Chapter 8

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All the adults headed downstairs. I turned to look at everyone.

"How come I didn't know all of your families are part of an MC?" They all shrugged. Nico spoke up.

"Dad wanted you to feel comfortable here before you were told. In my opinion, we waited to long. You seemed to have gotten too comfortable." He glared at Ty who just shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"I would've been okay with it. It's nothing that big. To be honest I was expecting it." Ireland laughed but no boys got what I meant. Ireland pointed at me.

"I am 98 percent with you." 98? I scrunched my eyebrows together trying to figure it out. She must've saw my movements. She elaborated. "My parents are a absolutely not!" I laughed. The boys were still clueless. I looked at them.

"I said I suspected because they all are extremely muscular and good looking." The guys looked terrified. I wanted to play with that fear. "Like I don't see Tiny like that. I see him more like a parent but everyone else. Wow. Even Kinky was good looking. He still scares me though." Ireland was laughing so hard. The boys looked scarred for life. Chuckles erupted from behind us. We all turned around to find Cowboy in the doorway of the stairs. He looked out of breath. He pointed to Ireland.

"I swear she's sassier than you and I didn't even think it was possible." I smiled. I'm really in the zone right now. Why stop?

"Hey Cowboy, I have a question for you." Ireland looked at me with a face that said 'don't you dare'. Cowboy slowly nodded. "So, do they call you Cowboy because you grew up on a ranch or is it because it's the way you like it? If you know what I mean." He started howling and Cody and Ireland looked in complete disgust. Cowboy took a deep breath to calm down.

"You like torturing your friends, don't ya?" I smiled.

"It's fun to watch them squirm." He smirked.

"If you really got to know..." He gave a dramatic pause for emphasis. Ireland and Cody covered their ears. "It's the first answer." The twins, Ty and I burst out laughing as Cowboy headed downstairs. I turned around on Ty's lap and straddled him. I trailed kisses down his neck. His hand gripped my ass. Nico groaned.

"It's dark outside so let's watch a movie!" We laughed, he got uncomfortable every time Jasper and Cody or Ty and I make out in front of him. We moved to the couch. Jasper grabbed a key and locked the basement door, trapping the adults downstairs. Nico looked at him. "Why'd you do that?" Jasper smiled.

"So we can have fun tonight as they all pass out downstairs." I gasped.

"Jasper Santiago! Does that mean what I think it does?" He chuckled.

"Sleep over!" I giggled and murmured.

"Definition for sex in our rooms!" Ireland and Nico groaned. The rest of us laughed.

We finally chose the old version of IT, to watch tonight. I don't plan on watching it too much, though. Jasper, Cody, Ty and I all sat on the couch stacked on top of one another. I sat on Ty as Cody sat on Jasper. The movie started and in less than five minutes through, all couples were straddling one another, making out. I gripped the sides of Ty's face kissing him hard and rough. Ty's hand slowly worked it's way down from my bare hip to my middle area. He ran his fingers through my wet folds until he decided he wanted to play with my clit. I moaned and grunted softly. Trying not to disturb anyone else. His other hand went under my shirt and bras. He wrapped his hands around my hips. My turn! I placed my hands down his pants and fiddled with his balls. He softly grunted and moaned. I took a while before I got to his dick. I moved my hand back and forth. We were too up in the moment to notice that the movie has ended. Nico looked over.

"What the fuck? Does she have her hand...?Your finger is wet, does that mean....?" He answered his questions himself. We stopped kissing and I pulled my hand out of Ty's pants. "Oh god!" I winked at him. Ireland groaned.

"Cody's got his hands in Jasper's pants! Ew!" We all laughed. "You four get some rooms!" I hopped off of Ty's lap and grabbed his hand.

"See y'all later!" We started making our way to my room. We got in the room and I licked the side of his face. He laughed and threw me over his shoulder. He wandered into my private bathroom.

"Ty! What are you doing?" He laughed. He placed me on the counter and ran out of the bathroom. He came back only seconds later with a condom.  He threw off his shirt and his trunks. He opened the packet while I took off my swimsuit. He placed the condom on his dick and turned on the shower. Oh! I raised an eyebrow. He winked.  He threw the pony out of my hair and wrapped my legs around himself. He drove into me and stepped into the shower. He pressed me into the wall of the shower and beads of water hit his back. He drove in and out in quick yet, gentle motions. We came together, screaming each other's names. He slowly took his dick out of me. We placed soap on one another and scrubbed each and every inch. We finally got out of the shower and dried off before getting into bed. We didn't even bother to get dressed.  We laid beside each other. I entangled my leg with his and wrapped my arm around him. I realized I don't know anything about him.

"Do you have any siblings?" He smiled.

"What makes you ask that?" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe the fact that we are together and that we sleep together." He chuckled at my sarcasm.

"I have a brother and a sister. But there is something you should know." I raised an eyebrow. "I am a triplet. You probably haven't noticed because my identical brother wears glasses and pocket protectors. He also slicks his hair back. Total nerd look. Oh! He also has no streaks in his hair and is most likely still a virgin. My sister goes to a all girls school so you probably don't see her much." I widened my eyes.  "You probably know him as Awkward Ben." My mouth dropped wide open.

"Awkward Ben? Awkward Ben! The guy who sits by himself all the time?" He nodded. "I didn't see that one coming." He nodded and gave a sad smile. "Why don't you guys ever hang out. Why does he act so lonely?" He shrugged. I smiled my mischievous smile. His eyes widened. I am making it my mission to get him to be liked!" He laughed.

"Whatever you say." I fingered him. "I'll bring you to my house tomorrow, okay?" I nodded then drifted off to sleep.

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