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Today is Saturday. School has started up already. I feel overwhelmed by how the baby can be coming any day and the new school work. Ty is doing well at the tattoo shop. Nico is going to start working for the club as quick as possible, Jasper and Cody got engaged and go to the local community college. Ben and Frankie went to a University three hours away from here. Everyone of the guys are going to start prospecting for the club. Us girls just need to sit and look pretty. Ty, Jasper, Cody, Nico and I were watching the newer IT movie. Ireland decided to get a job so now she can't watch it with us. A pain erupted and I knew my water broke. I stayed calm.

"Nico or Jasper! Go get the car keys please". I started getting up. They looked up at me. By the look in Ty's and Cody's eyes he knew what was going on but the others were clueless. Nico just raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" I sweetly smiled.

"Because my water just broke. Now let's go." They quickly got up and started scrambling. Sadly the person who's in pain and is going to give birth soon was the calmest. We got into the car and drove to the hospital. I sat in the back with Jasper and Ty. They were each letting me break their hands with my hormonal strength. We got there and they all rushed me inside. Next thing I know I'm attempting to answer questions as I sit in a hospital bed. I eventually give up and have Ty answer them for me. The others are calling everyone they know.

"Ahh!" I was not expecting it to be this painful. I knew it was going to be but this, This is what I imagine being shot multiple times would be like. Ty and the doctors finally finish up with the questions and they finally begin preparing for the baby to come out. Finally. Ty came over and grabbed my hand. The doctor looked up.

"Time to go! Every time a sharp pain happens I want you to push. I will also help by saying push Whalen you need to. Now Push!" I did as he asked. He did that repeatedly for what felt like forever until he finally said. "Last really big push! Go!" I pushed as hard as I could.

A child's screams filled the air. I would cover my ears but I'm too happy. The doctor wraps the child in a blanket and hands her to me.

"Congrats on your baby girl!" He nodded stitched me up and left as fast as he could. I rubbed my finger across her cheek.

"Hey baby. Welcome home." I turned to see Ty with tears of happiness falling down his face. I handed her to him. She looked so small in his arms. He filled out over the summer and is now gigantic everywhere. He rubbed his nose against hers and she stopped screaming to laugh at her father.

"How ya doing there kiddo? I think we're gonna have loads of fun." I couldn't help it. I started crying loudly. Ty handed the child back to me. "I should probably get the others. All or family?" I smiled.

"All!" He chuckled. Two minutes later people piled in. Ben and Frankie drove down from University, Ireland got off of work and the others just drove her like they were supposed to. Tiny and Lou held her first. Lou looked tougher than Tiny while holding the child. Then came Prez and Ellen. They were filled with so much love. Frankie came next.

"Sweetheart, I make a promise to you that I will help you flirt with boys and make sure each and every guy goes for you... or girl because you never really know." Through the whole speech Frankie gave, Ty was growling. He's going to definitely be an over protective father. Adorable! Next came Nico.

"I promise I will beat up any boy who breaks your heart and take you to bars and parties." Ty seemed to be okay with the first one but not quite the second. I'm glad she has such a good family. Jasper took the child from Nicos grasp.

"I promise that I will bail you out of prison and pick you up from places you did not want your parents to know where you were." Instead of getting a rise out of Ty on that one, it got me.

"Uh, uh! She does something like that, you tell me or if I ever find out you did it, I will slice up your balls that their hanging from a thread!" Slight fear passed his face and I gave a smug smile as chuckles erupted. They quickly turned to laughs with the comment Cody made right after.

"Hey, find another way to torture him! No need to torture me too!" Ireland shuttered. Jasper handed her over to Ben.

"I will sneak you out to meet boys and give you all the money your little heart shall ever desire!" Ty growled at his brother. She was passed around till everyone had held her. I grabbed her but she immediately wanted to go to Ty.

"Wow! Daddy's girl already! I gotta step up my game!" Ty just stuck a tongue out at me and the little one followed suit getting Awes from all over. Ireland couldn't hold herself back anymore.

"What's her name!" Ty smiled but was too busy playing with the child to realize anything that is going on. It was a sight for sore eyes. If I didn't love him right now, I would love him by this picture. I winked at Ireland and she knew exactly what I wanted. She grabbed her phone and took a picture at the same moment the two had their foreheads touching, Ty's hand on her cheek and her hands covering only a little of each of his cheeks. She put the phone away. "I repeat, what is her name?" I smiled.

"Korea Christina Arden!" Ty looked up and smiled at me. He came up with it and from the time he said it I knew that would be her name.


We sat on the floor in the living room of our apartment, playing games with Korea. She was enjoying it more than usual because Daddy was there. She is a true daddy's girl and that was just fine by Ty. I kissed his cheek. He turned to look at me and gently kissed my lips.

"I love you Spencer Santiago and Korea Arden!" I kissed his neck then laid my head there as I watched our daughter squirm in his lap.

"We love you too Tyler Arden!"

Tough Love (boyxgirl) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now