confused face Taekwoon made while his cheeks puffed out with food.

Taekwoon swallowed the food and rolled his eyes playfully at his now laughing hyung, turning his attention back to the dish he was preparing for lunch. Hakyeon wasn't exactly the type of person who could make edible dishes. Only some would taste fine. Anything difficult like rice or pasta was downright inedible.

The kitchen was Taekwoon's territory. And only fools lure in there and attempt to cook.

To anyone, Hakyeon feeding Taekwoon would seem like a normal thing friends do to each other but to Wonshik that was the last and final straw

Wonshik strides into the kitchen, ignoring Hakyeon completely as he wrapped his arms around Taekwoon possessively, kissing him directly on the lips.

To say Taekwoon was surprised was an understatement. He pulled away confused only to notice the fury and jealousy burning in Wonshik's eyes. He frowned a little at the seemingly possessive aura radiating from the rapper.

Taekwoon eyed Hakyeon who looked confused just as Taekwoon and also a little uncomfortable. Who wouldn't be if your best friend was being kissed right in front of you?

"I got some work to do..." Hakyeon awkwardly got off the counter and left the kitchen, leaving Taekwoon and Wonshik alone.

"Shikkie, that was rude..." Taekwoon scolded, brows furrowed a little.

It was understandable why Wonshik would do that but in Taekwoon's defense, Hakyeon and he were just friends. Wonshik just didn't understand that important part.

"I don't care.." Wonshik mumbled, tightening his grip on Taekwoon's waist.

"Well, i do. I know you get jealous but Hakyeon and I are just friends. That's all we'll ever be. I'm always yours, Wonshik.." Taekwoon ended his little speech with a firm tone, squeezing Wonshik palm to tell him how upset he was at the rapper for being so rude to his hyung.

Wonshik's eyes softened as guilt overlapped the jealousy. He looked down, sheepishly toeing the floor with his shoes.

"I know... I'm sorry.." Wonshik mumbled guiltily, loosening his tight grip on Taekwoon's waist as he stood in front of his older boyfriend apologetically.

"I know you are. Now go apologize to Hakyeon and I'll think about offering you cuddles..." Taekwoon chided, ruffling Wonshik's hair as he slightly pushed him towards the living room where Hakyeon was.

"Okay.. I love you..." Wonshik said, cheeks tinting pink like it was the first he said it.

Taekwoon chuckled and pressed a small kiss against Wonshik's cheek.

"I love you too, you overzealous dork..."
Request completed! I feel like this was too short though ): I wanted to make it longer but I didn't know how! I'm sorry!

To: BAMBAM24777139
I hope you enjoyed this one shot!
Please tell me if you didn't like it so i can change it to your desire!
Feel free to request if you like!

That's all bubye~❤️

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