Chapter 2

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We were only halfway through the drive to the Santiago household. I was starting to get nervous. I usually don't get nervous, yet, here I am. As nervous as a chiwawa. So all I know about these guys is they are very laid back, they have twin boys a year older then me and they have a thing for weird nicknames. Luckily the drive is two hours long and we have one hour left of the ride so I can fit a nap in.

A tap on my shoulder woke me up. I looked over to see David still driving but with his hand on my shoulder.

"We are almost there so get your shoes on and get ready, okay?" I nodded and stretched my arms. I put on my worn out sneakers and placed my bomber jacket on my shoulders. I fixed my hair and makeup and by the time I was done, we were there. David pulled into a gigantic driveway to a gigantic house. I grabbed my backpack and hopped out of the car as soon as it stopped. David ran up beside me as we turned the corner to the doorway. On the steps sat a little lady. She had jet black hair, fair skin and from here, what looks like blue eyes. She jumped up.

"Oh my goodness! You must be Spencer Carr. You are so pretty!" She ran up and hugged me. I turned my head to David. He looked like he was trying not to laugh at this... whatever this is. A man opened the door. He was gigantic,muscular, olive skin and he had long brown hair. Wow. Okay? Not what I was expecting. He chuckled.

"Lou, stop scaring the poor child!" She jumped out of the hug and held my arms.

"Sorry!" I liked her already. She reminds me of a puppy. Full of energy. She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Do you two want to come inside?" We nodded. I wandered through the door. This looks like a dream home. Not what I was expecting. I sat quietly as everyone did the paperwork. David came by afterwards to say goodbye and remind me of my promise yesterday. All went well. Big dude came around the corner after David has left.

"Hi, I'm Alistar or as people like to call me Tiny. Don't ask how I got the nickname though. Want me to show you around?" I nodded. First he showed me the basement of the house.

"The man cave! You can come down here just beware of a whole bunch of guys, other than me and my sons, being complete pervs. They mean well though." I smiled. There was a pool table, foosball table, air hockey table, ping pong table, lounging area and a bar. Wow! We wandered back upstairs to the living room, kitchen, back entrance and bathroom. He wandered outside.

"This is the pool." It was gigantic. This is impressive. In the corner were three boys and a girl. Tiny caught my confused gaze to the boys. "Those identical boys with the black hair and blue eyes, are my sons. One on the right with the red hair streaks, is Jasper and the other with the blue streaks, is Nico. The other guy with orange tipped, spiked, black hair, green eyes and tanned skin, is their best friend Ty Arden and the female is their other best friend Ireland Monroe. She's your age and lives across from us." She had red hair and darker skin. I nodded. We wandered upstairs. He pointed to closed doors. First one is Nicko's room, next one is Jasper's room. The next three doors are the guest bedrooms. The last one, he opened the door. "And this is your room." He motioned inside. It was amazing. Black everything with white accented stuff. I'm gonna like it in here. I smiled and place my bag on the bed. I looked at him.

"Thank you." He smiled

"So she talks." I smirked.

"Beware when I do talk it's usually something bad or sarcastic coming out. Just to warn you." He laughed. Thank god! Usually everyone starts fake laughing or something but he is truly laughing a non fake laugh. He finally stopped laughing.

"We are going to get along just fine. Oh! And my room is in the basement, I doubt you'll need to go there, though." He wandered out leaving me to myself.

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