Chapter 17

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I slowly open my eyes. Everything was white and bright. Where am I? Hospital, but why? I look over to see my mom in the chair beside me. Her hair laid by my hands. I gently combed her hair, waking her up. She looked up and tears started falling rapidly from her eyes.

"Oh my god! Ty! You had us worried. Why would you do that? Why!" What? I looked down at my wrists and everything came back to me. Tears started forming in my eyes as I looked away. Mom grabbed my face and pulled it to look at her. Tears ran down her face. "No! You can't do that anymore! We tried to let you deal with it in your own way but it has gotten too far! Why Ty? Why?" I said the only thing I thought of when I cut myself.

"Because I love her." Mom streaked my cheek.

"Oh baby." Dad marched into the room and stopped when he saw I was awake. He didn't wast a minute coming towards me and pulling me into a hug. That was unexpected. He never does anything touchy. His eyes were on the brink of letting out water.

"You should've came to us. We could've helped." I shook my head then looked away again. He looked down. "I got good new and bad news. Well a actually it depends on how you take it." I looked at him.

"What do you mean?" He gave a look of sympathy.

"I think it should be Spencer that tells you." I started violently shaking my head and my heart beat started raising rapidly. Doctors came rushing in. I fought against them as they tried to put me to sleep.

"No! Get off! Stop!" I cried and screamed but they didn't stop. They started backing away as everything went blurry. All I saw was Spencer's face as everything went black.

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