(03) Feverish Kisses.

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Too warm..." Ravi mumbled, buried under blankets.

His body felt strangely warm and his head throbbed painfully. His throat was dry and raw. He couldn't even swallow his own saliva.

"Wonshik, wake up." Leo entered the room and gently shook his boyfriend.

"Hmm..." Ravi protested, not feeling  like himself.

"Are you alright?" Leo asked, sitting on the bed beside Ravi.

"Mhmm.." Ravi mumbled, clearly not feeling well.

Leo pulled the covers away to reveal Ravi's pale face. His cheeks were red and flushed, sweat bathing his skin. He was shivering with fever.

Leo placed his palm on Ravi's forehead and flinched at the high temperature radiating from Ravi's body.

"You're boiling." He stated in a matter- of- fact tone.

"I am?..." Ravi asked, feeling dizzy and nauseous all of sudden.

He placed a hand on his own forehead and frowned. It wasn't that warm. Or were Leo's hands just cold?

He didn't know and he didn't want to think because it was only making his head hurt more.

"Lie down. I'll tell the manager to cancel your schedules for today and the day after." Leo said, pushing Ravi to lay down before leaving to inform Hakyeon.

Ravi was slowly dozing off before he was rudely interrupted again. He opened his eyes to find Leo with a damp towel in his hands.

"Come on." He urged, forcing the rapper to sit up.

Ravi whined like a petulant child, wanting to sleep peacefully.

Leo wiped the sick younger's face and arms with the towel, soothing the burning feeling beneath Ravi's skin.

He kept the now warm towel away and sat beside Ravi.

"Your schedules?" Ravi asked, tilting his head to the side in question.

"I cancelled mine as well. I need to take care of you." Leo pointed out.

Ravi felt his cheeks heat up from that statement, despite the fever he was having.

"But-..." Ravi started but was silenced with a stern glare from non other than Leo himself.

Ravi flopped back onto the bed, folding his arms across his chest as he grumbled in annoyance.

Leo chuckled, finding Ravi's pout adorable.

He bent down and pressed a chaste kiss to Ravi's forehead.

"Just stay put. I'll make something for you to eat." Leo said, pulling away.

Before he could even move away although, Ravi pulled him back, locking their lips together.
(A/N: >.< ohmygod!)

Leo seemed surprised before responding swiftly, his tongue brushing against Ravi's lower lip, asking for permission, a faint growl of dominance escaping his throat.

Ravi tilted his head back to allow Leo more access to deepen the kiss, the faint taste of latte and cinnamon present on his boyfriend's lips. He parted his teeth to let Leo's tongue enter his mouth.

The elder's hands wandered, running through Ravi's damp hair and burning skin, each touch feeling like fire to the other. Ravi's lips tasted faintly of mint and chocolate. Ravi, on the other hand, had his arms around Leo's neck, holding him close.

Leo pulled away, much to Ravi's displeasure. Both of their lips were swollen and red. The duo panted heavily, their breathing the only sound present in the quiet atmosphere.

(A/N: I'm just gonna go bury myself under the Sahara Desert for how embarrassing and cringy this writing is..)

"What was... that?" Ravi chuckled, resting his forehead on Leo's.

Leo's cheeks were now a tomato red. He looked quite embarrassed, although there were still traces of lust present in the dark brown orbs.

"You started it.." He mumbled quietly, laughing softly.

"I want more." Ravi pouted, puckering his lips playfully.

"No more. You looked like you were gonna pass out." Leo said.

Ravi pouted but agreed.

"I'll kiss you to death once you get better. Now try and sleep for me." Leo ruffled Ravi's hair.

"Okay." Ravi replied.

Leo smiled and pecked Ravi's lips one more time before getting up and leaving.
What on earth did I write?!😱😂

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